Reasons for the Failure of the PG Flashcards
What was factor one in the fall of the PG?
It was undermined by the Petrograd Soviet and had to share power ‘dual authority’
Why did the PG have a lack of credibility from the start?
It had not been elected so the Petrograd Soviet had a more legitimate claim to power having been formed from representatives of workers
What did the soviet have considerable power over?
Postal service and railways in Petrograd
Order number 1 - urged soldiers to only obey PG if it agreed with soviet (PG not in control of army)
What was the second factor in the fall of the PG?
The PG’s failure to satisfy the people
Why were the peasants dissatisfied?
Wanted to own their own land - PG told them to refrain from seizing land
PG sent armed forces to countryside leading to peasants hoarding grain instead of giving it to government = food shortages
Why were the soldiers dissatisfied with the PG?
They wanted to make peace with Germany and PG wanted to stay in the war
Following the June offensive’s failure and PG’s refusal to make peace thousands deserted
Why were the workers dissatisfied?
Workers saw fall of Tsar as signal for improvements to living and working conditions - wanted 8 hour day and wage increase but PG failed to provide this or stop rising unemployment
Food shortages, inflation and increasing protests = PG ceased to have power in eyes of working class
Why were the national minorities dissatisfied?
They had wanted greater independence but PG failed to accept this so pressure mounted
What was the third factor in the fall of the PG?
The fatal mistake of continuing the war
Why did the PG continue the war?
In hope they could turn the tide against Germany and hoping that by honouring the alliance with Britain and France they would gain financial support
What was the outcome of continuing the war (summer offensive)?
When it failed over two million soldiers deserted and returned hope and severely weakened the PG and its authority
Lied about only fighting ‘defensive war’ losing support
What was the fourth factor in the fall of the PG?
The appeal of Bolshevik policies
Following Lenin’s return (through Germany) what attractive policies did he put forward?
All power to the soviets
End to war
Land to peasants
More food
Why were the Bolsheviks so successful and gaining popularity?
They were able to combine the demands of industrial workers, soldiers and peasants gaining support from a wide section of working population
What was the fifth factor in the fall of the PG?
Growing popularity of Bolsheviks following Kornilov revolt
What did Kornilov want to do and what was Kerensky’s response?
Prepared to enter capital with armed troops to set up a military dictatorship and hang leading Bolsheviks
Kerensky lacked popular support among soldiers and workers so declared general amnesty releasing Bolsheviks from prison and be armed
How did the Kornilov revolt end?
His troops fraternized with workers, Kornilov was arrested and his commander of leading troops committed suicide
What were the outcomes of the Kornilov revolt?
Red Guard workers retained their weapons - relinquished much of Kerensky’s power
Showed how powerless Kerensky and the Government was
Enhanced Bolshevik prestige - by September began winning majorities and many cities soviets
What was the final factor in the fall of the PG?
The Bolshevik seizure of power
When and how did the Bolsheviks seize power?
From 20th October made decision - began to occupy key points by persuading Petrograd garrison to give up bridges etc
24th and 25th of October took over central telephone exchange, railway stations and central post office
26th winter palace was seized and PG arrested (Kerensky escaped)