Reasons For Red Victory Flashcards
What are the 6 main reasons for red victory in the civil war?
Geographical Support Unity and leadership Military strength Red terror Propaganda
What 2 areas did the red hold?
Moscow and Petrograd
Why were Moscow and Petrograd an advantage to the reds?
They could move capital to Moscow at the hub of the railway network
Allowed for military planning
Was an administrative centre
Moscow included main industry and armament factories
Moscow was heavily populated which allowed for mass conscription
What weapons and supplies did the reds use?
Supplies from the tsars army
What areas did the whites hold?
Scattered around the edge of Moscow and separated
Where did the whites base makeshift capitals?
Why was the whites geographical position a disadvantage?
They could not coordinate military attacks
Limited industry and poor transport links
Thinly populated areas made it difficult to recruit
Who did the peasants support?
They hated both the reds and whites
What did peasants fear the loss of?
Newly acquired land
Why did the peasants support the reds?
They were assured by the reds that land they had taken would stay theirs
Why did workers and soldiers support the reds?
To protect the gains of 1917
Who were the reds pragmatic about?
Nationalists and minorities desire for independence
Why did the reds lose support from some groups?
The policy of war communism
What political stance were most whites?
Tsarists and wanted to return to pre-revolution
Why did the peasants not like the whites?
Whites took land from the peasants in areas under their control and handed it to landlords
How many Jews were murdered by the whites?
Deeply anti-Semitic
50,000 Jews murdered
How did the whites frighten ethnic minorities?
Their slogan was ‘Russia: one and indivisible’
What did the whites want to restore?
Boundaries of the Russian empire to what it was in 1917 therefore they were opposed by nationalists such as Georgians and Ukraine who wanted independence
How was an effect of negative cohesion created?
White policies meant that people naturally supported the reds even if they did not fully support what they stood for
How were the reds United?
They all fought for one aim which was the survival of Bolshevism and the revolution
This meant it was easier to pass decrees and measures