Reasons for individuals, organisations and societies having to make choices Flashcards
Explain the economic problem
- Factors of products are scarce
- Infinite wants
- Most people would like to consume more but don’t have the income or time to do so.
- Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost
- Problem is how should be allocate scarce resources among alternative uses.
Goods vs services
- Goods are tangible products
- Services are intangible products
Describe ‘capital’
Man made aids to production
Meaning of entrepreneurship
The willingness of an entrepreneur to…
- Take risks
- Organise production
Explain opportunity cost
The next best alternative foregone
- This is a statement of the true cost of what has been sacrificed.
What is specialisation
- Concentration by worker, firm, region or whole economy on making a narrow range of goods and services.
- Distinct from self sufficiency
What allows specialisation to be possible?
- Trade, involving exchange of output, allows specialisation.
- Trade enables countries/workers/firms to specialise in producing what they are able to make relatively efficiently.
- ## Determined mainly by availability of factors of production.
What are the benefits of specialisation
- Increased output compared to self sufficiency
- Enhances choice of goods available
- Export led growth
Risks of specialisation?
- Depletion of finite resources unless investments made for future
- De-industrialisation
- Having a narrow source of income is risky
- e.g. bad weather can destroy a year’s crop and devastate the incomes of farmers
- Tastes or needs of consumers may change and specialised producers of these goods will face a drop in their income - Geopolitical risks of specialisation - increases interdependence between countries. e.g. Asian Tsunami, Ukraine-Russia Gas Disputes
Define division of labour
Specialisation of labour where production process broken down into separate, simpler, parts
Explain why the division of labour keeps labour costs competitive
- Increases efficiency of production if production processes is divided into a series of separate tasks.
- ## Each employee undertakes a simple task, which raises productivity.
Define productivity
Output, per work (per hour)
Disadvantages of the division of labour
- Low paid workers,
- Long working hours for a standard wage
- Monotonous work can lead to intense boredom, poor quality products
- Dissatisfied and unhappy labour force.
What does a PPC show
- Shows maximum quantities of different combinations of output of two products
- Given current resources and current state of technology
Factors which can shift PPC outwards
- Technological improvements
- Greater quantity and quality of factors of production available.