Reasons for increasing challenges to state welfare provision 1964-79 Flashcards
The New Right
Early 1970s - political consensus began to break down.
Argued social welfare created a dependency culture.
National Insurance Act 1970
Pension rights to 100,000 - after 1948 National Assistance Act.
Attendance allowance - those needing long term care at home.
Invalidity benefits for disabled people.
Increased child allowance for mothers.
Rent subsidies for low income families in private accomodation.
Welfare and freedom - wrong for taxpayers to pay for benefits.
Welfare Inefficiency - no tangible benefits, govt should retrench.
Increased costs
Part of the 1976 IMF loan terms.
Labour government retrench and cut the welfare budget.
New consensus - no longer ‘from the cradle to the grave’ welfare.
Changing attitudes
Younger people less inclined to endorse the collectivist attitude - supported policies favouring the individual.
Many criticised welfare claimants - ‘scroungers’ irrespective of individual circumstances.
Large sections of WC ‘aspirational’ - wanted to increase standards of living, buy their own homes and enjoy consumerism.
WC had little sympathy for policies with higher taxes.
Margaret Thatcher became Conservative leader in 1975 - embraced New Right thinking.