Realist theories of crime Flashcards
Right Realism
Causes of Crime
Wilson and Hernstein see crime as a mix of biological and social factors saying that traits such as aggression may lead to crime.
Murray and Herstein say that crime is a result of low IQ which they see as biologically determined.
Right Realism
Causes of Crime
Although biology plays an effect, good socialisation can reduce this. Its argued that the nuclear family is the most effective type of socialisation and murray argues that its due to a new rabble increasing that crime rates grow due to inadequate socialising
Right Realism
Causes of crime
Rational choice theory
Clarke argues that the higher perceived benefits are compared to a lower consequence - crime will grow. Crminals do a cost benefit analysis.
This shows why crime has increased - due to low punishments.
Right Realism
Causes of crime
Rational choice theory
Clarke argues that the higher perceived benefits are compared to a lower consequence - crime will grow. Crminals do a cost benefit analysis.
This shows why crime has increased - due to low punishments.
Right Realism
- Lilly et al only 3% of crimes had IQ differences
- Ignores wider structure such as poverty
- Over thinks rationalisation - do murderers think?
Right Realism
Tackling crime
0 tolerance.
WILSON AND KELLING - All street crimes shall be instantly dealt with, there shall be harsher sentencing and police patrolling - NO tolerance to undesirable behaviours.
- pre occupied with street crimes and ignore bigger crimes such as corp crime
- allows for discrimination to go up
- crime wll just increase in other areas.
Left Realism
They take crime seriously and criticise others for not doing the same.
- Marxists focus on corp crime
- Neo marxists romanticize crime
- Labelling theorists see criminals as victims.
Young - aetiological crisis - large rise in crimes since 1950s. NOT ONLY REPORTING, CRIMES TOO!!
Left Realism
3 Causes of Crime
Lee n Young
- Marginalisation
- Relative deprivation
- Subcultures
Left Realism
Causes of crime
Relative deprivation
Lee and Young.
People may now be better off but theyre most aware that others have more and the differences.
Left Realism
Causes of crime
- Religious subcultures may help individuals to conform and console them about the gap
- Criminal subcultures YOUNG found Ghettos in NYC where there was MC values of materialism and consumerism, just no way to acheive
Left Realism
Causes of crime
Unemployed youth are marginalised and thus do crimes out of frustration
Left Realism
Late modernity, exclusion and crime
Young - modern soc makes crime worse
- Media saturated society promotes inclusion as all have access to the messages of the media.
- greater emphasis on instant grat, consumerism, leisure
- No meritocracy, infact society creates crime by promoting all these values to all buut not giving all the legit opp to acheive thm
Left Realism
Tackling crime
No more military policing as this has turned many people away from police
Need to take a multi agency approach,