Realism Flashcards
Which right realists discuss the causes of crime?
1) . Wilson and Herrnstein (1985).
2) . Murray (1990).
3) . Wilson (1975).
Who says biological differences are a cause of crime?
Wilson and Herrnstein =
- biological differences between people make some people predisposed to commit crime.
Who says the underclass is a cause of crime?
Murray =
- increase in lone parents led to inadequate socialisation, making them more likely to commit crime.
Who proposes rational choice theory?
Wilson =
- people actively decide to commit crime.
Who proposes the ‘broken window theory’ to tackle crime?
Wilson and Kelling (1982) =
- zero tolerance policy uses this theory.
Which left realists discuss the causes of crime?
1). W.G. Runciman (1966) –> concept =
relative deprivation.
2). Cohen and Cloward and Ohlin –> concept =
What are the 3 left realist causes of crime?
1) . Relative deprivation.
2) . Subcultures.
3) . Marginalisation.
Who discusses late modernity and crime?
Young (2002).
What do Kinsey, Lea and Young (1986) propose to tackle crime?
Increased informal social control =
- leads to greater interactions to decrease crime as more info will b available to the police.