Real World Math Flashcards
Fractions - Reducing and Expanding
Express the numerator and denominator as products of their factors then cancel factors that are common to both. You can only reduce across a multiplication sign.
Fractions - Adding and Subtracting
With a common denominator - easy to do! Just add or subtract the numerator and put over the common denominator.
With different denominators you have to start by finding a common denominator.
Bowtie technique
Fractions - Bowtie Technique
When adding and subtracting fractions you can use the Bowtie Technique. Multiply the denominators of each fraction - this gives you a common denominator. Then multiply the denominator of each fraction by the numerator of the other. Take these numbers and add or subtract them - depending on what the question asks you to do. Reduce if necessary. 2/3 + 3/4 = 3x4, 4x2, 3x3, = 8/12 + 9/12 = 17/12
Fractions - Multiplication
Just multiply straight across - first numerator by 2nd, and first denominator by second
Fractions - Division
Just like multiplying, but before you do turn the second fraction upside down. Flip and multiply
Fraction - Fractions in Fractions
Just re-write the expression horizontally. 7/ 1/4 = 7 / 1/4 = 7/1 x 4/1 = 28/1 = 28
Fractions - Comparing Fractions
Find a common denominator, sure, but you can also use a variant of the bowtie technique. Don’t multiply denominators - just the denominators and numerators. The fraction with the larger product in its numerator is the greater fraction. 3/7 and 7/12 - 123 = 36 77 = 49, thus 7/12 is bigger
Fractions - Converting Mixed Numbers
Mixed number is a number that is represented as an integer and a fraction. Multiply the denominator of the fraction by the integer and then add that result to the numerator, and then put the whole thing over the denominator. 2 2/3 = 3x2+2/ 3 or 8/3
Fractions - Decimals
To turn a fraction into its decimal equivalent divide the numerator by the denominator.
Set up for Quant Comp with Variables
A a b c d B
x= y=
x= y=
x= y=
Comparing Decimals
Line the numbers up by their decimal points
Fill in the missing zeros
0.00099 and 0.001
- 00099
- 00100
Decimals and Digits
0.123 0 is the units digit 1 is the tenths digit 2 is the hundredths digit 3 is the thousandths digit
Percent Change
Percentage increase / decrease
Percent Change = (Difference / Original) * 100
If the question asks you to find the percent increase then the original number is the smaller number. If the questions asks you to find the percent decrease then the original number is the larger number.
Ratios express a part to part relationship - fractions express part to the whole. GRE may express rations in several ways: x : y the ratio of x to y x is to y
Every fraction can be a ratio, and vice versa
A ratio of 1:2 means that the total of all the parts is either 3 or a multiple of 3, so the ratio of 1:2 can be expressed as the fraction 1/3. Likewise a fraction 1/3 means that we are looking at one part of out a total three so the other part must be 2 - that means the ratio is 1:2.
Treat a ratio like a fraction - anything you can do to a fraction, you can also do to a ratio. You can cross-multiply, find common denominators, reduce, and so on.
Finding the Total with Ratios
Add the numbers in a ratio to find the total. A ratio of 2:1 means there are three total parts.
Ratio Box
x y total
ratio 1 2 3
multiply by 8 8 8
actual numbers 8 16 24
A proportions is an equivalent relationship between two fractions or ratios. Thus, 1/2 and 4/8 are proportionate because they are equivalent fractions.
The average of a list of numbers is the sum of all numbers in the list divided by the numbers of the list.
Average = total / # of things
Average Pie
Average Pie helps organize your info
Total divide divide # of things x Average
The median is the middle value in a list of numbers; above and below the median lie an equal number o values. If the list contains an even number of integers, the median is an average of the two middle numbers.
The mode is the number in the list of numbers that occurs the most frequently
The range is the difference between the greatest and the least numbers in a list of numbers.
2, 6, 13, 3, 15, 4, 9 The range = 15-2 = 13
Standard Deviation
When you see the phrase standard deviation or normal distribution draw a bell curve and fill in the percentages:
2% -(-2 SD)- 14% -(-1 SD)- 34% -(Mean)- 34% -(+1 SD)- 14% -(+2 SD)- 2%. Standard deviations are in even increments.
Standard Deviation - Negative
Even if a list of numbers contains negative integers while the other doesn’t does not mean one list has a negative standard deviation. SD is defined as the distance a point is from the mean, so it can never be negative. ETS will never ask you to calculate standard deviation - you need the mean to calculate the standard deviation.
Rate - Rate Pie
Rate problems are similar to average problems.
Distance or Amount divide divide Time x Rate
Don’t start with the questions - start with the charts.
Look for information in titles
Look for asterisks, footnotes, parentheses, and small print.
Keep an eye out for funny units.