Real Reading #2 Flashcards
What is an individual strongman in governance?
A form of tyranny that is quite common and can be effective.
What does ‘demos’ refer to in Greece?
The people.
How did general assemblies function in ancient Greece?
All citizens voted, representing direct democracy, not a republic.
How were executive officers chosen in ancient Greece?
They were chosen by lot, similar to jury duty.
What percentage of citizens participated in ancient Greek democracy?
Only about 25% participated, as half of the citizens were slaves or foreigners, and women were excluded.
What were some negatives of democracy in ancient Greece?
Lower class citizens sought power and recommended poor military choices during the Peloponnesian Wars.
What governance system was most preferred in ancient Greece?
Aristocratic assemblies, where the best ruled.
What is Greco-Roman religion characterized by?
A belief in gods and goddesses that interacted with mortals and influenced nature.
How did Greco-Roman religion influence literature?
God stories illustrated human passions and foibles.
What did Aristotle advocate for in ethical behavior?
The Golden Mean, which emphasizes balance.
What did the Stoics emphasize?
Moral independence, discipline, and personal bravery.
What was Socrates accused of?
Undermining the state, leading to his poisoning.
What did Plato seek to understand?
The three forms: True, Good, and Beautiful.
What was the importance of human ability in ancient Greek philosophy?
It focused on human ability to think rather than human spirituality.
How does ancient Greek philosophy compare to Confucianism?
It is more skeptical and focused on abstract questions.
What was the focus of rational inquiry in ancient Greece?
It involved few inventions but many theories and classifications.
What was a limitation of ancient Greek theories?
Many theories were incorrect, including some in geometry, anatomy, and astronomy.
What role did mathematics play in ancient Greek science?
It was used to explain science and nature.
How did official religion influence art in ancient Greece?
It inspired artistic expression through temples and statues.
What was a key characteristic of Greek sculpture?
It followed a heroic and realistic tradition.
What architectural styles are associated with classical architecture?
Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns.
What was the impact of large landowners on small farmers?
Large landowners tended to squeeze out small farmers, leading to tensions.
What challenges did farmers face in ancient Greece?
Geography and topography made farming difficult.
What did commercial agriculture lead to in ancient Greece?
A need for empire to supervise grain trade and public works.
How did slavery impact agriculture in ancient Greece?
Slavery became a key component due to military expansion, making it hard for free farmers to compete.
What was the status of women in ancient Greek society?
Women were considered inferior and had different laws, though not as harsh as in China.
How is the period of ancient Greece idealized in the Western world?
It is not seen as the most happy or prosperous time for the human race.