Real Property & Ownership Flashcards
Real estate
Real estate is defined as land at, above, and below the earth surface, plus all things permanently attached to it, whether natural or artificial.
Land is defined as the earth surface, down to the center of the earth and upward to infinity, including natural objects.
A deed is used to transfer only real property.
Property is divided into two categories. Property may be classified as either personal property or real property.
Elements of personal property
Also known as chattels or personality.
Personal property is any property that is not real property.
Personal property is movable.
Example, a mobile home is not personal property unless it has wheels.
Bill of sale
Bill of sale is the transfer of personal property.
Fructus Naturales
Natural growing plants, perennial crops, entries are considered real property. Orchards/vineyards.
Fructus Industrials or Emblements
Cultivated annual crops are considered personal property.
The former owner or tenant is entitled to harvest the fruits of his labor at harvest time.
Elements of real property
Real property is considered immovable.
Real property includes land and the improvements, rights and benefits that transfer or go with the land, such as buildings, fences, trees, water rights, surface, sub surface, so the heavens above known as air right, mineral rights, and easements.
Also known as appurtenances.
Allowance of someone to cross your property.
Bundle of rights
Be beneficial right to use, exclude others, lease, encumber, transfer, and inherit our ownership rights referred to as bundle of rights.
Right of possession Right to control within framework of law Right to enjoy, legally Right of exclusion Right of disposition
Personal property can become real property through annexation.
Example, a dishwasher in the box is personal property until it is installed then it becomes real property.
Real property can become personal property through severance.
A growing tree is real property, but when it is cut down for firewood it becomes personal property.
Test of Fixture
Trade Fixture
Attached and used in the ordinary course of business considered personal property. By written agreement (lease) in advance the tenant shall remove trade fixtures at expiration of lease. Tenant responsible for any damage caused by removal.
If tenant fails to remove trade fixtures become real proper of landlord.
I.e. 30/60 days left behind by tenant then becomes real property of landlord
Lot, Block, and Tract
State and/or local subdivision law requires recording of a subdivision map or play map.
This legal description uses the parcels designation on the recorded map as well as recording information.
I.e. Lot 12 Block 1 of Pacific Heights recorded in the middlesex registry of deeds.
Metes and Bounds
This is the oldest method of describing land.
Metes means to measure, and bounds means linear directions. The method shows the boundaries of a parcel by measuring from point to point.
The measuring points are in a metes and bound direction are known as monuments.
Natural Monuments
Trees, rocks, river
Artificial Monuments
Fences, iron stakes, rods
POB (Point of Beginning)
Metes and bounds descriptions are given in a clockwise manned ending at a POB.
POE (Point of Ending)
Metes and bounds descriptions are given in a clockwise manned ending at a POB.