real mod 3 Flashcards
What are some of the other uses of VR?
- Flight and driving simulators
- Surgery simulators
- Design and visualisation of objects
What is the most common application of VR in psychology?
The treatment of phobias and trauma symptoms through virtual exposure
What were the main findings of Serrano et al. (2016) on VR-Mood induced procedure study?
- After VR-MIP, for all participants, levels of relaxation increased and arousal decreased
- Relaxation levels after the VR-MIP were not significantly different between experimental groups ie. the stimulation of touch and/or smell does not appear to significantly improve the state of relaxation (however, there was a trend - “the groups whose sense of touch was stimulated seemed more relaxed”)
- After VR-MIP, for all, participants, levels of presence in the VE increased
- There were no significant differences found in presence related to the stimulation of touch and smell (however, there was a trend)
What is the Proteus effect?
When people infer their expected behaviours and attitudes from observing the digital representation of themself
What has research found people with more attractive and taller avatars do?
- People with more attractive avatars walk closer to and disclose more information to strangers
- People with taller avatars negotiate more aggressivel
What are the 5 types of e-health application?
- Online support groups and health-related virtual communities
- Self-management/self-monitoring applications
- Decision aids
- Personal health records
- Internet use
What are the 3 types of attention that TALI trains?
- Attentional control
- Sustained attention
- Selective attention
Which TALI task showed the most promising results? What other aspect of learning did it improve?
The selective attention (fish) task was most effective. It lead to improved numeracy abilities over time
What kinds of things are the creators of Mood Mission measuring in their randomised controlled trial?
- Emotional self-awareness
- Mental health literacy
- Coping self-efficacy
- Emotional mental health (anxiety and depression)
- Well-being
What does it mean when a given treatment is described as ‘acceptable’?
When it is perceived as appropriate, fair, reasonable, and nonintrusive
What were the main findings of Wallin et al. (2016) study on the acceptability of internet interventions?
- Most participants preferred face-to-face treatment over internet treatment
- Participants that often used the internet for health info were three times more likely to prefer internet treatment
- Communicating with others online about health issues was not related to a preference for internet interventions
- People born outside Sweden were significantly more likely to prefer internet intervention
What percentage of kids that are bullied online are also bullied at school?
What are some factors associated with victims of cyber-bullying?
- Anxiety
- Loneliness
- Somatic symptoms
- Suicide ideation
What are some of the factors associated with perpetrators of cyber-bullying?
- Delinquent behaviour
- Substance use
- Aggression
What are some of the factors associated with people who are both victims and perpetrators?
- Poor relationships with caregivers
- Conduct problems
- Depression
- Substance use