Real Estate Test Unit 20 Flashcards
buffer zone
a strip of land, usually used as a park or designated for a smilier use, separating land dedicated to one use from land dedicated to another use (i.e. residential and commercial)
building code
an ordinance that specifies minimum standards of construction for buildings to protect public safety and health
building permit
written governmental permission for the construction, alteration, or demolition of man improvement, showing compliance with building codes and zoning ordinances
certificate of occupancy
permission by the municipal inspector to occupy a completed building structure after being inspected and having complied with building codes
conditional-use permit
written governmental permission allowing a use inconsistent with zoning but necessary for the common good, such as locating an emergency medical facility in a predominantly residential area
density zoning
zoning ordinances that restrict the maximum average number of housing units per acre that may be built within a particular area, generally a subdivision
one who attempts to put land to its most profitable use through the construction of improvements
enabling acts
state legislation that confers zoning and other powers on municipal governments
interstate land sales full disclosure act (ILSA)
a federal law that regulates the sale of certain real estate in interstate commerce
an equitable doctrine used by courts to bar a legal claim or to prevent the assertion of a right because of undue delay or failure to assert the claim or right
master plan
a comprehensive government plan to guide the long-term physical development of a particular area
nonconforming use
a use of property that is permitted to continue after a zoning ordinance prohibiting it has been established for the area
occupancy permit
a permit issued by the appropriate local governing body to establish that the property is suitable for habitation by meeting certain safety and health standards
restrictive covenant
a clause in a deed that limits the way the real estate ownership may be used
the amount of space local zoning regulations require between a lot line and a building
a tract of land divided by the owner, known as the subdivider, into blocks, building lots, and streets according to a recorded subdivision plat, which must comply with local ordinances and regulations
one who buys undeveloped land, divides it into smaller, usable lots and sells the lots to potential users
permission obtained from zoning authorities to build a structure or conduct a use that is expressly prohibited by the current zoning laws; an exception from the zoning ordinances
a regulatory tool that helps communities regulate and control how land is used
zoning board of appeals
a board that must be formed when the local legislature adopts a new zoning law, to provide for property owners to object to the application of the law to their property
zoning ordinance
an exercise of police power by a municipality to regulate and control the character and use of property