reagents Flashcards
TsCl , Py or NEt3
good leaving group, doesnt invert chirality center
conver alkene to an epoxide, syn
SN1 mostly for converting OH to halide
protonates OH first to make water that leaves
strong base so E2, favors zaitsev product (more substituted alkene)
E1, non Nuc base, bulky so favor hoffman product
E2 reaction
base, so will eliminate beta H to create alkene
also can use to deprotonate OH groups and then make the OH group thing now a base to add to stuff
conc H2SO4 (hot) (start with OH group)
E1 elimination, because protic solvent,
usually to convert OH to alkene because first protonate OH and then water will remove beta H to get alkene
H3O+ (start with alkene)
adds OH to the alkene, usually markovnikov addition
Br2 H2O
brominium ion intermediate is formed, it gets water will attack the more substitured
1) O3
2) DMS or Zn HOAc
will take the double bond and break to create carbonyls
1) OsO4
2) NaHSO4
syn addition of 2 OH to alkene
+ Enantiomer
KMnO4, NaOH cold dilute
syn addition of 2 OH to alkene
+ Enantiomer
1) RCO3H
2) H3O+
epoxide formed
anti addition of 2 OH
H2, Pt
syn addition
full reduction of alkyne to alkane or alkene to alkane
1) BH3*THF
2) H2O2, NaOH
syn addition of H and OH to an alkene
+ En
1) Hg(OAc)2, H2O
2) NaBH2
alkene to alcohol
markovnikov addition
xs HX
converts alkyne to dihalide
1) xs NaNH2
2) H2O
converts dihalides to alkynes
water is there to protonate the alkyne again because the NH2 could keep deprotonating it
H2, Lindlar
only can reduce alkyne to Z alkene (cis)
Na NH3 (l)
alkyne to E alkene (Z)
HgSO4, H2SO4 H2O
alkyne to ketone with a methyl at one end (other end would be what ever what originally at the other end of the alkyne)
1) R2BH or BH3
2) H2O2, NaOH
alkyne to ketone but one end is H (other end would be what ever what originally at the other end of the alkyne)
xs X2, CCl4
alkyne to alkane with 4 halides attached
i equiv. X2, CCl4
E alkene (trans) with 2 halides attached
radical mechanisms
Br radical will rip off H, pi bond wont do anything in this reaction
radical mechanism
pi bond reactions with Br radical
Cl2 heat/ hv
not as selective, eveything is made
Br2 heat/hv
selective because slower reaction