Readings Flashcards
The Weight of Southern History-author
The Weight of Southern History-main ideas
- violent deaths of young black men in Mississippi
- high unemployment, lots of drug use
- history still impacts the present
The Three Souths-author
The Three Souths-main ideas
- proud region with distinctive culture
- highest rate of church membership and the highest homicide rate
- Dixie, Southeast, Cultural South
The Three Souths-Dixie
- old south
- spread of cotton and slavery in early 1800’s
- doesn’t exist anymore
- poor after 1865
The Three Souths-Southeast
- vibrant, dynamic, industrial
- magnent for migration
- smaller than dixie
- barely existed before WWII
- most striking change in race relations
The Three Souths-Cultural South
- evokes pride and loyalty
- influence of immigrants
- blacks and whites have distinct but related cultures
- includes southeast and southwest
- culturally conservative
Rethinking the Boundaries of The South-Authors
Cooper and Knots
Rethinking the Boundaries of the South-main ideas
- VA doesn’t feel southern anymore
- Oklahoma/Kentucky were not part of confederacy but feel more southern
- southern “otherness”
- many competing definitions of the region
- Mapped “dixie” and “southern”
- southern core remains in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana
The Search for Southern Identity-author
The Search for Southern Identity-main ideas
- more comfortable being a southerner at home
- south is still in the process of an economic and social revolution
- thought of becoming indistinguishable has haunted minds of southerners
- many will be tempted to reject “southern” if associated with segregation
- south’s attempt to portray their past as positive was a result of guilt
Slavery, Race, and Ideology in the US-author
Slavery, Race, and Ideology in the US-main ideas
- the “single race”
- race is not genetically programmed so racial prejudice isn’t either
- VA tobacco boom in 1620’s used English indentured servants
- white yeomanry were majority of white free southerners and owned no slaves
Time, Space, and the Evolution of Afro-American Society on British Mainland North America-author
Time, Space, and the Evolution of Afro-American Society on British Mainland North America-main ideas
-3 distinct slave systems: Northern non-plantation system, southern plantations system around Chesapeake bay, southern plantation system in Carolina and Georgia low country