Readings Flashcards
TV Production: in television production, as in most of today’s high-tech areas, what is power?
Knowledge is power
TV Production: who launches the entire production? -team leader, works with the writers, hires the director, decides on key talent, guides general direction of the production
The producer (but in small productions the director may handle the producer’s responsibilities)
TV Production: who sets up schedules for the talent and crew and generally assists the producer?
Associate producer
TV Production: on a major production, what is one of the producer’s first jobs? What is the second.
First hire or assign a writer to the script, second consider key talent for the production
TV Production: what are the three categories talent can be broken down into?
Actors (who portray other people in dramatic productions), performers (who appear on camera in nondramatic roles), and announcers (who generally don’t appear on camera)
TV Production: what does the director do?
Director is in charge of working out preproduction details, coordinating activities of production staff and on-camera talent, working out camera and talent positions on the set, selecting camera shots during production, and supervising postproduction work (once producer sets things in motion, director in charge of taking script from beginning to end of the production process)
TV Production: what does the technical director do?
Assists director in the control room, operates video switcher
TV Production: what does a technical director do?
Responsible for coordinating the technical aspects of the production
TV Production: what does the production assistant do?
Help the producer and director, keeps notes on ongoing production needs and changes
TV Production: what does the lighting director do?
designs lighting plan, arranges for the lighting equipment, sets up and checks lighting
TV Production: what does the set designer do?
designs the set and supervises its construction, painting, and installation
TV Production: what does the makeup person do?
Sees that the talent look their best
TV Production: what does the wardrobe person do?
Sees he actors have clothes appropriate to the story and script
TV Production: what does the audio director/technician do?
Arranges for the audio recording equipment, sets up and checks mics, monitors audio quality during the production, and then strikes the audio recording equipment
TV Production: what does the microphone boom/grip operator do?
Watches rehearsals and decides on the proper mics and their placement for each scene
TV Production: what does the video recorder operator do?
Arranges video recording equipment and accessories, sets up video recordings, performs recording checks, and monitors video quality
TV Production: what does the continuity secretary do?
Carefully makes notes on scene and continuity details as each scene is shot to ensure these details remain consistent among takes and scenes. Once production concerns taken care of, responsible for releasing the actors after each scene or segment is shot
TV Production: what does the CG operator do?
(CG=electronic character generator operator) Programs (designs/types in) opening titles, subtitles, and closing credits into a computer-based device that inserts the text over the video
TV Production: what do camera operators do?
Set up cameras, ensure technical quality, work with director, lighting director, and audio technician in blocking (setting up) and shooting each shot. On the field may coordinate camera pickup/delivery
TV Production: what does the floor/stage manager do?
Responsible for coordinating activities on set
TV Production: what do editors do?
Use video and audio recordings to blend segments together
TV Production: what are the three production phases and what happens in each?
- Preproduction- basic ideas and approaches of the production are developed and set in motion. Ket talent and production members selected, scenic design, lighting, and audio coordinated, rehearsals can start with table reading/dry rehearsal then dress rehearsal
- Production- final performance, either live or recorded
- Postproduction- striking sets, packing equipment, handling final financial obligations, evaluate effect of program, edit, visual effects
TV Production: confusing medium with message
You should consider high-tech effects merely a tool for the effective communication of ideas and information. Effects will become out of date but ideas and feelings endure
Ultra HD and 4K TV: what is 4k?
Delivers four times picture resolution of 1080p Full hD (8 million pixels compared to 2 million)
Ultra HD and 4K TV: difference between Ultra HD and 4K
Same thing, Ultra HD just sounds better
Ultra HD and 4K TV: benefits
More detail, can watch same image on bigger screen
Ultra HD and 4K TV: negatives
Not much content available (Netflix has some but not much), 1080p still does a great job negativing the effects of 4k, talks of 8k technology
How Digital Cinema Works: what is it?
A new approach to making and showing movies. Basic idea is to use bits and bytes to record, transmit, and replay images rather than sing chemicals on film
How Digital Cinema Works: main advantages
It can store, transmit, and retrieve a huge amount of information exactly as it was originally recorded, more flexible than analog information, opens up possibilities for improved surround sound
How Digital Cinema Works: what three major areas of movie making does digital cinema affect?
- Production- film and video differ in image clarity, depth of focus and color range, but the biggest contrast is frame rate. Movie makers use digital camcorders that shoot like film cameras, image quality different, film more expensive than digital video, digital editing systems easier to put movie together
- Distribution- digital movies are basically big computer files that can easily be shared
- Projection- two major digital cinema projector technologies, micromirror (form images with array of microscopic mirrors, each beam hits different micromirror device) and LC proctors (projectors reflect high-intensity light off a stationary mirror covered with a liquid crystal display (LCD)
How Digital Cinema Works: downsides
Piracy easier, costs about $150,000 to convert film theater auditorium into digital theater, must win over large majority of movie fans
How Do 3D Films Work: how do they capture image?
3D films are captured using two lenses placed side by side, just like your eyes
How Do 3D Films Work: how do old 3D glasses work?
3D glasses with blue and red filters ensured viewers’ left and right eyes saw the correct image: the red filter would only let red light through to your left eye and the blue filter would only let blue light through to your right eye. Your brain would then combine these two slightly different image to create illusion of 3D. Couldn’t use full color though
How Do 3D Films Work: what is polarised light?
Polarised light wave vibrates on only one plane. Light produced by the sun unpolarised, meaning it is made up of light waves vibrating on many different planes. Polarising filter has tiny parallel lines etched into it, letting only light vibrating on a particular plane through. In cinema, two reels of film projected through different polarised filters. Glasses use same polarising filters to separate out two images again, giving each eye sees a slightly different prospective and fooling the brain