Readings Flashcards
S. Gideon
Sixtus V and the Planning of Baroque Rome
Rome was a “dead” city in the Middle Ages
development of Rome-due to papal/noble comissions
all artists from ouside of Rome
Sixtus V - master plan in 5 years
started w/ Borgo Nuovo (Vatican/Castel & S Angelo)
Sixtus from lower class society (Fransican friar)
conflict btwn Pope’s old age & leaving a mark
S. Maria Maggiore-spent time at before Pope
created Villa Montalto next door w/ Domenico Fontana
began everywhere at once, not step-by-step
roads should link 7 main churches (not actually “star”)
painted master plan on Vatican Library ceiling
cleared plazas, placed obelisks
rebuilt Acqua Felice
poorhouses & public works (wool & silk industries)
M. de Montaigne’s Diary
diary of his travels into Italy and Rome in 1580-81
baggage inspected, books taken
Christmas Mass at S. Peter’s w/ Pope
kissed the Pope’s feet
gos on a “visit” to the apartment of a nobleman
circumcision of the Jews
decoration of the church for feast of Castellano
(fabric and painted floors)
healer cured kidney stones
spent the day in garden outside the city