Readings Flashcards


Which of the following contains only key points of the passage?

There are frightening noises in the office. Shia goes home, Shia sends his boss a test
There is a thump like a dropped bowling ball, aloud crush, and the tinkling of shattered glass
Shia is working at his computer, there is a little light, and no one else should be in the building
Shia is working late, he hears mysterious noises, and he is frightened enough to leave work


Shia is working late, he hears mysterious noises, and he is frightened enough to leave work

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Which of the following is the topic except?

A mysterious experience from work
A building with poor lighting and security
An employee who is easily scared
A bosses expectations of an employee


A mysterious experience from work

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Which of the following is the tone of the passage?




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Which of the following from the passage supports the conclusion that the passage takes place in the 21st century?

His office was on the thirteenth floor, far too high to get much more then a faint glow from the street lights below
Shia froe, as if he were caught by the glaze of…
He sent his boss a single text message before turning over and trying to force himself to sleep: I don’t think I can work anymore
Shia didn’t stop running until he Burt the ground floor exit to the parking garage and found his car


He sent his boss a single text message before turning over and trying to force himself to sleep: I don’t think I can work anymore

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Which of the following sources would be the best resolve other suspense novels?

A public library’s digital catalog
A online review of the novel
A New York Times bestseller list
An encyclopedia entry about suspense genre


A public library’s digital catalog

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The best part about going to the theatre is the feeling of being transported into story. As soon as the curtains rises, you can forget about the chairs that make you feel like you’ve been squished into a sardine can and embrace whenever the story takes you., if only for a short while. The emotions in the play become your emotions. The lives of the characters become your life. From a drama about a financial crisis to a comedy about a play gone wrong, there is no limit where the theatre can take you.

  1. Which of the following best describes the authors experience in the theatre?
    Like you’re in an emotionless state
    No limit to where the theatre can take you
    The theatre can transport you onto the stage o Like you’ve been squished into a sardine can.

No limit to where the theatre can take you

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The best part about going to the theatre is the feeling of being transported into story. As soon as the curtains rises, you can forget about the chairs that make you feel like you’ve been squished into a sardine can and embrace whenever the story takes you., if only for a short while. The emotions in the play become your emotions. The lives of the characters become your life. From a drama about a financial crisis to a comedy about a play gone wrong, there is no limit where the theatre can take you.

  1. Using evidence from the passage which of the following conclusions about the author can the reader make
    o They are overly emotional and …..
    o They would rather be at a concert
    o They go to the theatre as often as possible
    o They enjoy the decor of most theatres

They go to the theatre as often as possible

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The best part about going to the theatre is the feeling of being transported into story. As soon as the curtains rises, you can forget about the chairs that make you feel like you’ve been squished into a sardine can and embrace whenever the story takes you., if only for a short while. The emotions in the play become your emotions. The lives of the characters become your life. From a drama about a financial crisis to a comedy about a play gone wrong, there is no limit where the theatre can take you.

  1. From the passage, which of the following statements represents a logic conclusion about the author
    o The author loves to attend theatrical productions
    o The author prefers musical comedies
    o The author also enjoys concerts and movie
    o The author finds theatre seating comfortable.

The author loves to attend theatrical productions

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Lexington and Concord
The majority of history scholars agree that the open warfare portion of the American War for Independence began in two small Massachusetts towns: Lexington and Concord. To stop the British from discovering military supplies hidden in Concord, the American Minutemen attempted to stall or halt the British Regulars in Lexington Common.
While the opposing factions were facing off against one another, a shot was fired from an unknown source, causing hostilities to break into violence. After the skirmish at Lexington settled, multiple people from both sides lay dead and the British continued their way toward Concord.

. Which of the following could accurately subtitle this passage?
The start of the revolution
American march from the sea
The full armies face off
In the state of Massachusetts


The start of the revolution

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Lexington and Concord
The majority of history scholars agree that the open warfare portion of the American War for Independence began in two small Massachusetts towns: Lexington and Concord. To stop the British from discovering military supplies hidden in Concord, the American Minutemen attempted to stall or halt the British Regulars in Lexington Common.
While the opposing factions were facing off against one another, a shot was fired from an unknown source, causing hostilities to break into violence. After the skirmish at Lexington settled, multiple people from both sides lay dead and the British continued their way toward Concord.

Which of the following best describes the theme of the passage?
o Patronizing
o Sceptical
o Objective
o Nostalgic



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Lexington and Concord
The majority of history scholars agree that the open warfare portion of the American War for Independence began in two small Massachusetts towns: Lexington and Concord. To stop the British from discovering military supplies hidden in Concord, the American Minutemen attempted to stall or halt the British Regulars in Lexington Common.
While the opposing factions were facing off against one another, a shot was fired from an unknown source, causing hostilities to break into violence. After the skirmish at Lexington settled, multiple people from both sides lay dead and the British continued their way toward Concord.

  1. Which of the following is the purpose of the passage?
    o To express
    o To inform
    o To persuade
    o To entertain

To inform

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Tipping in Restaurants
Research shows that tipping in a restaurant has little to no effect on service. What tipping does do is enable restauranteurs to pay less than the federal minimum wage to servers and depend on customers to make up the difference between servers’ salaries and the minimum wage. The U.S federal minimum wage for servers is $2.13 per hour. Although minimum wage varies from state to state, it is safe to say that customers are paying the lion’s share of servers’ salaries. This practice leads to resentment on the part of customers and it devalues servers. It’s time to abolish tipping and pay employees a living wage. The result may well be happy servers who provide excellent service to grateful customers.

Which of the following is the writers main argument?

The system of tipping should be abolished and servers should be paid a living wage
Customers are resentful of having to help pay the salaries of servers
The federal rate fervor servers is low
Servers should provide excellent service no matter how much they make


The system of tipping should be abolished and servers should be paid a living wage

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Tipping in Restaurants
Research shows that tipping in a restaurant has little to no effect on service. What tipping does do is enable restauranteurs to pay less than the federal minimum wage to servers and depend on customers to make up the difference between servers’ salaries and the minimum wage. The U.S federal minimum wage for servers is $2.13 per hour. Although minimum wage varies from state to state, it is safe to say that customers are paying the lion’s share of servers’ salaries. This practice leads to resentment on the part of customers and it devalues servers. It’s time to abolish tipping and pay employees a living wage. The result may well be happy servers who provide excellent service to

  1. Which of the following is evidence the writer provide to support the main argument?
    o Customers pay a large percentage of server’s salaries
    o Minimum wage varies from state to state
    o Customers are grateful for excellent service
    o Servers do not provide good service because of their low pay.

Customers pay a large percentage of servers salaries

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Hedy Lamarr, the Inventor
Hedy Lamarr was a woman of many talents. She was first known as a European film actress in the 1930s and early 1940s. Some of her popular films included Boom Town (1940) and White Cargo (1942); however, her roles generally did not include very many spoken lines and she became bored. To relieve this boredom, Lamarr took up inventing.
Hedy Lamarr did not have any formal training, but she did not allow that to stop her from teaching herself in her spare time. Although she had a number of failed inventions, such as an improved traffic light and a carbonated drink, Lamarr did not stop coming up with ideas. She even spent time working with the science engineering team employed by Howard Hughes, the aviation tycoon.
During World War II, Lamarr learned that one of the military’s new technologies, radio- controlled torpedoes, were too easily jammed and redirected. She came up with a type of radio signal that changed, or “hopped,” frequencies and was unable to be tracked or disrupted. With the assistance of her friend George Antheil, she was able to design the system and patent it in August 1942.
Unfortunately, the United States Navy was not interested. The technology of the era wasn’t quite good enough to easily implement Lamarr’s system, and the Navy was not particularly interested in civilian inventions at the time. It wasn’t until 20 years later, during the Ciban Missile Crisis, that a version of Lamarr’s system began appearing on Navy ships.
The work Lamarr and Antheil did creating this frequency-hopping system led to many technologies that are often taken for granted today. Their work led to the development of cell phones, Bluetooth, and WiFi. Just think, we might not have any of those things if Hedy Lamarr had been given more interesting roles.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from Hedy Lamar’s acting career?
o Hedy lamarr was the first European actress of the 1990s
o Hedy lamarr wanted more opportunities to speak while acting
o Hedy lamarr was content with her contribution to..
o Hedy lamarr worked in America films with…..


Hedy Lamar wanted more opportunities to speak while acting

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Hedy Lamarr was a woman of many talents. She was first known as a European film actress in the 1930s and early 1940s. Some of her popular films included Boom Town (1940) and White Cargo (1942); however, her roles generally did not include very many spoken lines and she became bored. To relieve this boredom, Lamarr took up inventing.
Hedy Lamarr did not have any formal training, but she did not allow that to stop her from teaching herself in her spare time. Although she had a number of failed inventions, such as an improved traffic light and a carbonated drink, Lamarr did not stop coming up with ideas. She even spent time working with the science engineering team employed by Howard Hughes, the aviation tycoon.
During World War II, Lamarr learned that one of the military’s new technologies, radio- controlled torpedoes, were too easily jammed and redirected. She came up with a type of radio signal that changed, or “hopped,” frequencies and was unable to be tracked or disrupted. With the assistance of her friend George Antheil, she was able to design the system and patent it in August 1942.
Unfortunately, the United States Navy was not interested. The technology of the era wasn’t quite good enough to easily implement Lamarr’s system, and the Navy was not particularly interested in civilian inventions at the time. It wasn’t until 20 years later, during the Ciban Missile Crisis, that a version of Lamarr’s system began appearing on Navy ships.
The work Lamarr and Antheil did creating this frequency-hopping system led to many technologies that are often taken for granted today. Their work led to the development of cell phones, Bluetooth, and WiFi. Just think, we might not have any of those things if Hedy Lamarr had been given more interesting roles.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn as to why the us was not interested in Lamar’s invention?

Hollywood was known to contain spies
The navy preferred to use the work of military engineers
The military was too occupied to consider new inventions
They suspect her patient was valid


The navy preferred to use the work of military engineers

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Which of the following can the reader infer about the authors point of view when they state: “the work Lamarr and Antheil did creating this frequency- hoping system led to many technologies that are often taken for granted today”?

The author believes that we have underestimated the value of the contributions of lesser known investors
o The author believes that the frequency-hopping system has damaged the potential of modern electronics
o The author believes that the work of Lamarr and Antheil was instrumental to victory in World War II
o The author believes we spend too much time using technologies derived from Lamarr’s work.


Author believes that we have underestimated the value of the contributions of lesser known investors

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  1. Which of the following is statements supports the claim the Hedy Lamarr made significant contributions to the advancement of technology?
    o The technology of the era wasn’t good enough to easily implement Lamarr’s system
    o She spent time working with the science engineering team employed by Howard
    Hughes, the aviation tycoon
    o She had many failed inventions, such as an improved traffic light and a carbonated
    o Her work helped in the future development of cellular phones, Bluetooth, and WI-FI.

… but she did not allow that to stop her from teaching herself in her spare time

Her work helped in the future development of cellular phones, Bluetooth and wifi

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The office memo
To: staff
From: CEO
Date; June 18, 2021
Subject: Naps
In the recent company-wide audits, many employees have reported fatigue at work. Combined with our acquisition of 10 major projects this year, I’m concerned about our employees’ productivity and health.
According to a 2008 study, napping for 60 minutes helped improve verbal memory, motor skills, and perceptual learning better than caffeine. Many successful companies have adopted the practice of work naps, in industries like tech, manufacturing – even NASA! Starting today, we will be providing a designated nap room in each office building near the gym and cafeteria to help employees take care of their bodies and minds, so they can be happier, healthier, and more productive.
Thank you, Melinda Myles

  1. Which of the following first prompted the CEO to consider improvising nap rooms
    o Having extra room available near the gym and cafeteria o Learning that NASA allows napping during the workday
    o Company-wide audits that reported employee fatigue
    o Reading the 2008 study about napping in the work place.

Company wide audits that reported employee fatigue

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  1. Which of the following additional pieces of information supports the claim that napping during the workday will help employees “b happier, healthier, and more productive”?
    o In 1999, National Napping Day was founded in response to Daylight Saving Time o
    o Multiple companies have designed special seats or pods specifically for getting the optimal workplace nap
    A study showing the best time of the day for a nap is between 2 and and 3 pm

Resented people have better impulse control, so they are more likely to choose nutritious food over junk food

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Playful Pooch
Sometimes, your playful pooch might give a little nip to your hand or something else that shouldn’t be bitten. To stop bad biting behaviors, you should attempt to redirect your dog’s attention to an appropriate chew toy. You can do this by placing the toy in their mouth and praising them, causing your canine companion to associate chewing on a chew toy with positive emotions. Another step you can take to redirect biting behavior is to use biting deterrent spray. The spray can be homemade or store-bought. Just make sure that the ingredients won’t make your puppy’s tummy sick.

  1. Which of the following terms identifies the authors tone in the passage


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Playful Pooch
Sometimes, your playful pooch might give a little nip to your hand or something else that shouldn’t be bitten. To stop bad biting behaviors, you should attempt to redirect your dog’s attention to an appropriate chew toy. You can do this by placing the toy in their mouth and praising them, causing your canine companion to associate chewing on a chew toy with positive emotions. Another step you can take to redirect biting behavior is to use biting deterrent spray. The spray can be homemade or store-bought. Just make sure that the ingredients won’t make your puppy’s tummy sick.

  1. Which of the following best identifies the author’s purpose in the passage?
    o To narrate what it’s like to have a new puppy
    o To inform the reader about illness in dogs
    o To argue that dogs shouldn’t bite
    o To describe how to train a puppy

To describe how to trains puppym

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Playful Pooch
Sometimes, your playful pooch might give a little nip to your hand or something else that shouldn’t be bitten. To stop bad biting behaviors, you should attempt to redirect your dog’s attention to an appropriate chew toy. You can do this by placing the toy in their mouth and praising them, causing your canine companion to associate chewing on a chew toy with positive emotions. Another step you can take to redirect biting behavior is to use biting deterrent spray. The spray can be homemade or store-bought. Just make sure that the ingredients won’t make your puppy’s tummy sick.

Which of the following sentences use italic correctly?
o The scientific name for the domestic dog is Canis lupus familiaris
o William Carlos William was the United States poet laureate in 1952 o We read Lincolns Gettysburg Address in my American history class o The orchestra will perform Beethoven Ninth symphony


The scientific name for the domestic dog is canis lupus familiaris

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An interesting birthday party
On Saturday afternoon, local eccentric Dr. Oliver Creek stone held a remarkable 90th birthday at his countryside estate. Present were 3000 guests, four zebras, two monster trucks, and a famous bagpipe player from Scotland. Though pleased with the entertainment, attendees reportedly were shocked that the complimentary buffet contained only boiled asparagus and pickled carrots. At nightfall, the party was treated to a stunning and seemingly endless fireworks display. According to our sources, Dr. Creekstone felt that next year’s birthday party would have to be even bigger and more interesting. We’ll need at least seven more zebras, he said.

Which of the following conclusions is supported by all the details provided about the birthday party?
o Dr. Oliver Creekstone is an unconventional fellow
o Dr. Oliver Creekstone is a carnivorous eater
o The Creekstone estate is a half-acre lot line with tress o The Creekstone estate cannot hold seven more zebras.


Dr Oliver creekstone is an unconventional fellow

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On Saturday afternoon, local eccentric Dr. Oliver Creek stone held a remarkable 90th birthday at his countryside estate. Present were 3000 guests, four zebras, two monster trucks, and a famous bagpipe player from Scotland. Though pleased with the entertainment, attendees reportedly were shocked that the complimentary buffet contained only boiled asparagus and pickled carrots. At nightfall, the party was treated to a stunning and seemingly endless fireworks display. According to our sources, Dr. Creekstone felt that next year’s birthday party would have to be even bigger and more interesting. We’ll need at least seven more zebras, he said.

. Which of the following quotes from a guest at the birthday party contains a stereotype?
o considering the elderly age of dr creekstone, he was surprisingly articulate and intelligent
o I once thought Dr, Creekstone to be irresponsible, but this party was well-planned and executed
o I would never want my own birthday party to have smelly zebras and loud fireworks o The food provided was incredible: nevertheless, the party turned my sour mood


Considering the elderly age of dr. Creekstone, he was surprisingly articulate and intelligent

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On Saturday afternoon, local eccentric Dr. Oliver Creek stone held a remarkable 90th birthday at his countryside estate. Present were 3000 guests, four zebras, two monster trucks, and a famous bagpipe player from Scotland. Though pleased with the entertainment, attendees reportedly were shocked that the complimentary buffet contained only boiled asparagus and pickled carrots. At nightfall, the party was treated to a stunning and seemingly endless fireworks display. According to our sources, Dr. Creekstone felt that next year’s birthday party would have to be even bigger and more interesting. We’ll need at least seven more zebras, he said.

though pleased with the entertainment, attendees reportedly were shocked
that the complimentary buffet contained only boiled asparagus and pickled carrots,”
Which of the following words from the sentence above has negative connotation?
o Contained
o Shocked



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1821: Clara Barton is born in North Oxford, Massachusetts.
1831: Barton cares for her brother David after he falls from a roof and is severely injured.
1855: Barton moves to Washington D.C. to work as the first female federal patent clerk.
1861: Barton begins gathering and distributing food, clothing, and medical supplies to wounded soldiers during the Civil War.
1862: Barton works on the front lines as a self-taught nurse.
1865: After the war, Barton begins identifying anonymous soldiers to be properly buried through the Office of Missing Soldiers.
1869: Barton travels to Europe, assisting with preparing military hospitals and supplying aid to the poor.
1881: Barton petitions President Chester A. Arthur to open an American branch of the International Red Cross Organization.

. According to the timeline which of the following events happens second?
o Barton works as a federal patent clerk
o Barton travels to Europe
o Barton identifies anonymous soldiers
o Barton works on the frontlines of civil war.


Barton works on the frontlines of civil war

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1821: Clara Barton is born in North Oxford, Massachusetts.
1831: Barton cares for her brother David after he falls from a roof and is severely injured.
1855: Barton moves to Washington D.C. to work as the first female federal patent clerk.
1861: Barton begins gathering and distributing food, clothing, and medical supplies to wounded soldiers during the Civil War.
1862: Barton works on the front lines as a self-taught nurse.
1865: After the war, Barton begins identifying anonymous soldiers to be properly buried through the Office of Missing Soldiers.
1869: Barton travels to Europe, assisting with preparing military hospitals and supplying aid to the poor.
1881: Barton petitions President Chester A. Arthur to open an American branch of the International Red Cross Organization.

Which of the following words as used in the timeline indicates the chronology of events in Barton’s life?
o Front
o First
o After
o Through



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Which of the following information indicates Clara Barton has international influence?
o 1865: After the war, Barton begins identifying anonymous soldiers to be properly buried through the office of missing soldiers
o 1869: Barton travels to Europe assisting with preparing military hospitals and supplying aid to the poor
o 1861: Barton begins gathering and distributing food, clothing and medical supplies to wounded soldiers during the civil war
1881: Barton petitions president Chester A. Arthur to open an American branch of the
International Red Cross Organization.


1881: Barton petitions president chester A Arther to open an American branch of the international Red Cross organization

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On February 2 of each year, the United States observes the unusual holiday of Groundhog Day, a day of hope that winter is over and spring is beginning. This tradition has been officially observed in the U.S. since the 1800s, and is believed to have developed from European folk traditions in which a bear, fox, badger, or even hedgehog would serve as the symbolic meteorologist. Although other cultures and towns observe Groundhog Day (or something similar), the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania takes special pride in being home to the one true forecasting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. At the turn of the twentieth century, townspeople formed the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to perpetuate the joyful rituals and events surrounding Groundhog Day. Over the years, these events have come to include a scavenger hunt, a talent show, and a ball.
Legend has it that on Groundhog Day the official weather forecasting groundhog awakens from hibernation and comes out of his burrow to look for his shadow. If he sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter are to come, and Punxsutawney Phil goes back to bed. However, if he does not see his shadow, Punxsutawney Phil takes this as a sign that spring has arrived, and he remains above ground. Of course, common sense tells us that February 2 is too early for spring to begin, and that while animals may be attuned to various elements of nature from which humans might learn, they are unlikely to act on their instincts based on a schedule set by a Gregorian calendar. Nevertheless, a visit to Pennsylvania to see Punxsutawney Phil and all of the fun he inspires each year might provide the touch of hope needed to reach the end of winter.

Which of the following evidence from the passage supports the inference that Groundhog Day is an entertaining tradition?
o Legend has it that on Groundhog Day, the official weather forecasting groundhog awakes from hibernation and comes out of his burrow to look for shadow
o This tradition has been officially observed in the US since the 1800s and is believed to have developed from European folk traditions
o Over the years, these events have come to include a scavenger hunt, a talent show and a ball
o On February 2 each year, the United States observes the unusual holiday of Groundhog Day, a day of hope that winter is over and spring is beginning.


Over the years, these events have come, to include a scavenger hunt, a talent show and a ball

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On February 2 of each year, the United States observes the unusual holiday of Groundhog Day, a day of hope that winter is over and spring is beginning. This tradition has been officially observed in the U.S. since the 1800s, and is believed to have developed from European folk traditions in which a bear, fox, badger, or even hedgehog would serve as the symbolic meteorologist. Although other cultures and towns observe Groundhog Day (or something similar), the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania takes special pride in being home to the one true forecasting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. At the turn of the twentieth century, townspeople formed the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to perpetuate the joyful rituals and events surrounding Groundhog Day. Over the years, these events have come to include a scavenger hunt, a talent show, and a ball.
Legend has it that on Groundhog Day the official weather forecasting groundhog awakens from hibernation and comes out of his burrow to look for his shadow. If he sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter are to come, and Punxsutawney Phil goes back to bed. However, if he does not see his shadow, Punxsutawney Phil takes this as a sign that spring has arrived, and he remains above ground. Of course, common sense tells us that February 2 is too early for spring to begin, and that while animals may be attuned to various elements of nature from which humans might learn, they are unlikely to act on their instincts based on a schedule set by a Gregorian calendar. Nevertheless, a visit to Pennsylvania to see Punxsutawney Phil and all of the fun he inspires each year might provide the touch of hope needed to reach the end of winter.

What source would be most useful in determining the reliability of Punxsutawney Phil’s predictions over a number of years?
o A memoir from a member of the Groundhog Club
o A record of weather patterns in the last decade
o An encyclopaedia entry on mammals in the northeast U.S o A historical survey of customs in Pennsylvania


A record weather patterns in the last decade

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The volunteers for the incumbent candidate planned to canvass the neighbourhood in an attempt to garner more support from constituents in their political party. Unbeknownst to them, the voter address list was erroneously switched. Meaning that although they were walking door to door, they were walking to the doors of people registered under a different political party.
In a surprising twist, the process of discussing the candidate’s stance on the issues did raise support. On Election Day, the incumbent candidate lost, but received more votes in the neighbourhoods where volunteers canvassed, despite focussing on members of the opposing party.

. Which of the following statements should be included in an accurate summary from the text? (select all that apply)
o The canvassed voters recognised that the candidate was unqualified o The candidate had never been a politician before
o the volunteers went to the houses of the opposing party accidentally
on the candidate received more voters in places the volunteers canvassed
o The canvassed voters changed party affiliation.


the volunteers went to the houses of the opposing party accidentally
on the candidate received more voters in places the volunteers canvassed

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The volunteers for the incumbent candidate planned to canvass the neighbourhood in an attempt to garner more support from constituents in their political party. Unbeknownst to them, the voter address list was erroneously switched. Meaning that although they were walking door to door, they were walking to the doors of people registered under a different political party.
In a surprising twist, the process of discussing the candidate’s stance on the issues did raise support. On Election Day, the incumbent candidate lost, but received more votes in the neighbourhoods where volunteers canvassed, despite focussing on members of the opposing party.

Which of the following word are synonyms for “erroneously” as used in the passage? (select all that apply)
o Incorrectly
o Inconsequentially
o Mistakenly
o Extraneously
o Exceptionally



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Grandma Harry; 30 minutes; Cookies/Desserts; Makes 1 dozen
- 1egg
- 3⁄4 cup sugar
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1⁄2 cup flour
Beat egg white until foamy. Stir in sugar, beat again until stiff peaks form. Gently fold in peanut butter and vanilla. Add flour in small increments until dough forms. Chill dough for at least 2 hours. Roll into balls, roll in sugar, press down with a fork, and bake at 350 degrees F for 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool on cookie sheet. These are very fragile.

  1. Which of the following statements about the passage is true? o These cookies should be cooked on a baking rack
    o These cookies can be cooked in a microwave oven o Folding I peanut butter must be done
    o Beating egg whites means stirring them vigorously.

Beating egg whites means stirring them vigorously

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  1. A study group is asked to prepare a report about the effects of mobile use on consumers’ hearing. Which of the following sources is most likely to provide relevant data?

o A consumer report about surcharges applied to customers’ bills by mobile phone companies
o A professional journal article about the incidence of generic hearing loss
o A university research paper about decibel limits of headphones and speakers
o A statistical report of mobile phone usage by Mobile Phone Company.


A university research paper about decibel limits of headphones and speakers

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A student newspaper editor is adding images to newspaper articles and finds a photograph of a woman smiling and standing in a large fish. With which of the following articles should the student expect to place this photo?

o “New Species Discovered by Anthropology Department Alumna”
o “Construction to Begin This Week for Chemistry, Biology Buildings” o “Budget Cuts Looming for National Parks”
o “Increased Rainfall Expected This Year, Experts Claim”.


New species discovered by anthropology department alumna

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Which of the following supports an evaluation of a logic argument?
o Unbiased information
o Generalizations
o Emotional statements
o Anecdotes


Unbiased information

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Some people think baseball is boring to watch, but there are so many exciting things that can happen during a baseball game. A player can grand slam, steal a base, or tag a runner out at home plate. Even though there are slow parts of the game, exciting things can happen unexpectedly. For fans, there is nothing more thrilling than catching a foul ball or even a home run. Baseball is so much more than eating and singing “Take Me out to the Ballgame.”

  1. Which of the following statements is correct?
    o The author thinks singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” is exciting.
    o The author thinks it would be exciting to watch a home run ball.
    o The author most enjoys the slow parts of the baseball game.
    o The author most enjoys eating peanuts at a baseball game.

The author thinks it would be exciting to watch a home run ball

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Which of the following resources would help a reader gather information about economic trade during World War II?
o News articles and textbooks
o Almanacs and music
o Atlases and works of art
o Social media and photographs.


NEws articles and textbooks

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  1. An employee believes that she was injured on the job due to unsafe situation. Based on the advertisement below, which provides the necessary experience to purse her claim and would ensure the employee lowest overall cost?

Martin and sons: job injuries, medical malpractice, and personal injury. Free initial consultation
Smith and jones: no fee unless you win your case. Specializes in worker’s compensation legal issues
Williams attorneys: state and federal employment fairness, medical malpractice lawsuits. Reasonable settlement
Thorn and Thomas: employment law, contract negotiations, and employment safety issues

o Thorn and Thomas
o Smith and jones
o Williams attorneys
o Martin and sons


Smith and jones

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Not at all

The following sentences can be combined to form a paragraph. Which of the following sentences represents the main idea?

o They have quite distinct and remarkably charming personalities
o People kept begging us for more photos
o We created a social media account for fans to follow their adventures
o Our dogs are the most adorable creatures in the world.


Our dogs are the most adorable creatures in the world

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Not at all

The abundance of wildlife first attracted Russian and American fur traders in the early 1880s, who then nearly eliminated the seal population in the area. The islands then became an agricultural resources for San Francisco during the Gold rush era when egg companies began harvesting bird eggs on the islands. In 1863, violence between rival egg companies erupted on the islands (known as the Egg War) which advertently attracted national attention and provoked lawmakers to pass legislation to protect and rehabilitate the islands’ natural ecosystem.
In 1881, an executive order was passed that decreed egging illegal on the Farallons. This ended private enterprise on the islands and was reinforced in 1909 when President Theodore Roosevelt created the Farallon reservation to restrict human access and preserve the norther islands. Protection was expanded in 1967 to include all the Farallon islands, and over time many of the islands’ original inhabitants have returned.
The farallon are now home to the world’s largest population of western gulls. Seals have returned, as well as otters and sea lions, which in turn attracts great white shark. The combination of sharks, underwater currents and jagged coastline are probably what earned the Farallon their nickname “devil’s Teeth” though it hasn’t stopped a few adventurous people from swimming. Four people have completed the 30-mile swim from the islands to San Francisco the fastest person completed the journey in 14 hours.

Which of the following supports the detail that the Farallon islands are a natural home to many animals?
i. Human presence
ii. Lush landscape
iii. Abundant land
iv. Ocean currents


Ocean currents

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Not at all

Which of the following organizations might the author of this article most closely associate?

A group that studies marine mammal behaviour An educational special interest group
A nature conservancy
A group that supports first-time novelists


A nature conservancy

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
The farallon islands are currently an agricultural resource for San Francisco Human disrupted the ecosystem of the farallon islands helped to restore it The ecosystem of the farallon islands has always been unstable
The farallon islands are dedicated sanctuary for western gulls.


Which of the following is a credible source that the author might have consulted to help write the article

A biography of the president Theodore Roosevelt, with an emphasis on his passion for hunting
An 1890 cartographer’s notes on efforts to map northern
A copy of a story published by the fish and wildlife service originally written by a former refuge manager
A nutrionist scholarly journal article on Gold Rush miner’s diets


A copy of a story published by the fish and wildlife service

  1. Which of the following pieces of evidence does the author use to speculate why the farallon islands are called the devil’s teeth?

o Swimming from San Francisco to the islands is very risky
o In 1863, violence broke out on the islands during the Egg war
o They have always been called that by sailors who travel those waters
o The islands have sharks, choppy currents and irregular coastline.


The island have sharks, choppy currents and irregular coastline


Which of the following best describes the meaning if the word inadvertently as used in the second paragraph?
o Quickly
o Intentionally
o Accidentally
o Approximately




It can be difficult to write sometimes, especially if you are creating something brand new. It is even harder when you must write while following certain rules. Some writers thrive when there are limits, like poets. Many poetry forms follow very specific rules, like sonnets or elegies: you can’t just throw some words on a page and call it a haiku. On the other hand, some successful poets really enjoy breaking the rules. They will reuse to use proper punctuation or follow any sort of structure. So then what good are the rules if you can just break them and still succeed? That doesn’t make any sense. I guess that is why I am not a poet.

Based on the authors support and evidence, which of the following is a valid evaluation of the paragraph?
a) It is an entertaining piece based on personal bias opinion.
b) It is part of a student essay on how poets develop their craft
c) It is a logical argument, proving that it is impossible to write well
d) It is a scholarly work about the business of being a good writer.


It is entertaining piece based on personal bias opinion


It can be difficult to write sometimes, especially if you are creating something brand new. It is even harder when you must write while following certain rules. Some writers thrive when there are limits, like poets. Many poetry forms follow very specific rules, like sonnets or elegies: you can’t just throw some words on a page and call it a haiku. On the other hand, some successful poets really enjoy breaking the rules. They will reuse to use proper punctuation or follow any sort of structure. So then what good are the rules if you can just break them and still succeed? That doesn’t make any sense. I guess that is why I am not a poet.

Which of the following is the most likely source for most of the authors’
statement in the passage?
a) The writers’ local university library
b) The online writing lab at Purdue University
c) Archive of recorded poetry and literature
d) The writers own knowledge about writing.


The writers own knowledge about writing


Hey there, kitchen utensil aficionados! It’s Thurman again, bring you a brand-new piece of equipment for your home food station! Are you tired of your blocks of premium aged cheddar getting all crumbly when you try to slice them? Don’t you hate leaving your fingerprints on that hard stick of butter? Well, worry no more! From the company that brought you the SmackDice comes the McGrabs! You no longer have to worry about your firm, sweaty grip destroying your cheese or your kinds of butter. All you have to do is slip on your patented heat-deflecting mittem, complete with plastic-grp palm pad, and slice your smooth dairy products with no threat of them smelting or crumbling from your body heat!

Which of the following phrases from this infomercial contains instructions about how to use the advertised product?
a. Slip on our patented heat-deflecting mitten.
b. No longer worry about your firm, sweaty grip destroying your cheeses or your butter.
c. Leaving your fingerprints in that hard stick of butter.
d. Bring you a brand-new piece of equipment for your home food station.


Slip on our patented heat deflating mitten


Hey there, kitchen utensil aficionados! It’s Thurman again, bring you a brand-new piece of equipment for your home food station! Are you tired of your blocks of premium aged cheddar getting all crumbly when you try to slice them? Don’t you hate leaving your fingerprints on that hard stick of butter? Well, worry no more! From the company that brought you the SmackDice comes the McGrabs! You no longer have to worry about your firm, sweaty grip destroying your cheese or your kinds of butter. All you have to do is slip on your patented heat-deflecting mittem, complete with plastic-grp palm pad, and slice your smooth dairy products with no threat of them smelting or crumbling from your body heat!

. Which of the following options best describe how Turman supports his argument?
a. By appealing to a shared sense of community and values.
b. By evoking the feeling of annoyance and relief.
c. By addressing his audience at just the right moment.
d. By assembling evidence and logical explanation.


By evoking the feeling of annoyance and relief

  1. Which of the following options best describes the purpose of this infomercial?
    a) To amuse the audience with enthusiastic rhetoric
    b) To persuade the audience to buy the Dairy McGrabs
    c) To express frustration with the common dairy food problems
    d) To explain how the Dairy McGrabs works.

To persuade the audience to buy the dairy mcgrabs


Studies suggest that more than 9 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced since 1950, more than four times the volume of Mt. Everest, and about 75% of its remains in landfills or has entered the environment as pollution. As a material, plastic has many advantages. However, it is difficult to recycle because popular single-use and convenience items, such as packaging and water bottles, are low in quality and value when recycled. Part of the magic of plastic is that it seemingly lasts forever. But when it cannot be re-used efficiently, it leads to stark realities like an island of plastic, twice the size of Texas, floating in the Pacific Ocean. Plastic is consumed by fish and birds and is seeping into the air, water, and our food.

Based on evidence from the passage, which of the following is the most likely inference?
a. If we increased production of single-use plastic packaging, more plastic would be recycled.
b. Most of the plastic that has been produced has been recycled.
c. The best thing about plastic is that it is recyclable, a renewable resource.
D. Plastic makes like convenient but it’s use has so many cons that it’s use should be reduced


Plastic makes life convenient but it’s use has so many cons


Studies suggest that more than 9 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced since 1950, more than four times the volume of Mt. Everest, and about 75% of its remains in landfills or has entered the environment as pollution. As a material, plastic has many advantages. However, it is difficult to recycle because popular single-use and convenience items, such as packaging and water bottles, are low in quality and value when recycled. Part of the magic of plastic is that it seemingly lasts forever. But when it cannot be re-used efficiently, it leads to stark realities like an island of plastic, twice the size of Texas, floating in the Pacific Ocean. Plastic is consumed by fish and birds and is seeping into the air, water, and our food.

  1. Which of the following pairs of examples from the passage best demonstrates why the use of plastics is a divisive topic?
    a. Plastic has advantages. Plastic is difficult to recycle efficiently
    b. Plastic is consumed by birds. Plastic is entering our food
    c. Plastic is popular. Plastic is used for packaging
    d. Plastic is in landfills. Plastic is in the ocean.

Plastic has advantages. Plastic is difficult to recycle effectively


In 1932, the Australian government lost a war against the native emu population. The operation that has since become known as the Great Emu War began as an initiative to combat overpopulation of the crop-destroying birds invading farmland around Chandler and Walgoolan. The initial assault on the flightless avians began on November 2 and lasted six days before the military personnel withdrew. Efforts resumed on November 12, but by early December, the feathered foes had adopted guerrilla tactics against the targeted wheat fields, rendering military involvement largely ineffective. The Australian government declined further involvement with the ongoing conflict in 1934, 1943, and 1948, despite the repeated pleas for assistance by the farmers in the area.
1. During the Great Emu War, which of the following events happened immediately after the conflict resumed in mid-November?
i. Military efforts became ineffective
ii. The Australian government launched the initial assault
The military withdrew
Emus reported to guerrilla tactics


Emus reported to guerrilla tactics


Which of the following statements is a logical conclusion based on this report?

Emus continued destroying crops in the area throughout the 1930s and 1940s
After losing the support of Australian government, farmer engaged in guerrilla warfare to combat the emus in 1934, 1943 and 1948
From 1932 to 1948, the Australian government battled emus on behalf of farmers After losing the great emu war in 1932, the Australian government provided limited military support to farmers in 1934, 1943 and 1948.


Emus continued destroying crops in the area throughout the 1930s and 40s


Which of the following words is synonym for avain in this passage?




You might think the largest animal on Earth is the blue whale, and you would be correct. Blue whales can reach a length of 98 ft. long and can weigh as much as 198 tons. However, in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon, there is an organism currently covering an area of 3 square miles and estimated to weigh at least 7,500 tons: the Armillaria ostoyae fungus, also known as the honey mushroom or shoestring fungus. Though A. ostoyae is found in other places, such as Michigan and Germany, only Oregon’s fungus has grown to such an enormous size. The humongous fungus is estimated to be anywhere from 2,000 to 8,000 years old, and it continues to grow by 1 to 3 feet every year.

Which of the following is the purpose of the passage?
To persuade
To describe
To entertain
To inform


To inform


You might think the largest animal on Earth is the blue whale, and you would be correct. Blue whales can reach a length of 98 ft. long and can weigh as much as 198 tons. However, in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon, there is an organism currently covering an area of 3 square miles and estimated to weigh at least 7,500 tons: the Armillaria ostoyae fungus, also known as the honey mushroom or shoestring fungus. Though A. ostoyae is found in other places, such as Michigan and Germany, only Oregon’s fungus has grown to such an enormous size. The humongous fungus is estimated to be anywhere from 2,000 to 8,000 years old, and it continues to grow by 1 to 3 feet every year.

Which of the following best describes the report?
Human kind versus nature
Hierarchy in nature
Nature as beauty
Extraordinary natural phenomena


Extraordinary natural phenomena


Bessie Coleman, the first civilian licensed Black pilot in the world, was born in 1892 to sharecroppers in Texas, where she attended a segregated school and worked with her family in the cotton fields. She dreamed of becoming a pilot but no flight schools in America would accept her, so she moved to France to earn her pilot’s license. When she returned to the U.S., she wanted to open a flight school for Black students. She became a stunt flier and performed for paying audiences, which she insisted be desegregated. Following her death in a plane crash in 1926, the Bessie Coleman Aero Club was established in Los Angeles in 1929. She was inducted into the National Aviation hall of Fame in 2006.

Which of the following sources would be useful for gathering more information about Bessie Coleman?
i. A documentary film on female pilots in World War 1
ii. A biography of the Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur
iii. The national museum of African American history and culture
iv. A comprehensive history of sharecropping eastern Texas.


The national museum of African American history and culture


Bessie Coleman, the first civilian licensed Black pilot in the world, was born in 1892 to sharecroppers in Texas, where she attended a segregated school and worked with her family in the cotton fields. She dreamed of becoming a pilot but no flight schools in America would accept her, so she moved to France to earn her pilot’s license. When she returned to the U.S., she wanted to open a flight school for Black students. She became a stunt flier and performed for paying audiences, which she insisted be desegregated. Following her death in a plane crash in 1926, the Bessie Coleman Aero Club was established in Los Angeles in 1929. She was inducted into the National Aviation hall of Fame in 2006.

Which of the following statements correctly identifies the sequence of events in
the reading?

Born to sharecropper parents, Bessie dolmen moved to France to take flight training and then returned to the United States as a stunt pilot
After life as a sharecropper, Bessie Coleman raised money as a stunt pilot to attend flight school in France
Bessie Coleman’s parents were sharecroppers who sent her to France as a child to become a pilot, after which she returned and opened a flight school
Bessie Coleman was a pilot, then a sharecropper, who lived in France where she was inducted into the national aviation hall of fame.


Born to sharecropper parents bessie moved to France to take flight training and then returned to the United States as a stunt pilot


A parent is researching types of sunscreen to use for his child to wear to swim lessons. Which of the following resources would be the most reliable for the parent to consult?

An advertisement for sunscreen in a parenting magazine
A published interview with well-known heart surgeon
A review of sunscreens from a skin cancer research foundation
A recommendation from the child’s swim instructor.


A review of sunscreen from a skin cancer research foundation


Which of the following information sources contains copyright information for a given book?
i. Index
ii. Publication page
iii. Title page
iv. Table of contents


Tittle page


Editor Wanted
Copy editor needed for new corporate magazine. All applicants must have four years of editorial experience. A college degree in journalism or English is required. The job requires full-time hours with competitive benefits offered. The starting salary is $30,000 per year. Contact human resources at 444-4444 to apply.
Using the employment advertisement above

Which of the following applicants could meet the requirements of this job?
a. A college graduate who majored in layout design.
b. A newspaper reporter who has 2 years of editing experience.
c. A teacher who has taught for 4 years.
d. A writer looking to work for 40 hours a week.


A teacher who has taught for 4 years


high school football team arrives to practices one day to find that all of their equipment is missing. The coach wants to make sure he has considered every possibility before he alerts the principal.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would be relevant to help explain what happened?

Many of the players’ parents have raised concerns over the potential for head injuries in contact football
The school board has instituted budget cuts to the football program
The football. Team often exchanges pranks with the biggest rival, a high school team for, the text tone
The equipment has failed a recent safety inspection.


The football team often exchanges pranks with the biggest rival, a high school team from the next town


Which of the following areas of a textbook include supplementary materials and extra information?





Which of the following phrases on a label is the subheading?

Nutrition facts
Servings per container
Amount per serving
Trans fat


Amount per serving


of the following is the best source to consult about the famous jazz saxophonist Charlie “yardbird” Parker’s childhood in Kansas City in the 1940s?

Photographs of jazz clubs in Kansas City from 1941
A greatest hits album of Charlie Parker’s most popular songs
A published magazine interview with Charlie Parker
The “arts” section of a 1940 issue of Kansas City newspaper.


A published magazine interview with Charlie Parker


Which of the following sources would provide relevant information about the cost of property destruction following a natural disaster?

A photograph of the damage taken by a bystander
A speech celebrating community first responders
A newspaper article about the natural disaster
A pamphlet about local food and shelter resources


A newspaper article about national disaster


Don’t Look Back Now is the story of Keisha (Joy Taylor), a woman who has moved across country to escape her creepy ex-boyfriend stalker, Tom (Kevin Highsmith). However, mysterious things keep happening to the people in Keisha’s life, and the authorities don’t believe her. But there’s one thing nobody knows – she’s got a secret that will make anyone coming to harm her regret it – especially Tom. This thriller is an exciting roller coaster ride that constantly keeps the audience guessing. Director Juliette Cho knows exactly how to manipulate the camera to capture every shadow and peripheral movement, keeping the viewer on edge. The close-up shots feel claustrophobic, like the perspective is skewed. For any other movie this might be annoying, but for this one, it helps put the viewer in Keisha’s suspicious shoes very well. With a running time of 98 minutes, the pacing is quick and efficient, and Cho uses cinematography deftly to show the quick and jerky passage of time from Keisha’s perspective.
The performances are rock solid all the way through. Joy Taylor is brittle and violent, simmering below the surface with rage. You can see the toll this stalking experience has had on her in every twitch of her eye and clench of her jaw. The strength she displays once the film shifts into the darker, triumphant second act is a wonder to behold. Kevin Highsmith gives off just the right vibe of charming and sinister as Tom, effortlessly shifting his entire performance between sweet and suddenly dangerous.
This is a tense thrill rise that will not disappoint fans of Joy Taylor orr this genre in general. You can find Don’t Look Back Now at the Main Street Metroplex 12 and the Movie Palace 20 starting Friday.

  1. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the second paragraph of the passage?
    a. The film takes place mostly in the dark, which makes lighting and camera angles very important.
    b. The direction and cinematography are the key elements to creating the films tense, suspenseful tone
    c. Close-up shots are an important way to showcase a character’s state of mind. d. Joy Taylor’s performance helps the audience feel more sympathetic toward her
    character, Keisha.

B - the direction and cinematography are the key To creating the films tense, and suspenseful tone


Which of the following conclusions could a reader make from this passage?
a. Tom is able to protect Keisha from her stalker.
b. There is a big twist in the second half of the movie.
c. The film has a sad ending.
d. Juliette Cho is a first-time director.


There is a big twist in the second half of the movie


Which of the following information from the passage contains an opinion?

a. Starting Friday, the movie will be showing at the Main Street Metroplex 12 and the Movie Palace 20.
b. The plot of the movie is about a woman who has moved across country to escape her boyfriend.
c. Juliette Cho’s close-up shots make the viewer feel claustrophobic and frightened.
d. The movie, starring Joy Taylor and Kevin Highsmith, lasts a little longer than an hour
and a half.


Juliette Cho’s close up shots make the viewer feel claustrophobic and frightened

  1. In which of the following genres would Don’t Look Back Now most likely be classified?
    a. Drama
    b. Action-Adventure
    c. Suspense



Which of the following sentences from the passage includes a fact?

“With a running time of 98 minutes” the pacing is quick and efficient
You can see the toll this stalking experience has had on her every twitch of her eye and clench of her jaw.”
c. “The close-up shots feel claustrophobic, like the perspective is skewed.”
d. This is a tense thrill ride that will not disappoint fans of Joy Taylor or this genre in


With a running time of 98 minutes, the pacing is quick and efficient


Copy editor needed for new corporate magazine. All applicants must have four years of editorial experience. A college degree in journalism or English is required. The job requires full time hours with competitive benefits offered. The starting salary is $30,000 per year. Contact Human Resources at 555- 5555 to apply.

Using the employment advertisement above, which of the following applicants could meet the requirements of this job?
a. A newspaper reporter who has 2 years of editing experience
b. A college graduate who majored in layout design
c. A writer looking to work 40 hours a week
d. A teacher who has taught for 4 years


A teacher who has taught for 4 years


Zip codes were introduced by the U.S. Postal Service on July 1, 1963. The term ZIP, which stands for Zone Improvement Plan, suggests that the mail will “zip along” more efficiently if postal customers use the code. The basic code consists of five digits, in 1983 the ZIP+4 code was introduced to direct mail to a more specific location within a ZIP code. The ZIP+4 code added a hyphen and four digits to the basic code.

A student reads the above passage in an encyclopedia and wants to learn more about the U.S. Postal Service. In which of the following magazine articles would the student most likely find relevant information about ZIP codes?
a. “Postal Service in the Age of Digital Communication”
b. “The Pony Express Postal Service of the American Frontier”
c. “Postmasters General of the U.S. Postal Service”
D, postal code zones of the US postal service


Postal Code Zones of the US postal service


A manager asks an employee at a local coffeehouse to clean the restrooms before clocking out for lunch, wipe the counters before cleaning the restrooms, and deliver used coffee grounds to their community garden for compost after lunch.
Which of the following steps should the employee perform third?
a. Eat lunch
b. Clock out
c. Clean the restrooms
d. Deliver used coffee grounds


Clock out


First, the ingredients are mixed and kneaded to create a smooth springy dough. Next comes the first rising stage, or bulk fermentation. The once-fermented dough is then cut and shaped before a second rising step, called proofing. This can take as little as an hour or as long as several hours. Finally, the proofed dough is baked until a crispy golden crust forms and the interior is cooked through.

  1. As used in the passage, which of the following phrases clarifies the order of the steps in basic breadmaking?
    a. Until a crispy golden crust forms
    b. Once-fermented dough is then cut
    c. To create a smooth, springy dough
    d. As little as an hour

Once fermented dough is then cut


The athlete enjoyed the accolades of their teammates when she scored the winning goal which of the following words is the best synonym for the word accolades in the sentence above




Which of the following words is the definition of ‘’Felonious’’ in the sentence above?
After being released from prison. She applied her felonious talents to bank robbery
a. criminal
b. Expert
c. Prolifict
d. Financial




Gold is a widely known metal, often used for making Jewelry. Pure gold is called 24 carat gold, but there is also 14 carat gold. Because gold is a soft metal, it is sometimes combined with another metal to harden it, such as copper. Fourteen carat gold is named as such because 14 out of the 24 carats, approximately
60%, is gold and the remaining 10 carats, or 40%, is some other metal 54.
What is the primary purpose of the paragraph?

To compare
To recommend
To analyze
To inform


To inform


Which of the following is the main purpose of a newspaper editorial written in support of education reform?
To entertain readers
To persuade readers
To express feelings or ideas To explain something


To express feelings or ideas


Copy the letters above on a piece of paper. Cross out the second and last letters. Replace all vowels with letters. Double the second letter

which letter sequence remains on your page?
a. ssfmoi
b. cffmmc
c. sffmoc
d. fscfmc




which of the following provides information about symbols used on a specific map?
a. legend
b. table of contents
c. Index
d. Glossary




If a user of this phone system wants to find the most recently deleted message, listen to it, and then record a reply, which of the following sequences of numbers will the user select?
a. 4,7,2
b. 2,4,7,2
c. 1,6,7,1
d. 3,2,2




Bakers’ Heating and Air conditioning services
We specialize in home air, water, and heat problems
No HVAC residential job is too big or too small for our experienced team certification: Electrical, Plumbing, Heating, cooling.
Cal 1800-555-1313 for fast service. Don’t delay. Call today.
**St. Louis and Kansas City area only **

  1. For which of the following situations would this advertisement be useful?
    a. A Kansas city business office has a problem with mold spore in its ventilation system.
    b. A St. Louis resident water heater just stopped working.
    c. A homeowner in Detroit wants to have a new shower installed
    d. A commercial builder needs electrical work performed for a national chain of restaurants.

A Kansas City business office has a problem with mold spores in its ventilation system


This label appears on a bottle of over-the-counter cold medicine. This medication should be used to treat mild respiratory Infections. I pot take this product unless directed by doctor if you have a long-term respiratory problem such as amphysema or chronic bronchitis. Stimulus

  1. Which of the following statements best summarizes the warning label?
    a. Patients who have a mild respiratory infection should consult a doctor.
    b. If you have a respiratory problem, take this medication only if directed by a doctor.
    c. Anyone taking this medication must have a doctor’s recommendation.
    d. This medication is intended to treat long-term respiratory illnesses.

If you have a respiratory problem, take this medication only if directed by a doctor


I sit on the headlands of Neah Bay, Washington, and watch a mother humpback and her calf slip through the icy Pacific waters. I recognize this whale by her distinctive tail pattern, as unique to this humpback as my fingerprints are to me. Once, heavy hunting using harpoons extirpated the species from the region, and only a ban on whaling allowed populations of humpbacks to recover.
As this gray female rises to the surface, she exhales, sending up a spout nearly 20 feet high. She rolls on her side and lifts her scalloped-edge flipper in salute, then slaps it on the water. I adjust my lens and take my shot. This is the only type of whale hunting I find acceptable–hunting with a camera.

  1. Which of the following statements conveys the main idea of the passage?
    a. Humpback whales travel in waters near Washington.
    b. Humpback whale populations are finally recovering after nearly being wiped out.
    c. Cameras and harpoons are both ways of hunting humpback whales.
    d. This particular humpback whale has never been seen previously by the author.

This particular humpback whale has never been seen previously by the author


I sit on the headlands of Neah Bay, Washington, and watch a mother humpback and her calf slip through the icy Pacific waters. I recognize this whale by her distinctive tail pattern, as unique to this humpback as my fingerprints are to me. Once, heavy hunting using harpoons extirpated the species from the region, and only a ban on whaling allowed populations of humpbacks to recover.
As this gray female rises to the surface, she exhales, sending up a spout nearly 20 feet high. She rolls on her side and lifts her scalloped-edge flipper in salute, then slaps it on the water. I adjust my lens and take my shot. This is the only type of whale hunting I find acceptable–hunting with a camera

Which of the following statements about the passage is true?
a. In the passage, the writer describes taking many photographs as the whale frolics in the icy
Pacific Ocean.
b. In the passage, the writer argues the benefits of photographing whales to enable their
c. In the passage, the writer describes the whale surfacing, exhaling, and slapping her flipper on the water.
d. In the passage, the writer argues that beluga whales are so endangered, you should only hunt them with your camera.


In the passage, the writer describes the whale surfacing , exhaling and slapping her flipper on the water


Unlike most others who follow along with popular trends. I am able to truly see that bear is superior to the mustache. First you have so much more hair and space to work with, when styling a bear than you do with a mustache the goatee, she stubble the chin strap. You can even add things to you beard, beard, glitter and color -the possibilities of what you can add to bear are endless there are even professional competitions that surround the stylish nature of beards.

  1. which of the following can be inferred from evidence given in the passage?
    a. The writer enjoys having a beard.
    b. no competition exists for the best mustache.
    c. the writer is a professional barber.
    d. Mustache cannot easily be styled.

Mustache cannot easily be styled


Which of the following is a counterclaim to the argument in the passage? Bear vs mustache
a.Beards may be a hazard in professional lines of employment
b.If you have a beard, you can dye it pink
c. The beard is not just a passing trend
d.You should grow a beard because they come in a variety of styles


Beards may be a hazard in professional lines of employment


The Santa Barbara a journal ‘’ exciting news today from Vandenberg space force base as it has ended its delta IV heavy rocket program to make way for the new atlas V program. Riddled with difficulty. Delta IV heavy saw only moderate success through its 21-year history. Developed on the heels of the last tragic space shuttle flight. Expectations now lie with the atlas V program developed by Lockheed Martin a social media post @ggh723 the space program is an outdated use of taxpayer funds. We have enough problems on earth to worry about what’s happening in the universe.

  1. Which of the following is evidence that supports the claim in the social media post?
    a. Of the 41 million people who have received federal assistance only 10% knew about the 1,000
    technology develop through the space program.
    b. The federal government spending on the space program outer space its contribution to education in the United States.
    c. 1.5 billion Was budgeted last year for social program outer space its contribution to education in the united states .
    d. The federal government spending on the space program helps to encourage economic growth.

B - the federal government spending on the space program outer space its contribution to education in the United States


Which of the following themes do the two above passage share?
a. Technical innovation can sometimes lead to tragedy
b. Space travel inspire the populace to look beyond our planet.
c. The space program evokes a variety of reactions.
d. Economics plays an important role in society.


Technical innovation can sometimes lead to tragedy


Which of the following is a fact presented in the advertisement?
a. the six shake flavors are delicious
b. the physicians and nutritionists that developed the shake formula are noted experts in the
dietary field
c. a customer will feel better fast if they drink pro-10 shakes
d. About three-quarters of those who drink pro-10 shakes for 2 weeks’ report having more energy.
46. Which of the following is a reasonable inference based on the information presented in the advertisement?
a. Pro-10 shakes are affordable.
b. an increase in protein affects energy levels
c. Pro-10 shakes contribute to a person’s overall health and being.
d. Seventy-six present of customers felt better in 3 days.


Pro 10 shakes contribute to a persons overall health and being


Which of the following statement from the passage offers evidence that female cicadas do not have tymbals attached to their abdomen?
…… the female deposits the egg into the bark
…. the cicadas is a large loud insect.
Female cicadas cannot replicate the buzzing ….’’


Female cicadas cannot replicate the buzzing


Which of the following is the most likely reason cicada’s make a buzzing sound?
To Orient via echolocation
To attract a mate.
To locate food source.
To ward off predators


To orient via echolocation


Which of the following best describes the theme of this passage?
Disinformation in the media is responsible. For conflicting information about the cicada lifestyle. Media attention to cicadas can also bring accerelon to climate change.
Disinformation in the media falsely identifies climate change as the root cause of the cicadas near exclusion.
Media attention to cicadas is as predictable as cicadas life cycle


Media attention to cicadas is a predicable as cicadas life cycle


which of the following words does the author use to express a derogatory tone?
a. Predictable
b. noisy
c. delicate
d. Roar




Which of the following events happened first after the mala cicadas calls to the female cicadas according to the passage?
a. Nymphs drop to the ground.
b. The female makes a clicking sound.
c. The female deposits the eggs.
d. The male and female mate in the trees.


B- female makes a clicking sound


1943, the war in the Pacific raged on. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt went to rally the troops ‘ spirits despite the disapproval of military command. Roosevelt planned a grueling Itinerary. She visited several islands and hundreds of wounded in her first six days. The Indefatigable First Lady inspected Navy hospitals delivered a speech attended receptions and visited convalescing officers, all within 12 hours of her arrival She lifted spirits among the wounded and morale among the troops She continued her exhausting tour for a month, speaking to every patient in troop hospitals and taking down addresses to contact family members. Roosevelt traveled non-stop, risked her life, and greeted the last patient she saw with the same heartfelt sincerity as the first.

  1. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the passage?
    a. Eleanor Roosevelt hand-wrote notes to every troop’s family.
    b. Eleanor Roosevelt did not enjoy giving oral speeches to troops.
    c. Eleanor Roosevelt became First Lady before the war in the Pacific ended.
    d. Eleanor Roosevelt was present during most battles in Asia during WWII.

C- Eleanor Roosevelt became First Lady before the war in the pacific ended


Which of the following publications would have a different point of view of Eleanor Roosevelt compared to the author’s point of view?
a. A newspaper clipping from the Honolulu Star-Bullet in 1944
b. A historical Japanese military document outlining how to damage
c. A brochure about women’s contributions to the US war effort
d. A personal memoir from an injured naval officer who fought in the Pacific theater


A- a newspaper clipping from the Honolulu star bullet in 1944


Many of you have heard about the proposed northward expansion or the Interstate which currently ends just of Elkinsville the recent debate over how this works will go forward, the focus has been on weighing economic costs and benefits. Indeed, many local politicians claim to favor the project because it brings jobs in the short term and more visitors to Elkinsville in the long term. These politicians also argue that the proposed plan is the least environmentally damaging way to expand the highway further upstate. This cannot be true. However, since the proposed expansion involves not nit just the widening existing roads also the construction of more than a dozen miles of new terrain highway.
31. Which of the following statements can be supported by evidence from the passage?
a. A detailed environmental study of the northern expansion of the interstate has been conducted by
the Elkinsville Ecological Society
b. There are no Elkinsville Environment Society members among the city’s politicians
c. Politicans in Elkinsville will win their effort to approve the northern expansion of the
interstate higway.
d. The Elkinsville Ecological Society will continue to oppose the northern expansion of the interstate


c. Politicans in Elkinsville will win their effort to approve the northern expansion of the
interstate higway.


Where is it most likely that readers would encounter this text?

The opinion section of the Elkinsville daily eagle newspaper
b. A flyer on a bulletin board at Elkinsville city hall
c. A brochure from the Elkinsville chamber of commerce
d. A tenth grade science textbook at Elkinsville High School


c. A brochure from the Elkinsville chamber of commerce


Dear Aunt Suzanne, I have a few minutes before I get on the bus from Galway back to Dublin and wanted to tell you how my class trip to Ireland is going .We just spent 2 days on Iris Mor., the largest of the Aran Islands. which are just off the central west coast of Ireland .We took a ferry Galaway .a ride that takes about an hour and was quite gray and stormy . For an Island that is only about 12 square miles ,there is a lot to do and see on Iris Mort .After eating steak and vegetables stew and brown bread with butter, we went to the sweater market ,were all kinds of woolen products are sold .The Aran island are known for their wool because sheep thrive and generations have used woolen sweaters and hats to survive long cold days for fishing on the open sea .In fact I learned that each family or clan has its own signature knitting pattern and some are able to tell which family someone belongs to by the pattern of their sweater !The Healy pattern is an interesting combination twist and braids, and I found you a birthday souvenir with a beautiful example. The nest day, we rented bicycles and toured the island. We saw ancients ruins, a prehistoric hill fort and a white sand beach. we also climbed down to a mysterious rock formation known as ‘’ The Worm Hole’’ a rectangular hole in a stone shore that fills with thrashing waves and looks like it houses a terrible serpent (see attached photo). The Worm hole was difficult to find, and when we stopped someone for help their reactions, she only speaks Gaelic! sometimes this island seems stuck in the earlier times

  1. According to the passage, which of the following events happens last ?
    a) Eva eats steak and vegetable stew
    b) Eva take a bus to Dublin
    c) Eva took a ferry from Galaway
    d) Eva purchased a patterned sweater

b) Eva take a bus to Dublin


Dear Aunt Suzanne, I have a few minutes before I get on the bus from Galway back to Dublin and wanted to tell you how my class trip to Ireland is going .We just spent 2 days on Iris Mor., the largest of the Aran Islands. which are just off the central west coast of Ireland .We took a ferry Galaway .a ride that takes about an hour and was quite gray and stormy . For an Island that is only about 12 square miles ,there is a lot to do and see on Iris Mort .After eating steak and vegetables stew and brown bread with butter, we went to the sweater market ,were all kinds of woolen products are sold .The Aran island are known for their wool because sheep thrive and generations have used woolen sweaters and hats to survive long cold days for fishing on the open sea .In fact I learned that each family or clan has its own signature knitting pattern and some are able to tell which family someone belongs to by the pattern of their sweater !The Healy pattern is an interesting combination twist and braids, and I found you a birthday souvenir with a beautiful example. The nest day, we rented bicycles and toured the island. We saw ancients ruins, a prehistoric hill fort and a white sand beach. we also climbed down to a mysterious rock formation known as ‘’ The Worm Hole’’ a rectangular hole in a stone shore that fills with thrashing waves and looks like it houses a terrible serpent (see attached photo). The Worm hole was difficult to find, and when we stopped someone for help their reactions, she only speaks Gaelic! sometimes this island seems stuck in the earlier times

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage ?
a) A, Healy is the name of an irish family or clan
b) B. The worm Hole refers to serpent.
c) C. Eva understands the Gaelic language.
d) D. Bicycles are the only way to get around the island.


a) A, Healy is the name of an irish family or clan


Which of the following sentence accurately summarized the passage?
a. In an email to her aunt Eva reports that the Anan Islands contain a strong agriculture community
with long standing traditions.
b. On a personal trip abroad .Eva is focused on seeing as much as possible in a short amount of
time and gathering souvenirs for everyone she knows.
c. In an email to her aunt, Eva brags about touring Ireland and the extravagant purchases she made
d Which of the following sentence accurately summarized the passage?
a. In an email to her aunt Eva reports that the Anan Islands contain a strong agriculture community
with long standing traditions.
b. On a personal trip abroad .Eva is focused on seeing as much as possible in a short amount of
time and gathering souvenirs for everyone she knows.
c. In an email to her aunt, Eva brags about touring Ireland and the extravagant purchases she made
d. On a school trip to Ireland .Eva has spent time in the Arian Island, where she has learned about the culture and visited several significant landmarks.


d. On a school trip to Ireland .Eva has spent time in the Arian Island, where she has learned about the culture and visited several significant landmarks.