Reading Vocabulary Flashcards
alphabetic principle
The assumption underlying alphabetic writing systems that each speech sound or phoneme of the language should have Its own distinctive graphic representation
adjusting reading rate
A reading strategy that involves the speeding up or slowing down of reading according to the purpose and/or text difficulty
A word that means the opposite of another word
A word formed from the initial letters of other words, e.g. Scuba: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
A letter or letters added to a word that affects the meaning,
E.g. Unhappy, jumped
The repetition of the initial sound in consecutive words often used to create tongue twisters.
e.g. She sells sea shells by the sea shore
A teaching and learning practice involving the independent use of a skill or strategy to achieve a purpose.
Bringing information to mind with little or no effort because a skill or understanding is so well known, e.g. the fast, accurate recognition of single words when reading
Cloze procedure
An instructional activity involving the completion of incomplete sentences.
comprehension strategies
Thinking processes used by readers to prepare for reading, comprehend text, monitor reading and adjust reading when necessary, e.g. connecting, comparing, synthesising, sensory imaging, predicting, paraphrasing, self-questioning
compound word
A word as a single unit of meaning but made up of two complete words, e.g. Buttonhole, football
concepts of print
Understandings about what print represents and how it works, e.g. has a consistent directionality, is made up of letters, words
consonant cluster
A sequence of two or more consonants,
e.g. tr, shr, ng
The broad linguistic, social and cultural experiences that are brought to a situation
context(ual) clues
Information from surrounding text that enables readers to predict the meaning of unknown words.
contextual understanding
sub-strand of reading from First Steps that involves an understanding of how the context affects the interpretation and choices made by authors and illustrators.