Reading to write Flashcards
Cultural sensitivity definition
cultural sensitivity is defined as a set of skills that enables us to learn about and understand people who are different from ourselves, thereby becoming better able to serve them within their own communities
How is cultural sensitivity made evident in Coonardoo?
Katherine Pritchard attempts to write a black indigenous woman’s story despite her white background. She fails to understand the importance of truly understanding the differences in her recount and actuality.
What does the Un-loving of Coonardoo challenge?
spoke about the importance of cultural sensitivity and being careful of whose story we are telling
unloving of coonardoo quote: summary
“A white woman’s version of a black woman’s life”.
unloving of coonardoo quote: title
“Coonardoo they called it, the dark well, or the well in the shadows.”
“Coonardoo they called it, the dark well, or the well in the shadows.”
Quote analysis
It appears as thought the topic is clear, the title speaks of her name. However, the focus is not on her story and instead focuses on the people in power at the time such as Hugh Watt.
Quote: Coonardoo singing
“Over and over again, in a thin reedy voice, away from the back of her head, the melody flowed like water running over smooth pebbles in creek bed”.
“Over and over again, in a thin reedy voice, away from the back of her head, the melody flowed like water running over smooth pebbles in creek bed”.
Quote analysis
She describes Coonardoo’s singing to be beautiful without directly stating it, she paints a picture through her words (imagery)
Repetition of Word over
Simile “like”
Use of adjectives to further metaphor
Quote: Coonardoo death
“Coonardoo’s voice fluttered out; embers of her fire were burning low”.
“Coonardoo’s voice fluttered out; embers of her fire were burning low”.
Quote analysis
Metaphor of Coonardoo’s fire represent her life
The author focuses on Coonardoo’s voice throughout the novel to show different stages of Coonardoo’s life
Fire dying out represents her dying
Visual imagery
Connotations of word flutter is beautiful, this juxtaposes with her death
Quote: Coonardoo Landscape
“Stones on the plains, glistening in the clear white light, shimmered and danced together.”
“Stones on the plains, glistening in the clear white light, shimmered and danced together.”
Quote analysis
Visual imagery Sets context of landscape Personification Run on sentence Adjectives provide clear visual imagery.
Narrative: House incorporation
The incorporation of the house served as a symbol throughout the novel, symbolising the journey the characters experienced. The motif of comparing a house and home was used to further emphasize this. The noun “house” expressed a disconnect from the land that later shifted to the noun “home” in order to demonstrate the characters assimilation into the culture.
Narrative: Cake incorporation
The cake was used in two ways; figuratively to describe the house as multilayered “ the layered walls with the white iced paint” and literally “there on the table sat a cake”. The juxtaposition of the figurative and literal cake allowed the stimulus to be included in a less cliché form. At the end I choose to integrate the literal and figurative cakes together “The layers of this house combined as one; the iced walls shone….. by the cake that sat on top”. Highlighting the duality of the cake allowed me to symbolically demonstrate the presence of different stories and people that make up Australia.
Narrative: Cake quote/ figuratively
“ the layered walls with the white iced paint”
Narrative: Cake quote/ literally
“there on the table sat a cake”
Narrative: Cake quote/ both
“The layers of this house combined as one; the iced walls shone….. by the cake that sat on top”.
Wrack analysis
The text “Wrack ‘’ by James Bradley explored post modernism and resisted tradition through his incorporation of different structure and use of “improper” sentences. He challenges traditional sentence structure through his use of continued long sentences
Quote: Wrack long sentence
“Feeling stealing across years like the shifting hills, slowly, inexorably burying all that lies beneath them;”.
How did you incorporate postmodernism in your narrative?
To take a postmodern approach in my writing I used two narrator voices.
How did you incorporate postmodernism in your narrative?
To show a change in narrator by using a pronoun followed by a verb such as “She dreamed”. By using a pronoun the reader was now able to recognise the presence of two narrators while also exploring a post-modern structure.
Narrative drafting process:
As part of my writing process, the first drafts are written implicitly and then continued to be edited so that they become explicit.
Editing process: Original Quote
“He came home with the same worry in his eyes. I knew he saw and wished for more of my love. But he would never say, fearful I would uncover the plainly hidden truth. The act of such simplicity of time and love was hidden by the struggle to provide. But I must try for my bello. I simply must”
Editing process: Finished Quote
As the door drew to a close, his eyes radiated worry. Confirming the wish and hope for more. But he would never say, fearful the plainly hidden truth would be uncovered. The act of such simplicity of time and love was glazed by the struggle to provide. The walls were closing in holding onto any life inside”.