Reading Sessions Flashcards
tactic (n.)
Def: an action or method that is planned and used to achieve a particular goal
an effective tactic for solving crimes
We may need to change tactics.
expense (n.)
Def: the amount of money that is needed to pay for or buy something
These items were imported at great expense.
I’d like to save the time and expense [=cost] of redoing the whole thing.
offset (v.)
Def: to cancel or reduce the effect of (something) : to create an equal balance between two things
counterbalance (v.)
Def: to have an effect that is opposite but equal to (something) : to balance (something) by being opposite
Improved services for phone customers have been counterbalanced [=offset] by higher fees.
disclaimer (n.)
Def: a statement that is meant to prevent an incorrect understanding of something (such as a book, a movie, or an advertisement)
The documentary opens with a disclaimer that many of its scenes are “fictional re-creations” of real events.
interpret (v.)
Def: to understand (something) in a specified way
— often + as
I interpreted his behavior as indicating that he disliked me.
Her comment was meant to be interpreted as sarcasm.
commercial (n./adj.)
(n.) Def: an advertisement on radio or television
a commercial for a new kind of soap
We’ll be back after the commercial break.
(adj.) Def 1: related to or used in the buying and selling of goods and services
The city wanted to encourage commercial rather than residential development along the river. [=the city wanted businesses rather than apartments or houses to be built along the river]
Def 2: concerned with earning money
Their music is too commercial.
oriented (adj.)
Def 1:
: interested in a particular thing, activity, etc.
politically oriented journalists [=journalists who are interested in politics]
The audience was academically oriented.
Def 2:
: designed to appeal to a certain kind of people
We went to a family-oriented amusement park. [=an amusement park designed to appeal to families]
adept (adj.)
Def: very good at doing something that is not easy
He’s adept in several languages.
appeal (n./ v.)
Def 1: a quality that causes people to like someone or something
I can’t understand the appeal of skydiving. [=I can’t understand why some people like it]
Def 2: 迎合 an attempt to make someone do or accept something as right or proper by saying things that are directed at a person’s feelings, attitudes, etc. — + to
The author makes an appeal to the reader’s emotions.
Def 1: to be liked by someone : to be pleasing or attractive to someone
The movie appeals to adults as well as (to) children. [=adults and children like the movie]
music that appeals to a wide variety of people
Def 2: to ask for something (such as help or support) in a serious way
The government appealed for calm.
desperate people who are appealing for help
psychological (adj.)
Def: of or relating to the mind/ mental
psychological disorders
promote (v.)
Def: to help (something) happen, develop, or increase
Good soil promotes plant growth.
validate (v.)
Def 1: to put a mark on (something) to show that it has been checked and is official or accepted
Customs officers validated our passports.
Def 2: to show that something is real or correct
The claims cannot yet be validated.
endorse (v.)
Def: to publicly or officially say that you support or approve of (someone or something)
The newspaper has endorsed the conservative candidate for mayor.
The committee must endorse [=approve] the decision.
equatorial (adj.)
Def: of or relating to the equator : located at or near the equator
presumably (adj.)
Def: very likely — used to say what you think is likely to happen or be true even though you are not sure
Presumably, he’ll come later. = He’ll presumably come later. = He’ll come later, presumably. [=it is reasonable to think that he will come later]
archaeologists (n.)
excavate (v.)
Def 1: to uncover (something) by digging away and removing the earth that covers it
They excavated an ancient city.
Def 2: to dig a large hole in (something)
They began excavating the backyard for their new pool.
modify (v.)
Def: to change some parts of (something) while not changing other parts
We can help you modify an existing home or build a new one.
He modified the recipe by using oil instead of butter.
modify a plan