Reading difficulties Flashcards
what are reading difficulties?
- encompasses range of diagnoses & cog/beh profiles
- dyslexia
- poor comprehenders
- other reading difficulties or deficits
- learning difficulty affecting skills involved in accurate & fluent word reading, and spelling (British Dyslexia Association, 2009)
- associated with a range of difficulties (Bedias et al., 2013) e.g. speed of word processing & these are broad at cog level
who has dyslexia
- 9-12% of population (European Dyslexia Association)
- sim prevalence across ranges of IQ & SES: isn’t associated with social circumstance or general IQ
- more frequent in males - might be due to more variance in reading behs of males (Arnett et al., 2017) or that females better at masking symptoms possibly
multi deficit model level of analysis
pennington (2006)
- aetilogical risk & protective factors
- neural systems = biological expression e.g. brain structure, comm between diff neural systems
- cog processes
- behavioural expression/disorders (also comorbidity & variability between disorders)
pennington (2006)
further reading
- need for a measure deficit model arises partly from advances in understanding the complex genetics of behaviourally defined developmental disorders like dyslexia, ASD, ADHD
- emerging etiological model for developmental disorders e.g. dyslexia, is probabilistic & multifactorial
- prevailing cognitive model has been deterministic & often focused on a single cognitive cause e.g. phonological deficit as the cause of dyslexia
- potential contradiction in our explanatory frameworks for understanding developmental disorders
- resolve contradiction by presenting a multiple cognitive deficit model of developmental disorder
genetic basis of dyslexia?
multi deficit model
- reading abilities appear to be heritable
- ~40-60% (Raskind et al., 2013)
- child at greater risk if parents have dyslexia (Schuite-Korne et al., 1996)
stevenson et al. (1987)
genetic basis of dyslexia?
- studied 285 twin pairs
- heritability 29% for reading abilities
- 73% spelling abilities
all once intelligence was controlled for
examples of candidate genes of dyslexia
- KIAA0319
- DYX1C1
KIAA0319 on chromosome 6p
candidate genes for dyslexia
- affects neural migration & radial glia adhesion - specialised cells involved in dev of nervous system
- v from genetic pooling of 223 ppts with DD (dyslexia) & 273 controls
- explanation of dyslexia at genetic level
(Cope et al., 2005)
DCDC2 in DYX2 locus
candidate genes for dyslexia
- particularly associated with severe phenotype of dyslexia (Schumacher et al., 2006)
- longitudinal study found that genetic risk from DCDC2 strengthens the link between pre-reading maze learning & subsequent reading impairment (Gabel et al., 2021)
- this gene responsible for skills involved in finding a way around a maze but also reading showing particular skills helpful for learning to read
- one gene many effects
- not one-to-one mapping
- not on/off
- gene has multiple effects across multiple domains
many genes contribute to a single trait
generalist genes hypothesis
plomin & kovas (2005)
- genes for LD are same as those for normal variance
- genes for symptom A are same as those for symptom B
- genes for one LD are same for another LD e.g. dyslexia & ADHD
how do genes influence dyslexia?
- high rates of comorbidity with other types of neurodiversity & psychiatric disorders
- genome-wide association study found associations between dyslexia risk & risk for ADHD, bipolar disorders & SZ (Gialluisi et al., 2021)
- genes interact with environment: higher influence when SES is high (Friend et al., 2008) in the expression of dyslexia
dilnot et al. (2017)
- investigated risk factors for predicting att, beh & reading readiness in 251 children at risk of dyslexia (parent has dyslexia)
- home literacy env & child’s health predicted reading readiness
- home literacy env & family stresses predicted att & beh
- no main effect of family risk once environmental factors controlled for so heritability no longer predicting factor
cog theories for dyslexia
- phonological deficit theory
- automisation hypothesis
- double-deficit theory
- magnocellular deficit theory
phonological deficit theory
- deficit in phonological awareness
- e.g. ability to recognise spoken parts of sentences & words
- sounds same, rhyme patterns, repeated sounds (sc,sk), ability to segment between words, syllabic breakdown of words
swan & goswami (1997)
phonological deficit theory
- groups: dyslexia, ‘poor readers’, CA control with typical reading ability, reading age MA (younger children)
- measured picture naming & phonological abilities
- picture naming: children with dyslexia poorer performance
- children with dyslexia performed similarity to reading-age controls for syllable & onset-rime measures
- children with dyslexia had poorer performance than reading-age controls for phonemic tasks
- both children with dyslexia & poor readers had better performance for high frequency words on the phoneme tasks
automisation hypothesis
- dyslexia is as result of a deficit in automatic processing
- e.g. difficulty ‘automising’ reading behs once learnt
- might be caused by reduced activation in cerebellum
moores et al. (2003)
automisation hypothesis
- ppl with dyslexia & controls took part in tasks that required focusing & shifting att between 2 target types (shapes and colours)
- dyslexia & control performance was sim for focusing att
- but dyslexia performed sig worse when relied on shifting att
- recog doesn’t appear to be automatic
- 2 hypotheses from this study - general resource deficit, automisation deficit
general resource deficit
automisation hypothesis
inds with dyslexia lack the resources to perform well on the att-shifting task
automisation deficit
automisation hypothesis
inds with dyslexia struggle to automise some skills, & therefore need more resources for these particular skills
moores et al. (2003) investigating general resource deficit and automisation deficit
- normal & degraded stim (shapes)
- will increasing attentional load disproportionally affect the dyslexia group?
- dyslexia group weren’t uniquely affected by degraded stim
- suggests a general lack of resources doesnt explain performance diffs
- could be explained by an automisation deficit
double-deficit theory
badain (1997)
- phonological awareness
- rapid naming
- 3rd orthographic deficit?
single deficit models
- 1 to 1 relationship between bio factors or cog deficits & presentation of the disorder
- e.g. trying to find a singular ‘core’ explanation for dyslexia that fits every diagnosis
multiple deficit models
- complex etiology
- shared & independent factors contributing to a cog skill
- genes have a probablistic influence (not on/off)
- pennington & bishop (2009)
explanations of comorbidity
- one diagnosis increases likelihood of receiving another diagnosis
- shared liabilities - could have a genetic, cog, or cellular basis
- correlated liabilities - associated but distinct risk factors
comorbidity within dyslexia
- DLD (Catts et al., 2005)
- ADHD (Gilger et al., 1992)
- developmental dyscalculia (Landerl & Moll, 2010)
- developmental coordination disorder (Kaplan et al., 1988)
snowling et al. (2019)
- family risk of dyslexia or DLD vs TD controls
- observed before entering school (t1,t2) & during school (t3-5)
- measured range of cog predictors
- classified in year 3 of school into disorder groups
- severity changes over time
- poor lang as preschool precursor of deficits
- dyslexia & DLD show diff dev trajectories
- more severe phonological deficits in comorbid cases
- motor & EF deficits as a marker of wider neural deficits (corr but unrelated to lang performance)
- improvements in lang dev in comorbid group could be protective
- very important to examine influence of time on outcomes
why does comorbidity occur between dyslexia & other neurodev disorders?
- shared genetic etiology
- shared cog bases
- ev points towards sim underlying mechanisms rather than causality (van Bergen, 2023)
evidence based interventions
- theory of how a skill develops
- theory of how a skill is promoted
- high quality evidence
snowling & hulme (2011)
theory-based interventions
- theories inform which skills are targeted by the intervention
- e.g.:
- phonological deficit theory identifies phonemic awareness as a key skill
- intervention based on isolating, identifying & blending phonemes
review of phonologival awareness training
- effect sizes reported by the national reading panel (NICHD, 2000)
- 0.86 on phonological awareness
- 0.53 on reading outcomes
- 0.59 on spelling outcomes
- highly effective across literacy domains
- not effective outside domain e.g. maths
- improved in combination with letter knowledge intervention
theory of how a skill develops
- ev reviewed to see how a skill is best promoted
- e.g. phonics instruction can be used to improve letter-sound knowledge
- different techniques: synthetic phonics, analytic phonics
- both focus on segmenting & understanding words but do this in different ways
- both techniques useful, but combined approach with synthetic phonics instruction appears most successful
high quality evidence
- rigorous trials
- educationally realistic trials - able to implement them, reflect types of behs appropriate to classroom & ind
- randomised controlled trials
- scaled up classroom research - approaching interventions which are realistic to which they would be implemented and that which would be most helpful
things to consider
- cost of intervention - realistic and affordable
- implementing into educational settings - e.g. how long does it take?
- accommodating for inds with reading difficulties if interventions aren’t successful - relates to variability in behavioural phenotype of dyslexia, comorbidity. What are the other options?
snowling & hulme (2011)
further reading
- decoding difficulties appear to be caused by problems with phonological (speech sound) processing
- any well-founded educational intervention must be based on a sound theory of the causes of a particular form of learning difficulty, which in turn must be based on an understanding of how a given skill is learned by TD children
- phonologically based interventions are effective in ameliorating children’s word level decoding difficulties
- smaller evidence base showing that reading & oral language (OL) comprehension difficulties can be ameliorated by suitable interventions to boost vocabulary and broader OL skills