Reading Comprehension Flashcards
What are the 6 aspects of the general reading approach for Reading Comprehension?
1) Determine passage’s main idea
2) Track opinions presented
3) Use consistent note-taking strategy
4) Stay within information provided by passage
5) Support each inference with specific line(s)
6) Focus on structure, not content or details
What are the 4 elements of a good note taking strategy for Reading Comprehension
1) Viewpoints - opinions, theories, hypotheses
- mark different viewpoints as V1, V2, etc.
2) Evidence - details, supporting examples
- mark evidence for each viewpoint as E1, E2, etc.
3) Advocates (if any) - people promoting opinions
- mark advocates for each viewpoint as A1, A2
4) Author’s opinion (if any) - may fit with V1/V2
- place relevant V and # next to lines and circle it
What are two indicators to look for in passage, and what are examples of each
1) CONTINUITY: after all, besides, by the same token, for example, furthermore, in addition, in the same vein, moreover, similarly
2) DISCONTINUITY: admittedly, although, but, by/in contrast, despite, even though, however, in spite of, nevertheless, on the other hand, still, whereas
What is the approach to be used for long passages?
1) Read passage, noting arguments when presented
2) Determine author’s opinion, if any
3) Solve main idea/primary purpose questions
4) Solve all other questions
What is the approach to be used for short (Dual) passages?
1) Look for questions about only 1 of 2 passages
2) If any, read relevant passage(s) & solve first
3) Read both passages, noting points in both
4) Solve main idea / primary purpose questions
5) Solve all other questions
What are the 10 types of Reading Comprehension questions?
1) Main Idea/ Main Point/ Central Idea
2) Specific Detail
3) Inference
4) Meaning-in-Context
5) Strengthen/Weaken
6) Primary Purpose / Function
7) Role of Statement
8) Author’s Attitude
9) Passage Organization
10) Parallel Reasoning
What is an example of a Main Idea/Main Point/ Central Idea question, and how should it be approached?
“Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main point of the passage?”
APPROACH: Look for author’s viewpoint, or whichever viewpoint gets more attention in the passage. Answer must be true of entire passage, not only one part of it.
What is an example of a Specific Detail question, and how should it be approached?`
“Which one of the following is a type of forest identified by the author as a product of controlled burning in recent times?”
APPROACH: Don’t look too deeply into the choices here. Look for a paraphrase of information in the passage
What is an example of an Inference question, and how should it be approached?`
“It can be inferred from the passage that the author would most likely agree with which one of the following statements?”
APPROACH: Remember a specific portion of the passage, or find explicit justification within the passage, before selecting a choice
What is an example of a Meaning-in-context question, and how should it be approached?`
“The expression ‘cultural segregation in the arts’ (lines 22-23) most clearly refers to”
APPROACH: Read above and below the referenced portion of the passage, possibly even more, to find the contextual meaning of the phrase
What is an example of a Stregnthen/Weaken question, and how should it be approached?`
“Which on of the following, if true, most challenges the author’s contention that legal systems contain a significant degree of intellectual authority?”
APPROACH: Consider new information’s impact on the likelihood of the argument’s validity
What is an example of a Primary Purpose / Function question, and how should it be approached?`
“The primary purpose of the passage is to”
APPROACH: Similar to Main Idea but choices use more abstract language. Evaluate verbs used in each choice
What is an example of a Role of Statement question, and how should it be approached?`
“The author discusses the example from musicology primarily in order to”
APPROACH: Use contextual cues to determine how the statement plays a role in the author’s overall argument
What is an example of an Author’s Attitude question, and how should it be approached?`
“Which one of the following most accurately describes the author’s attitude toward the unanimity requirement?”
APPROACH: Look for indications of author’s opinion throughout the passage, particularly adjectives
What is an example of a Passage Organization question, and how should it be approached?`
“Which one of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?”
APPROACH: Use process of elimination, checking each answer choice against notes on passage’s structure
What is an example of a Parallel Reasoning question, and how should it be approached?`
“Which one of the followingis most similar ot Scheich’s experimental strategy as it is described in the passage?”
APPROACH: Form generalized version of topic in question and find answer choice that best fit it
What are 4 of the Dual Passage Question Types?
1) Common Issue / Central Idea: “Which one of the following is true about the relationship between both passages?”
2) Agree/Disagree: “It can be inferred that the authors would be most likely to disagree over…”
3) Method of Reasoning: “Which one of the following best describes the style of (or relationship between) the passages?”
4) Analogy: “The relationship between the passages is most similar to that of which of the following?”
What are 6 common wrong answer choices in Reading Comprehension?
1) Extreme statements not supported by evidence (correct answers often use moderate/reasonable terms)
2) irrelevant information outside scope of discussion
3) exact opposite of the passage’s argument
4) minor changes to info supported by passage
5) illogical/random combinations of arguments
6) false attributions of individuals’ points of view