Reading Flashcards
Dicken 2004
Globalisation is a term used to describe complex set of processes/outcomes that dialectically and relationally interact with places and people
Strange 1995
Globalisation is an umbrella term = lumps together converging trends
Aalbers 2008
- Has led to increase in the number of actors impacted by economic events (e.g. 2008 GFC)
- Narvik in Norway invested in Citigroup (US bank) in 2008
Sarre 2007
Uk industrialisation C19th (led to more economic growth, profits/savings and investment) – especially London (MITCHIE, 1991)
Bindemann 1999
Low levels of regulation important for development
Dickens 2003
Finance is major component of globalisation and needs the state, TNCs and technology
Graham 2008
Internet is key component of development (decrease space, scale and time) = led to ‘economic and social revolution with the ability to fundamentally reshape the globe’
Porter 2001
Ecommerce = decreased transaction costs for actors
Crampton 2004
Digital divide = the gap that exists between people and places with access to digital technologies and people and places that do not have this access
Doherty 1999
Competitive advantage is largely built on intangible assets
Wrigley et al 2005
Can be hard for TNCs to leave markets due to increasing involvement through investment (FDI) = higher barriers to exit
Yeung 1998
Believe we are in borderless world due to increase in functional integration and interdependance
- Boarderles world must be contested as it simplifies multiple/intricate relationships between capital, state and space
- Uneven FDI = not a borderless world for everyone
Ohmae 1995
No more nation states but instead region states (e.g. Silicon Valley)
Dicken 2014
Clothing industry is good for initial globalisation due to very low barriers to entry
- Uneven industry (China = 37%, all of EU states = 27%)
Morgan 2001
TNCs now transnational communities
Castles and Miller 2010
1970s = increase in regulations in USA/europe in illegal workers (moving further away from the borderless world)
- 1997 = 17,500 arrests with regards to illegal workers in USA
McEwan 2008
more technology = ‘spatial turn’ phenomenon
Held et al 1999
Music increasing globally (one culture idea) as not reliant on words/speech