READ Final Flashcards
final study guide for Dr. Evans Read Class
Processors that Involve Comprehension
Phonological, Orthographic, Meaning, and Context Processors
Phonological Processor
Speech Sound System
Orthographic Processor
Memory for Letters
Meaning Processor
Context Processor
Concepts and information; sentence context; text structure.
Two Types of Vocabulary Forms
Receptive and Productive/Expressive
Simple View of Reading
2 Domains
Decoding x Comprehension
Phonemic Awareness, Phonics
Vocabulary, Text Comprehension
Ehri’s Phases
Pre-Alphabetic Phase: read visual cues.
Partial Alphabetic Phase: some sound/spellings.
Full Alphabetic Phase: most common sound/spellings.
Consolidated Alphabetic Phase: chunks of letters within words.
Automatic Phase: proficient word reading.
Big 5 Reading Components
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness
Knowing that spoken words are made up of smaller parts called Phonemes. Gives children a basic foundation that helps them learn to read and spell.
Teaches students about the relationship between phonemes and printed letters and explains how to use this knowledge to read and spell.
Being able to read quickly, knowing what the words are and what they mean.
Teaches students how to recognize words and understand them.
Teaches specific plans and strategies students can use to help them understand what they are reading.
Phonological Awareness Umbrella
Left side: Words in sentences, syllables, on-set rime, rhyme/alliteration, phoneme.
Right side:
Phonemic Awareness-
Early: Isolation, Identification, Categorization.
Basic: Blending, Segmenting.
Advanced: Deletion, Addition, Substitution, Reversals.
What is a phoneme?
The smallest unit of speech sound.
What is isolation?
This skill is when a student is given a word, student recognizes individual sounds in the word.
What is deletion?
This skill is when a student is given a word, student recognized the word that remains when a phoneme is removed from that word.
What is /v/ /th/ /z/ zh/?
This sound is a fricative and a voiced sound.
What are phonological and orthographic processors?
These two processors are involved with phonics.
What is decoding?
The ability to translate a word from print to speech, usually by employing knowledge of sound-symbol correspondences.
What is phoneme-grapheme mapping?
The process of matching letters and letter groups to the phonemes they represent.
What is a digraph?
Two letter combination that stands for one phoneme.
What is an open syllable?
A syllable ending with a single vowel. The vowel is usually long.
What is a read aloud, interactive read aloud, etc.?
This is one way to teach vocabulary.
What is contextual analysis or morphemic analysis?
This type of analysis goes with teaching vocabulary.
What is tier two?
The word “elegant” belongs to this tier of vocabulary.
What is literal comprehension?
This is the type of comprehension that comes directly from the text.
What is set a goal, preview the text, and predict what the text will say?
Good readers do this before reading.
What are inferential questions?
Questions for which the answer is implied, although not explicitly stated in one place in the text.
What is reading fluency, vocabulary, world knowledge, comprehension strategies, and motivation?
Comprehension builds upon
What are all the processors?
These processors are involved with fluency.
What is accuracy?
The ability to recognize or decode words correctly.
What is rate?
How quickly and accurately a reader reads connected text.
What is expression/prosody?
The ability to read in a way that sounds like spoken language.
What is the phonological and the orthographic processor?
A student who is not fluent may most likely has trouble in these processors.
What is: relationships, loving your students, etc?
This is one of the most important things to remember about being a teacher.