Reactor Physics Flashcards
Two principle interaction mechanisms between neutrons and nuclei
Potential scattering and compound nucleus formation
Potential scattering collisions are elastic, what does this mean
KE and momentum are conserved
What is potential scattering
Potential scattering is a process in which the incident neutron is bounced or scattered off the
What is compound nucleus formation and what does it result in
compound nucleus formation starts with the absorption of the incident neutron into the original nucleus to form a compound nucleus. The compound nucleus will be in an excited state and will decay immediately, emitting either a particle or gamma
-radiation (high energy photons) or both. It is the product of decay that distinguishes different types of compound nucleus interaction.
What happens in a capture interaction
The compound nucleus decays to its ground state by the emission of gamma radiation only, and obviously the mass number of the nucleus has increased by 1
Demoted as a (n, gamma) reaction
What happens in inelastic scattering interaction
The compound nucleus decays by emitting a neutron. If the nucleus is still in an excited state, it decays to its ground state by emission of gamma radiation.
KE is not conserved in this interaction as some of the KE of the incident neutron is transformed to gamma radiation.
What happens in compound elastic scattering
The excited compound nucleus emits a neutron and immediately returns to ground state, so KE is conserved. Therefore identical to potential scattering in its consequences. Together they’re known as elastic scattering
What happens in a fission interaction
Some of the heaviest elements will have their excited nucleuses each by splitting into two intermediate nuclei of unequal mass plus
a few neutrons.
Most associated nucleus for this is U-235
Difference between fissionable and fissile
Fissile means they undergo fission with low energy neutrons where as fissionable need over a threshold incident energy (given in eV)
What’s more common, symmetrical or asymmetrical fission
What can be emitted in a fission reaction
Two fission fragments, between zero and five neutrons, beta particles (electron/positron) gamma radiation, neutrinos and energy.
How to find energy released in a fission reaction
Compare the total binding energy of the products
What amounts for t(e vast majority of energy released in a fission reaction
The KE of the fission products which quickly gets turned into heat.
What is the purpose of the moderator
a material included in the reactor specifically to slow the neutrons down to energies at which fission reactions are more favourable.
What’s the only source of energy that can’t be recovered in a fission reaction
The energy associated with the neutrinos
Unit of cross section
Barns (10^-28 m^2)
Factors that dictate the effective cross section that a nucleus presents a neutron
- the type of target (the individual element)
- the type of “bullet” (the neutron’s energy)
- the type of reaction under consideration
Reaction rate equation (number of events per second per unit volume)
R = phi sigma N
Phi is neutron flux - neutron density times average neutron speed
Sigma is the microscopic cross section
N is the number of atoms (nuclei) per unit volume
Equation for macroscopic cross section
Sigma N
Sigma is microscopic cross section
N is number of nuclei per unit volume
How to find total cross section
Sum all the individual interaction’s cross section: • the elastic scattering cross-section
• the inelastic scattering cross-section
• the capture cross-section
• the fission cross-section (which is, of course, zero for all non-fissionable isotopes)