Reactions to Revolutionary Ideals Flashcards
Cash Crop Economy
Cash crop farming is farming for a large profit. Cash crops are crops that generate a large profit.
In Latin America under colonial rule, the economies became dependent on trade with Spain and Portugal. The colonies sent raw materials such as sugar, cotton, and coffee to Europe and had to import manufactured goods.
Depending on one or a few cash crops makes a nation’s economy very unstable since there is a lack of diversification. Issues with one crop could yield devastating results.
What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution?
Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico as a dictator during the 1800s to early 1900s. Although he brought economic improvements to the country through industrialization, he rigged elections and imprisoned those who spoke out against him.
Eventually, the masses were left uneducated, landless and poor revolted against Diaz.
Between 1815 and 1848, the major European powers often acted together to resolve European diplomatic and political issues. What was this system called?
Since the Great Powers acted in concert (together), this system was known as the Concert of Europe. Any of the Great Powers could propose a congress at which major European diplomatic and political concerns were discussed.
The Concert of Europe marked the first time the major powers acted collectively to ensure international peace and prosperity.
What were the goals of the Congress of Vienna 1815?
A meeting held to restore Europe back to the way it was before the French Revolution. The Congress of Vienna had several goals and actions to accomplish this.
Goal 1: Prevent France from militarizing again.
Action 1: Strengthen the countries surrounding France.
Goal 2: Return Europe to the way it ways before Napoleon.
Action 2: Bring back absolute monarchies.
Goal 3: Maintain peace.
Action 3: Create a “Concert of Europe” or organization to protect the peace in Europe.
Conservatism was a set of beliefs held by those who wanted to preserve traditional ways.
As conservatism clashed with the ideals of the French Revolution, revolutions occurred throughout Europe and Latin America.
What were the effects of the Mexican Revolution?
The Constitution of 1917 was created granting land reform and rights to workers and women.
Social Reform - libraries and schools were established.
Economic Nationalism - the people were inspired to end their reliance on foreign countries for economic stability.
Cultural Nationalism - writers and authors began rejecting European culture and embracing their own.
Who was Emiliano Zapata?
A leader of the Mexican Revolution who led a large peasant revolt in the south. Zapata called for land reform and is hailed as one of the heroes of the Mexican Revolution.
Describe the Encomienda System.
The Encomienda System was used in the New World starting in the 16th century set up by the Spanish. It was a system set up to benefit the Spanish and control the indigenous population.
The Spanish were able to capitalize on this system by forcing natives to work, allowing the conquistadors to acquire great wealth at their expense.
Who was Francisco “Pancho” Villa?
A rebel leader of the Mexican Revolution. Villa was extremely popular amongst the peasant population in the North and is considered one of the heroes of the Mexican Revolution.
How did the French respond to the Haitian Revolution?
Distracted by the French Revolution and large-scale European wars, the French initially did little to put down the Haitian Revolution.
In 1802, Napoleon dispatched troops to retake Haiti. The French troops captured Haitian leader L’Ouverture and sent him to France. Eventually, 40,000 French troops died of yellow fever. The French returned home and Haiti became an independent nation.
Gran Colombia
Gran Colombia was a union of the newly freed states of southern Central America and northern South America under the leadership of Simón Bolívar.
The new nation collapsed in 1831 after Bolívar resigned from leadership, eventually forming the nations of Venezuela, Ecuador, and New Granada (Colombia and Panama).
A large-scale slave revolt broke out in what Caribbean country in 1791?
In 1791, while France was in the midst of the French Revolution, a large slave revolt against the French rule broke out in Haiti. By 1793, French forces had been largely defeated by Haitian forces led by Toussaint L’Ouverture.
How did caudillos create instability in Latin American in the Post-Revolutionary era?
Newly independent countries had little experience with self-government. As a result, local military strongmen called caudillos assembled their own militias and challenged the government’s power.
How did economic issues create instability in Latin America in the Post-Revolutionary era?
Latin American colonies were dependent on trade with Spain and Portugal. The colonies relied on cash crops in order to profit.
Each area had one or two crops that they would send over to Europe. This makes the colonies very unstable since their economy was based on only 1 or 2 crops.
How did geography create instability in Latin America in the Post-Revolutionary era?
Geographic Barriers - the Andres Mountains prevented communication between newly independent states.
This prevented the creation of one united country of newly independent states after independence was achieved from Spain.