React Hooks Flashcards
// works like both componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate in one
// useEffect runs after the render useEffect(() => { console.log('[Cockpit.js] useEffect '); // Http request... // const timer = if we want to use the return below /*setTimeout(() => { alert('Save data to cloud!'); }, 1000);*/; return () => { // never see alert because we clean-up when the cockpit is unmounted before timer //clearTimeout(timer); console.log('[Cockpit.js] clean-up work in useEffect'); } }, []); // we can check for changes with, for example [props.persons], can have multiple [a,b,c] and it will only run if the props.persons changes // if we want it to run the first time but never again use [] --blank, like componentDidMount // can also do clean up here too with the return -- it runs before the main useEffect function // but after the (first) render cycle
// The example 2nd useEffect has no conditions and it runs everytime // Useful if some operation that should be canceled after it renders useEffect(() => { console.log('[Cockpit.js] 2nd useEffect'); return () => { console.log('[Cockpit.js] clean-up work of 2nd useEffect'); }; });
Use memo to store a snapshot of the functional component and only if its input changes will the functional component re-render. Basica, wrap the component with React.memo(component)
Pure Component
check if any of the state or props changes in a component
Pure Component
check if any of the state or props changes in a component
Then you can extend a PureComponent
import React, {PureComponent}
class Persons extends PureComponent { }
ref - Class Based
ref is a reference that can be set on any element in your code
First Method - OLD
ref={(inputEL) => {this.inputElement = inputEl})
and then put this.inputElement.focus(); in the ComponentDidMount()
Second Method - NEW constructor(props) { super() this.inputElementRef = React.createRef(): }
Then in the render / return stmt - because this is called before component did mount
then in
componentDidMount() {
Ref - Functionsl
import React, { useEffect, useRef} from ‘react’
const cockpit = propose => { const toggleBtnRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {;
return () => {
then in the return
the use of curly brackets {{ }}
the outer brackets allow for dynamic content and the inner brackets can create a javascript object