React for Beginners Flashcards
Everything within React is not a model or a controller but a…
A Component is similar to
Building your own HTML tags, which you can supply with a whole buncha information.
What 3 types of information can you pass to a component?
Props, State and Context
What one method does every single class within React need?
The Render method.
What does the Render method do within a React class?
It just kind of determines what DOM elements at the end of the day are put onto the page.
What’s the syntax if you just want to cherry pick one method from a package?
import { render } from ‘react-dom’ (The curly braces are what makes the magic happen)
How do you mount the app to a page?
You need an empty div within your index.html that you can mount to, and then within your index.js you need to render your primary component to it. Here is an example of that: render(, document.querySelector(‘#main’));
What do you need at the end of each class file?
An export statement - something like: export default StorePicker;
How do we write HTML within React?
With JSX - which isn’t required, but the other options of React.CreateComponent and such - they hurt and they make us sad.
What does one use instead of ‘class=mwuhmwuh’ when setting the class name of an HTML element?
we use className, cause React likes that.
What’s the rule on sibling elements within JSX?
They can’t returned. We have to return one element - it can have whatever the high hay it wants inside of it - but there must ultimately just be one element being returned.
How do we get around JSX only letting us return one element when we want to do some FlexBox or CSSGrid stuff?
mwuh mwuh - or if we import {Fragment} from React, we can have the clearner looking This avoids unnecessary divs all up in our DOM
What should we expect to be able to do soon instead of
<> >, as soon as Babel gets its act together.
How do we make comments within JSX?
{ /* yooo */ } - not just a //, and not an html comment , and event within our squirlies - not a //. Must be the block JS comments within squirlies
What’s the big stupid thing that makes people throw their computers when they get an unexplained error in regards to comments? The error message says something about an unexpected comma?
People try to put a comment above their Fragment or their parent element - which, in effect, is returning two sibling elements, which breaks everything. You often don’t think of a comment as an element - but it is.
How do you import CSS into a React app?
You can either do it inline, or you can put an import statement at the top, like import ‘./css/style.css’ People are ready to die on both sides of this decision. Meh.
Tell me about Props
They are similar to HTML attributes - and just like how an Image tag needs a src and an alt, or an Input tag needs the type attribute - we can pass our own custom attributes with our components. This is how we get data into a component from its parent.
State is where the data lives…
Props are how the data gets to work. They’re like the bus.
Other than not using already existing props, what are the rules about props?
None, man. Just name them whatever and call them with this.props.whatever.
In what way are props similar to an arguments object within a function?
They’re both just objects of data that were passed in when the component or method was called.
What’s the thing to remember when passing anything other than a string to a prop? (Such as a number or a boolean)
It has to be in curly “I’m doing some JS now” braces.
What do you do when you want to use a JS variable within JSX?
Put it in some of those curly braces man.
What does ‘this’ refer to when we’re rocking React?
The component instance. So this.props is the props object within the current component.
When you type $0 in React Dev Tools, what does it refer to?
What ever element is selected.
What does $1 in React Dev Tools terminal refer to?
The second to last item chosen. And $2 grabs the one before that, and I think so on (or maybe only up to 2?)
What does $r refer to within React Dev Tools?
The component instance. You can then open it up in DevTools and see everything in the object including what the props are set to.
When should you make a class a stateless functional component instead?
Well, man, when you only have a render method - no additional logic going on, no other methods - and your component is just being fed whatever data it needs as types - it’s a good idea.
What’s one catch of Functional Components?
There is no ‘this’ - instead you pass the props into it, and call the individaul props that way.
Compare this class component to a stateless functional component:

How does the <switch> tag work within ReactRouter?</switch>
It tries each route in succession until it finds a match - if no match is found, it will go to the default “NotFound” route.
What’s the difference between export default and just plain export?
When we do export default, then if we import, that’s what we will get - however, there are also Named Functions, which we can import from a package using curly braces if we know the name. To create a Named Function, we just begin with:
export function whatever() { }
What’s the difference between using the value prop of an input and the defaultValue prop?
With the value prop, it always needs to be tied directly to state. So, if you just want some default text to fill an input, you need to use the defaultValue prop instead.
What’s the main difference between event handling in React and in jQuery/JS?
React Events are handled inline, and all events are wrapped within a SyntheticEvent to make sure they work across all browsers and devices (but we don’t have to worry much about the SyntheticEvent)
What does it mean that React events are handled inline?
So, instead of giving a button a class, and then selecting that class within a script tag or an imported file, in React, we use the button’s onClick prop.
What’s wrong with the following?
Within React, we don’t want to use the parentheses at the end in most cases - this will make the function run when that DOM element mounts, which is not often what we want. Instead, we just pass in the name, without the parentheses, and React will take care of matching it up to a method.
What is the golden rule of React?
Do Not Touch The DOM (usually)
We want to be thinking in terms of the React App itself - the elements rendered our are an after the fact sort of thing. This means we use the React element’s own properties instead of selecting them after the fact with querySelector or whatever. We do this using refs on an element, or more commonly, by syncing our data to the store.
What’s the tricky part with custom methods within React?
All of the built-in methods are inside of React.component and have ‘this’ bound to the component. Our custom methods don’t automatically get this benefit - so we have to bind them ourselves some way. You might see older styles where they are bound with a constructor method manually binding each custom method - but that gets ungainly if you have many methods. Instead, if our custom method is going to need access to the component, the easiest way is to declare it as a prop instead of a function.
By setting the ‘method’ to be a prop with an arrow function - properties are bound to the instance rather than bound to nothing by default. So instead of
goToStore(event) {
we would declare it as:
goToStore = (event) => {
and then have access to ‘this’ from within our method.
What is pushState?
It is a method from React Router that allows us to change a URL without re-loading the page, thus making things super fast. We have to have access to React Router to do this - which can be a bummer if we’re many components deep, as we’d have to funnel the values down and down and down - but if we’re in a direct child of React Router (which all main routes should be) - we already get access to this through the passed-in props.
So, if we use this.props.history.push(your-new-url) - this will go ahead and get us there.
What is state?
State is essentially just an object that lives inside of a component that stores all the data that that component and its children need. It is a single source of truth, rather than having your data spread across different variables or data attributes on DOM elements.
What don’t we want to touch, in React?
The DOM, if it can at all be helped.
If data lives in state on a child component way down in the hierarchy, how does it share that data with other components?
It doesn’t. Data goes down, but not back up again.
Where do the methods that update state need to live?
Always in the same component as the actual state.
How do you get a function down lower in the hierarchy?
By passing it as props. Thanks ES6!
How should we update state?
Using the existing setState API - anything else could cause things to get updated out of order, or built-in methods not to fire - it would be a mess. Always use setState (in fact, you might have to now, I’m not sure).
What’s the process for updating a piece of state?
We don’t want to mutate data on state directly - that would cause many problems. SOOOO:
- Take a copy of the existing state
const fishes = { …this.state.fishes };
- Then add the new item to the copied variable.
Do we need to pass the entire state to setState?
Nah, man. Just the piece of state that we wish to update - you can leave the rest out of it.
Where do assets like pictures and the like live?
In your public folder (then you can make sub-folders for images, documents, whatever)
How does logic work within JSX?
It doesn’t. There is no logic built into JSX - no ifs, loops, conditionals, or any of the other stuff. So, for logic, you have to do JS with the { }.
How do you map over state?
Stat is an object, and you can’t map over an object - so, first you must do something like Object.keys(this.state.fishes).
Why do we have to have a unique identifier for each component?
In order for React to be fast, it needs to be able to quickly get to the component, or piece of the component, that needs updated. There is a built in property ‘key’ that you can pass to any element to enable this, and it will whine at you if you don’t - key can be anything so long as it is unique.
How do we get info from state to individual components?
We pass it in from props - you can pass the entire state object, calling it whatever you want.
What if you need access to the key - not just React needing it as a unique identifier, but you needing it to do something with?
It’s kinda dumb, but you have to pass it twice, calling the prop something other than key (index seems to work)
Should you use spread to pass down your entire state to a component?
Hex no. You shouldn’t be passing down data unless you explicitly need it and we want our components to be as independent as possible - state may be added to by another developer or who knows what, you can end up with a lot of data that you don’t need.
What does the .reduce method do?
It’s like a for loop or a map, but instead of returning a new item, or just looping over and updating a variable, it instead takes in some data from each element and returns a value, like a tally or a total.
When is it helpful to have a ‘render function’?
Sometimes the logic of a render method starts to feel overloaded - but whatever is clogging it isn’t re-usable and doesn’t feel right as its own component. In that case, oyou can create a separate function within the class, and just call that. In this way, you can separate out the presentation logic from any calculations going on.
But don’t actually put a second ‘render() { } ‘ statement - that’d be a no no.
What’s so cool about Firebase using Web Sockets?
It lets it work in realtime - any updates to your page, or to your database, will be instantly pushed and changed for anyone currently viewing that website - it doesn’t require an AJAX call or a page refresh to see the change.
What is a Lifecycle method in React?
It’s similar to something like Window.onLoad or Document.ready in jQuery - they are hooks into when certain things are happening or have happened in our application.
What is ComponentDidMount?
It’s a life-cycle method that allows us to hook into the very first second that our app has been loaded onto the page.
Are refs in firebase the same as import refs within our views?
Nah. refs in firebase are the reference to the individual piece of data in the database.
Tell me about localstorage
It’s not kept in a database, but in the user’s browser, so that if they come back to it later or change pages or refresh - they don’t lose their data. It’s kind of like cookies but much easier to deal with.
What does it mean that localStorage is a key-value token?
We can grab a bunch of keys and then store values along with them, and then come back to that key at a later point and pull that data out and put it back into our app.
When is ComponentDidUpdate invoked?
Immediately after any update to our data occurs, but not on the initial render of the page.
What does it mean when you get the [Object][object] error?
[Object][object] is the result of calling the “to_string” method on an object - so somewhere, you’re sending an object and should be sending a string. Usually a JSON.stringify is needed.
How do you want to handle inputs where your state will live in that input? (Something like an edit form)
React is going to intercept the key event on a value unless you have some plan to change state in place. You can do so with a handleChange method like so:
handleChange = (event) => {
//update that fish
// 1. Take a copy of the current fish.
const updatedFish = {
[]: event.currentTarget.value;