React Day 2 Flashcards
<p>If there is a button, it is a good time to use</p>
<p>a component.</p>
we use ……. instead of class
<p>we need the state to be outside of the ...</p>
<p>Event Listeners</p>
<p>We update state and then we</p>
<p>render the changes on the UI</p>
<p>Triangle =></p>
<p>- u...... i....</p>
<p>- we update ...</p>
<p>- we ... the changes on the ... from the ...</p>
<p>Triangle =></p>
<p>- user interaction</p>
<p>- we update state</p>
<p>- we render the changes on the UI from the state</p>
<p>here, we've got a function and a variable</p>
when index.js is created for e.g. Header, create a …….
lesson from today:
1) we need to find a way to ….
2) naming convenetions is more of an …. than a ….
3) the reason why we break things down into 4) componenets, is there may be …. or …..
lesson from today:
1) we need to find a way to organise
2) naming convenetions is more of an art than a science
3) the reason why we break things down into componenets, is there may be actions or events
page 23 - very important!
very important
checkboxes, word to think about… (trigger word)
PROCESS - console.log constantly
line by line
problem solve
Process is the key
to render stuff on React, we use ….