Re revision Flashcards
Re revision
Two types of jesus mircale
Healing miracle , nature miricale
What did jesus need to see for a miracle to happen
Jesus needed to see faith
The visions at lourdes
A young girl had a vision of mary coming too see her
St bernadette characteristics
She was very kind
Wedding at cana
Jesus turned water into wine
Miricales at sea
Walked on water, made people catch abundances of fish
Feeding the 5000
There were 12 baskets of food left over
Jesus healing on the sabbath
Ressurected someone on the sabbath day (seen as work)
Raising lazuruz
After being dead for 4 days his freinds and family still showed faith therefore jesus performed a miricale
Healing of the paraylised man
Jesus saw lots of faith as the mans freinds broke a roof in an attempt for their freinds to be healed then jesus healed him