R.E Revision Flashcards
Why was Mary pregnant ?
The holy spirit told Mary she would and she became pregnant.
What is a virgin ?
Someone who has not done intercourse.
Who was told to name the baby,Jesus ?
Joseph the carpenter.
What did the three wise men give to Jesus ?
Gold,Frankincense and myrrh.
How old was Jesus when he got lost in the temple ?
How long was Jesus missing for ?
3 days
Where was Jesus found and who was he with ?
He was found in a temple with some Jewish leaders.
Who was in charge of the country Palestine ?
What was the capital of Palestine ?
Who was emperor at that time ?
King Herod
How many people populated in the capital ?
50,000 people
What was the landmark visisble all over the city ?
Mount Hermon
What type of transportation was there in Jerusalem ?
Horses,cammels and donkey’s
What was the average persons house made of in Palestine ?
It hade mud bricks,a flat roof,a place for animals and your whole generation of family.
Why was life for women so unfair ?
They had to do the most jobs (taking care of children,preparing food and fetching water).
What rules were unfair for women ?
Not allowed to pick who they marry,not allowed to own properties didn’t go to school.
What diseases were mostly comon ?
Blindness and leperosy
What were the punishments back in Jerusalem ?
crucifiction and getting stoned to death.
Who were the rabbis ?
teachers and leaders of faith and were strict on obbeying the 613 laws/commandments.
Who were the high priests ?
very religious leaders and had the job of going into the most holiest part of church.
Who were the Sanhedrin ?
people part of Jewish court systems and dealt with people commiting crimes.
Who were the Pharisees ?
their name meant seperated in one and also very strict in the 613 laws/commandments
Who were the Zealots ?
they hated the Romans,didn’t pay taxes and was prepared to fight for freedom.
Who were the Essenes ?
They lived a normal life and mostly lived in desserts and were even stricter than the Pharisees in religion.
Who were the sadducees ?
They were a very small but powerful and rich group of people who had good relations with the Romans.
What animal was the gospel Matthew represented ?
What animal was the gospel John represented ?
The eagle
What animal was the gospel Luke represented ?
The cow
What animal was the Gospel Mark represented ?
The lion with wings
Around how many years was the Gospel accounts spreaded ?
30-70 years
What does gold mean in the Magi ?
What does Frankincense mean in the Magi ?
What does myrrh mean in the Magi ?
What were the three wise men potrayed as ?
European,African and Asian.
What did God promise to the Jewish people ?
A messiah
Who was the one to baptise of Jesus ?
Jesus cousin John the Baptist
What does the Trinity represent ?
God the father,The son and The holy spirit.
Why was the Trinity made ?
Early Christians belived in that God showed himself in three different ways.
Who appeared during the story of Jesus temptations ?
The devil/satan
What was one of the request satan made to Jesus ?
If he worships him Jesus would have anything he wants.
Did Jesus follow satans commands ?
How many disciple did Jesus have ?
What was one of the main reasons Jesus picked his disciples to be his followers ?
He saw potential in them
What were some of the jobs the disciples had ?
A fisherman or tax collector
What were the names of all 12 disciples ?
What did the jewish people do on the sabbath day ?
Visit the synagogue
What is the Small fishing village
Who was the roman emperor when Jesus was born
Who is the ruler of Jews when Jesus was born
Herod the Great
Who built the first temple of Jerusalem ?
King Solomon