RE PAPER 1 Flashcards
The belief that God is all powerful
Existing outside of space and time.
God exists in a way that makes him nothing like anything else that exists, above and beyond creation.
Creation ex nihilo
Creation out of nothing.
Before God created the universe, nothing existed.
Only God can create out of nothing
The process of mutation and natural selection which leads to changes in species over time to suit particular environments.
Imago Dei
In the image of God.
The belief that human beings are uniquely a reflection of God’s personhood.
Unlike the other animals, human beings are rational, free and moral
“God breathed”
The belief that the Spirit of God guides an individual to act or write what is good and true.
The word used to describe all of the ways in which God makes himself known to human beings.
Christians believe that God does this finally and fully in the person of Jesus Christ.
The duty to care for creation responsibly, as stewards rather than consumers.
To protect the world for future generations.
Human reason making moral decisions.
The knowledge we have of what is right and wrong given by God
Pain or loss which harms human beings.
Some suffering is caused by other human beings (moral evil); some is not (natural evil).
The loss or absence of a quality or something that is not normally present.
Evil is a privation of good
Free will
The decision making part of a person’s mind is called the will.
A will is free if a person is able to choose right from wrong without being controlled by other forces.
The quality of being like God
Seeking the well-being of others selflessly.
The absence of good and the impulse to seek our own desires.
This is often at the expense of the good of others which often results in suffering.
Natural Law
The moral laws of right and wrong which are universal and not dependant on human laws.
The belief in natural law is the belief that the moral law is discoverable by every human being.
It is the same for all human beings at all places and at all times.
“Made flesh”
The Christian belief that God became man in the person of Jesus, fully human and fully divine.
Catholic View of Genesis
Believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Therefore the creation accounts are not literally true but symbolic.
Catholics interpret genesis alongside scientific theories of how the world began.
Fundamentalist/ Literal Christian View of Genesis
Believe the Bible is the actual, direct Word of God so they believe that the creation accounts are true.
Creationists think that God created each creature individually so this rules out the theory of evolution and they don’t believe in science.
Jewish belief about creation
Celebrate the sabbath which reminds them of how God made the world in six days and rested on the seventh.
God is the creator and source of all life
Orthodox = true stories, no science
Reform = stories which shouldn’t be taken as historical facts, religion and science
Big Bang
Universe was infinitely small and hot.
All matter was originally concentrated into a tiny point which suddenly expanded 15B years ago.
Caused formation of stars and planets
Stephen Hawking quote on Big Bang
“Universe can and will create itself out of nothing”
Catholic response to Big Bang
Accept it
First suggested by Catholic Priest Georges Lemaitre in 1920s
Believe Genesis is symbolic
Catholic response to Evolution
“there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of the faith”
Genesis stories are symbolic so God was responsible for evolution
Richard Dawkins view on evolution
There is no immortal soul
There is no creator God with a plan for the universe
Humans are a lucky mutation
Humans are an advanced animal
Humans aren’t more important than animals
Sanctity of life
belief that life is a gift from God and therefore it is sacred. If life is sacred it means that life should be valued and preserved.
Jewish beliefs on sanctity of life
God is creator and he is the only one who can give or take life.
Genesis teaches humans are made in Gods image so life is precious.
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”
“Do not kill”
St Catherine of Siena messages on Imago Dei
Love - God creates out of love as humans are made in God’s image.
“By love indeed you created her”
God gives life - We are not random beings, we are from God
“God is the creator of life”
Humans come from God and have dignity
Imago Dei means that life is sacred both in its origin and its destiny
Imago Dei means humans are above animals