RE Exam Revision Flashcards
Three types of christian vocation:
Single life- being single may be the best result for a persons life. Some decide they are going to consecrate their lives to religion or use their gifts and talents best as not a married person.
Marriage- working together with a relationship between husband and wife, sharing their hopes, fears, successes and disappointments.
Parenthood- parent-child love relationship is unique and has a strength that helps parents care for their children.
Jesus as prophet:
Prophets were called to proclaim the word or teaching of God and to speak in God’s name to others. Jesus challenged social trends and practices that conflicted with the teachings and commandments of God. This led to him being rejected, ridiculed and killed. He was recognised as a prophet.
Jesus as priest
Baptised Christians share in the priestly mission of Jesus in a particular way by living and working as he did. This means they offer every moment of their lives in spiritual sacrifice to God the Father, just as Jesus did.
Jesus as King
Jesus’ mission as king was to establish the rule (or ‘reign’) of God in the world. He came to promote a society that reflected God and the values of God.
What is sin?
Sin is the act of transgression against divine law. Sin can also be viewed as any thought, or action that endangered the ideal of relationship between an individual.
What is a moral decision?
A moral decision is a choice made based on a persons ethics, manners, character and what they believe is proper behaviour.
Two things necessary for responsible decision making:
Relevant knowledge- you must have the ability to work out whether or not what seems to be a good thing to say or do is in fact a good thing to say or do.
Sufficient personal freedom- to be responsible, a choice needs to be made freely, without undue pressure.
What might weaken a persons ability to make responsible decisions?
- Strong emotions such as fear, desire or anger.
- Personal habits such as tendencies to lie, to take the easy way out, to be aggressively critical, to be jealous or to follow the crowd.
- Strong temptations such as to steal, to be vengeful, or to be resentful.
What is god’s old law?
Human behaviours God designated as ‘holy’ and ‘unholy’ found in the first five books of the bible- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. All who kept these laws drew closer to God, who is holy and could grow in freedom.
What is Jesus’ New Law of Freedom?
The new law empowered his followers to live as god called them to live. It includes; sharing with all who believe in Jesus; the power of divine love; sermon on the mount; the two great commandments of Jesus.
What is natural law?
The natural law refers to the laws natural to all people, that is, laws in harmony with the nature of every human being. The laws that a person with god-given reason can receive true happiness.
What is divine law?
The divine law is the Ten Commandments and the two great commandments of Jesus. They were created so that humans could be clear about right and wrong.
The four elements of jesus’ new law of freedom:
- Sharing with all who believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit, who can change the human heart.
- The power of divine love, infused by the Holy Spirit and received through baptism and nourished by the Eucharist. This love is called charity.
- The sermon on the mount.
- The two great commandments of Jesus.
Catholic Churches definition of conscience:
Conscience is a persons most ‘secret core and sanctuary’ (Gaudium et spes 16). Within conscience, a person recognises the voice of god, the one who created them and in whose image and likeness they were made.
What does conscience call us to?
Conscience is the call to goodness, which is a part of human nature. It calls people to constantly be respected and is often described as the sanctuary or ‘holy place’ within a person.
4 principles of conscience:
- You are obliged to form your own conscience.
- Follow sincere conscience judgements.
- Conscience does not decide right or wrong.
- A good end does not justify immoral means.
What is social justice?
Social justice is the recognition of the equal dignity and the rights of every human being and the promoting of just distribution of the earths resources.
Three principles of social justice:
- The dignity of every person to be respected.
- Every human being to be treated equally, regardless of differences.
- That people should support each other in solidarity.
What is the common good?
The common good requires even the overwhelming majority in society to provide for the basic needs of a small group in society.
What is a vocation?
A vocation if the life calling of every person and is created in everyone by God. It has many elements including; work, personal growth and development, career and possibly marriage.