Re-consolidation and Retrieval Induced Forgetting (Week 4) Flashcards
Standard consolidation model- assumed once memories were consolidated they were stable and could resist changed.
However, recent research- suggests reactivating a memory places it back in a plastic state capable of being changed.
- so must be stabilised again = re-consolidation.
Old theory (Misanin, Miller & Lewis, 68)
Susceptibility to amnesia for an event is due to the state of the memory trace for the event.
Experimental criteria:
- reactivate consolidated memory.
- administer treatment to alter reconsolidation.
- test for retention after window for reconsolidation has closed.
Window for reconsolidation is the time period that memory is fragile again.
Misanin, Miller & Lewis (1968)
Fear conditioned rats given ECT:
- immediately after fear conditioning (prior to synaptic consolidation) OR…
- 24 hours after fear conditioning and after presentation of conditioned stimulus (consolidation complete and memory reactivation) OR…
- 24 hours after fear conditioning without presentation of stimulus (consolidation complete, no memory reactivation) OR…
- two control groups given ECT after memory reactivation or without.
Results of rat study
ECT immediately after and ECT + reactivation had very high lick rates (suggest rats are happy).
- No longer feared the stimulus.
The other three conditions were fairly low- no ECT + reactivation being the lowest.
Timeline of reconsolidation in animala
Approx begins 2-10 mins after memory reactivation (Monfils et al, 09).
Most takes place within 2 hours.
Complete by 6 hours (Duvarci & Nader, 04).
In humans
Finding evidence is complicated.
- methodology used on animals is too invasive for human research- protein synthesis inhibitors are used to inhibit memory is unethical to use on humans.
- early failure to replicate with humans (Squire, Slater & Chace, 76) found ECT influenced recent memories more than remote ones but not effect of a reminder of previous learning.
Walker, Brakefield, Hobson & Stickgold (2003)- procedural memory
Day 1: learn finger tapping sequence.
Day 2: learn second sequence (interference).
Group A- learned second after reactivating memory for day 1 sequence.
B- learned second without reactivating memory of day 1.
Day 3: tested for memory of day 1.
Group A made more errors on day 1 sequence.
Showed day one sequence once reactivated became plastic and allowed it to be harmed by interfering information.
Hupbach, Gomez etc (2007)- episodic
List of objects.
Interference affected the list if reactivated and put into plastic state.
Disrupting declarative memory with reconsolidation
Chan & LaPaglia (2013) found reinstating a memory (fictional terrorist attack) led to more vulnerability to misinformation.
Suzuki et al, 04:
- weaker memories are easier to change via reconsolidation.
- stronger reactivation of learned experience, the more changeable the memory becomes.
Sevenster et al, 2012:
- reactivation wasn’t enough for reconsolidation of a fear memory- new info also needed to be present.
Requirement of new info is consistent with hypothesised role of reconsolidation (needs to be relevant)- memory updating.
Is it really re-consolidation?
Taubenfeld et al (2001) with animals- found in dorsal hippocampus, protein synthesis is crucial for consolidation but not reconsolidation.
- concluded the two processes are different- require either different molecular mechanisms or different brain areas.
Enhancing memories- can we make learning more efficient?
- Rodriquez et al (2013).
Lots of research into this- eg. smaller spaced out study sessions is more efficient than one large study session.
Disrupting memories- can we help those suffering from maladaptive memories (PTSD).
- Kroes et al (2014) etc- looking at possibilities to help those with PTSD.
- mixed thoughts about this.
Might explain false memory effects: eg. memory conformity with other eye witnesses.
Retrieval induced forgetting (Anderson et al, 94)
Examined through ‘retrieval-practice paradigm’.
Stage 1: ppts study category pairs (eg. fruit- banana).
Stage 2: ppts undertake retrieval practice (eg. fruit - (prompt) or…)- some word completion pairing.
- or baseline condition with no retrieval practice.
Stage 3: ppts undertake recall of all examples they can remember seeing from category.
Findings: words they had practice on they remembered better.
- boost the things practiced and hurt the things you didn’t.
Retrieval is required for the effect (ie. retrieval specificity).
During retrieval practice stage you need to actively recall the cued item, rather than passively view that pairing.
Macrae & MacLeod (1999)- real world example
Standard retrieval paradigm with two fictitious islands.
Recall for retrieved facts = 70%.
Recall for non-retrieved factors (control) = 38%.
Recall for non-retrieved related facts = 23% (RIF effect).
Social retrieval induced forgetting- how you discuss an event may shape your memory
Conroy & Salmon (2006):
- Children undertook some activities and discussed for several with the experimenters.
- final day had to recall the events.
- memory less good for the non-discussed items compared to the no discussion condition (ie. retrieval induced forgetting).