R.E Flashcards
Why were Christians persecuted?
Outline three
They refused to worship the roman Gods.
They made a secret code for Christians.
They were blamed for the misfortune of the Roman emperor at that time.
Outline three roles Christians had in the Early Church
State three martyrs we read about in the book of Acts
Who is St.Stephen?
Deacon of the church
Helped widows
Taught about the messiah in synagogues
Stoned to death by Saul
Who is St.Peter?
He was the Fist pope
He was a disciple of Jesus’
He was crucified upside down
Who is St.Paul?
He used to be a persecutor of the Church He converted on the road to Damascus Saw a very bright light His name was changed to Paul Got blinded for three days Wrote and preached to Jews and Gentiles
How were Christians persecuted in the Early Church?
Used as gladiators by the Romans
Explain two reasons why Christians should read about St Stephen in the boom of Acts
Faith - explain
Quotation - forgiveness
Trust - explain
Explain two ways in which St. Peter has contributed to the development of the Christian faith?
First Pope - explain
Quotation -
He spoke at Pentecost
He preached in synagogues
Who was Constantine?
He converted to Christianity when he saw a sign from heaven
Banned the persecution of Christians, by signing the Edict of Milan
The father is the same substance
Similar to God
What did they write at the Council of Constantinople?
The Creed
What did they write about in the Council of Chalcedon?
They wrote about incarnation
God had 2 natures
God and man
Who were the four church fathers?
Augustine of Hippo
St.Ambrose of Milan
Gregory the Great
Irenaeus of Lyon
What did Augustine of Hippo teach us?
Original sin
What did St.Ambrose of Milan teach us?
Helping/healing the poor
What did Gregory the Great tech us?
Church music
Who was St.Augustine of Canterbury and why is he important?
He is a missionary saint. He is important because he converted England to Christianity
Who was St.Columba and why is he important?
He was a missionary saint. He is important because he converted Wales to Christianity.
Who was St.David and why is he important?
He was a missionary saint. He is important because he converted Scotland to Christianity.
Who was St.Patrick and why is he important?
He was a missionary saint. He is important because he converted Ireland to Christianity.
What was the counter reformation?
It was the catholic Church’s response to Martin Luther and the rise of Protestantism in Europe
Who were the Jesuits?
Society of Jesus
What was the meeting called that was called upon by the Pope?
Council of Trent
What did the Jesuits do?
They built schools
They preached to people out of Europe
They were trained like an army
Name two English martyrs and give two facts about them.
Edmund Campion, he made an underground ministry. He was arrested by priest hunters
Margaret Ward, she helped a priest escape from prison and then was hanged.
What happened at Pentecost?
The apostles evangelise (tell people the good news)
What were the ecumenical councils?
Why were Catholic’s persecuted in England during the Reformation?
Parliament made it night treason to question the queen’s title as head of the Church of England. This was punishable by death.