Re Flashcards
What is Incarnation?
God taking on the human condition in Jesus
What is Grace?
Gods free gift of his unconditional love to the believer
Jesus as fully human
Jesus went through all the stages that a human would, he was born naturally and underwent the same processes as a man. This shows that God loves the human race.
What is the meaning of Jesus’ name?
In Hebrew Jesus’ name means saviour. Jesus is the son of the most high- another way of referring to God
Lukes Gospel what does it tell?
It discusses that the story of the annunciation focuses on Mary.
Matthews Gospel focus
Focuses more on the role of Joseph, starts with a GENEALOGY, a list of fathers and sons from Abraham to Joseph.
Why does Matthews Gospel signify that Jesus wasn’t fully human?
“Joseph the Husband of Mary, whom Jesus was born”- Story about Joseph is stressing that Jesus was born of a virgin, conceived by God.
Genealogy definition-
The list of generations in a family, shows how people are related.
A Jewish name translating “God is with us”
Matthews account
For Jewish Christians- writing just about Josephs role because women had limited roles at that time.
Lukes account
For non-Jewish Christians- The value of women was higher, writing about Mary’s role.
The word of God
The second person of the trinity, God the son who became flesh in Jesus.
Without beginning or end
In the beginning of the word
John is showing that the word existed before all things,
The word was God
Comes from within a person and is an expression of what is inside of that person.
The word was with God
While the word and God are united, there is also a distinction between them.
The creation story in Genesis 1
Shows that God is the creator of everything and that he created humanity in his own image
Beyond outside life on earth and the universe
All powerful
Genesis 1 God is the creator in Genesis 1
God is the only creator, who created everything- nicene creed. Genesis 1;27 shows that God created humans in his own image
“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good”
God has the power to do whatever he wants
‘then God said let there be light; and there was light”
God only needs his words in order to create- God is transcendent
Genesis 2
Shows that humans share the spirit of God
Genesis 2 free will
shows that God has given us free will
“then the God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being”
Explains how God made humans in his image (imago Dei)
God created Adam, the first man, by breathing into him.
Means breath which is also translated as spirit
God has given humans free will
God tells Adam that he may eat from any tree in the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil
God expects catholics and christians to look after the world and take care of it on his behalf
Genesis 1.28 God tells Adam and eve to ‘subdue’ the earth and have ‘dominion’ over every living thing
Humans have been given power and authority to rule over all other creatures
“till it and keep it”
Looking after the world and caring it with love
The dignity of human beings
All humans are equal because they have all been created by God and share in the qualities of God
The sanctity of life
Catholics believe that all creation is holy because it has all be created and blessed by God
The Old Testament books
Law, History, wisdom and prophecy
The New Testament books
The gospels, the acts of the apostles, the epistles and the book of revelation
The Old Testament says
Describes how God guided the jews throughout their early history, before the arrival of Jesus
The New Testament says
Deals with life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles
The apostles
Jesus’ closest followers, who became leaders of the early church
Natural law
Humans are born with an understanding of what is right and wrong
The catholic church and science
Catholic church teachers that science and religion need to support and work with each other
Caring for the environment
Christians show their love of God by treating other people, animals and the environment with love and respect
‘love your neighbour as yourself’
Caring for the environment in which their neighbour lives
Examples catholics can care for the environment- at a local level
> throw away less waste
> recycle more
Examples catholics can care for the environment- National level
Put pressure on politicians, companies and support laws that protect the environment
Examples catholics can care for the environment- global level
Put pressure on governments to make politicians agree
Living in a way that respects the environment and its natural resources in order to keep everything in balance and in harmony
Sustainability linking to Catholic beliefs
“god made every part of creation good”- so all creation is important and valuable
When he angel Gabriel asked Mary to accept the role of the mother of the son of god.
‘Son of man’
To emphasise his humanity
‘Son of God’
Shared in god’s divine nature and power
icthus symbol
Jesus Christ, son of God, saviour- used as a declaration of their faith
Alpha and Omega symbol
Alpha is the first letter of the greek alphabet Omega is the last- used to indicate God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end, referred to in the book of revelation
Chi- Rho symbol
Reminder of the death of Jesus, reminds christians that Jesus was sent by god to save humanity through his death
Judaism and islam art
in these religions it is an offence to show God in any form
Catholic teaching of art
God showed himself on earth as a human, in the incarnation so it is acceptable to show images that depict GOD
Reasons for catholics towards art of God
Inspire people
Give people something to focus on as they pray
Help people to learn about aspects of God’s work
The Sacred Heart
A statue of Jesus that represents his total self- loving for all people.
The sacred heart features
An expression of peace and love
One of Jesus’ hands pointing to his heart
Holes in his hands from where he was nailed to the cross
Flames coming from heart- burning love that Jesus has
Reasons against art
The second commandment indicates it is wrong to worship images
Jesus as a human could be misleading- ignores the fact that he is also full God
No one knows what he looks like
The beatitudes and the parable of the sheep and goat
Jesus teaches Christians how to live a moral life that is pleasing to god
The beatitudes- Jesus developed the law to make it more perfect
He changed the law
The beatitudes- people should have a loving attitude and should avoid getting angry with others
dignity and sancity of life
The parable of the sheep and goats
A story in the Bible in which Jesus tells his followers that in serving and caring for other people, they are caring for God.
What does beatitude translate to?
Mean ‘blessedness’ in latin, having a good life of blessedness and well being