RE Flashcards
What does Mystery mean?
Humans can never fully comprehend God
What does Imago Dei mean?
Image of God
What does General Revelation mean?
It is available to everyone. This is often used to describe the way God is revealed through the natural world.
What does Special Revelation mean?
It is directly to an individual.Often God is revealed through a dream, a vision, a miracle, experience, or prophecy.
What does Stewardship mean?
The responsibility God gave to humans to care for His creation.
What does Literally or literal interpretation mean?
Believing in something word for word
What does Liberally or literal sense mean?
Understanding the messages behind the stories.
What does Literary forms mean?
The styles of writing found in the Bible.
What does Canon of Scripture mean?
All 66 books contained in the Bible.
What does the Tanakh mean?
The main Jewish holy text.
What does Covenant mean?
A promise/contract made between God and humankind.
What does Penitential mean?
Saying sorry to God or humans.
What does Missionary mean?
Sharing the Christian message either as an individual or a method.
What does Revelation mean?
The sharing of divinity/God to humanity.
What does Creatio ex nihilism mean?
Creation out of nothing.
What does Transcendent mean?
Beyond understanding and life in the universe.
What does Immanent mean?
God’s closeness to humanity.
What does Eternal mean?
What does Omnipotent mean?
What does Immanence mean?
That God is present throughout the universe,and this gives humans the ability to know God personally.
In Genesis 1 and Genesis 2
Genesis 1 Genesis 2
God rests on the Focus on humans.
7th Day. God created from
Creation is listed in dust and breath.
a specific order.
Book of poetry.
God’s words used to create.
The Big Bang
The Big Bang is the scientific theory that explains how the world came into existence.
Around 15 billion years ago the universe began with the expansion of a hot,dense point of energy.
As energy cooled,it went through some changes,before coming atoms which were necessary for the universe and all life to form.