RDO Subjuntivo Flashcards
pedir que
to ask that (use subjunctive)
consentir que
to consent that (use subjunctive)
permitir que
to allow that (use with)
rogar que
to beg that (use with)
preferir que
to prefer (use with)
exigir que
to demand that (use with)
hacer que
to make that (use with)
insistir en que
to insist (use with)
proponer que
to propose that (use with)
recomendar que
to recommend that (use with)
sugerir que
to suggest that (use with)
decir que d
to say that (use with)
suplicar que
to plead that (use with)
dudar que
to doubt that (use with)
no creer que
to not beleive that (use with)
no estar seguro de que
to not be sure that (use with)
negar que
to deny that (use with)
no pensar que
to not think that(use with)
ojalá (que)
lets hope that (use with)
to beleive
estar seguro/a de
to be sure that
no negar
to not deny
to suppose
to think
no dudar
to not doubt
to seem /think
querer que
to want that (use with)
necesitar que
to need that (use with)
mandar que
(use with) to demand that
desear que
to wish that (use with)
esperar que
to hope that (use with)
insistir que
to insist (use with)
alegarse de que
to happy that (use with)
gustarle que
to like that (use with)
sentir que
to be sorry that (use with)
soprenderle que
to be suprised that (use with)
disgustarle que
to be disgusted that (use with)
fascinarle que
to fascinated that (use with)
molestarle que
to be bothered that (use with)
temer que
to fear that (use with)
es importante que
it is important that (use with)
(no) es probable que
it’s (not) probable that (use with)
es extraño que
it’s strange that (use with)
es necesario que
it’s necessary that (use with)
es triste que
it’s sad that (use with)
(no) es posible que
it’s (not) possible that (use with)
es fácil/difícil que
it’s easy/difficult that (use with)
es mejor que
it’s better that (use with)
es recomendable que
it’s recommended that (use with)
es bueno/ malo que
it’s good /bad that (use with)
es cierto que
it is true that
es seguro que
it is sure that
es evident que
it is evident that
está clare que
it is clear that
es verdad que
it is true that
es obivo quel
it is obviouse that
es lógico que
it is logical that