RCA Study! Flashcards
What is a client connected to?
Users and Matters
What is a client status used for?
Status is the current status of the client. The default options are active or inactive, but you can add any
status value. Use the status value to organize and display lists of clients using Relativity views.
What is a client #?
Client Number is the billing number for the client. Client Number must be between 1 and 50 characters.
What is a matter connected to?
Clients and Workspaces
Do matters need to be associated with a client?
Yes. They must be associated with an existing client.
May be associated with one or more workspace.
What are matters used to define?
Matters are used to define the different cases, disputes or advising that a firm may be involved with for
a client.
What are users connected to?
Clients and Groups
Can users be directly added to a workspace?
Users cannot be directly added to a workspace; they must first be added to a group since workspace
access is granted on a group basis.
Where can you enable document skip?
Under User Information.
How can you log into Relativity?
RSA Two Factor authentication technology, Client SSL’s authentication and Active Directory Authorization.
What is a group connected to?
User and a Workspace
How many groups can a user be a member of?
When are permissions set?
Although permissions are granted on a group level, no rights were granted during initial group creation. All
rights are granted when a group is added to a workspace.
How do you add a user to a group?
From the Group Details page or from the User Details page.
What can the Everyone group see? The Script Admin? The System Administrators?
All users are a member of the Everyone group. This group is only available in Admin mode.Relativity System Administrators have rights to see every item within a Relativity environment. Administrators
have access to Admin mode, which allows them to create and edit new Clients, Matters, Users, Groups and
Views, among other capabilities.
What group do you need before becoming a script admin?
Before a user can belong to the Relativity Script Admins group, the user must first belong to the System
Administrators group. Relativity Administrators are not automatically members of the Relativity Script Admins
Can system admins edit locked scripts?
Regardless of permissions, System Administrators will not be able to edit locked scripts.
What is a workspace?
A workspace provides a secure data repository for documents used in cases or for applications
developed with custom objects. You can store all types of documents (such as productions, witness testimony,
and others) in a workspace to facilitate searching, organizing, and categorizing content.
What are workspaces connected to?
What isn’t transfered from a template workspace?
Data. Ex. documents, matters, search indexes
Why would you use production restrictions?
Using the Production Restrictions option, you can ensure that your production set does not include privileged
or other confidential documents. You can select a saved search that returns documents that you want
excluded from the production set.
What happens if there is a dtSearch in your production restriction that you’ve used as a template?
You can select any saved search in the Production Restriction option, including one that uses a dtSearch or Relativity
Analytics search index. If you later use the workspace as a template, you will see a warning message
that requires you to select one of the following options:Select a New Production Restriction or Continue with no Production Restriction. In addition, you cannot delete the saved search that is used by the Production Restriction option. You must
first edit the Production Restriction option so that it no longer references the search.
What are fields?
Fields are used to store document metadata and coding choices within Relativity. You can display and use
fields on views and layouts.
What types of tabs are there?
Lots of them.
Should you include family groups a production restriction saved search?
Include family groups in your saved search so that all of the family items are kept together
and can be removed if necessary.
What do you need to run a production restriction?
A saved search to use when running your production set.
What are fields connected to?
Documents and choices.
What is an object type?
.Object Type determines the object that is used to classify the field.
What is the default and maximum of a fixed length text field?
.Default is 255 and maximum length is 4,999.
What does Unicode allow?
.Unicode allows foreign language characters. Unicode encoding must be enabled before loading any Unicode
data into the field.
When is a field editable?
When read only is set to no.
When creating a view what fields would you include?
See, sort and filter with
What are fixed length text type examples?
Email From, Email Subject
What is optimal for fixed length text?
Fixed-length text fields larger than 500 characters are not optimal.
What is the sum of all fixed length text fields? The max?
The sum of all fixed-length text fields should not be larger than 8,060 bytes.
What is a long text field larger than? The limitation?
Long text is a text field larger than 4,999 characters. The technical limitation of a long text field is 2 GB.
Relativity is set to stream what length of long text?
, but Relativity is usually set to stream only files smaller than 50 MB.
What are examples of long text fields?
Email To, FullText.
What will produce an error from the date field?
Dates must be in a valid format. For example, 01/00/2000 would not be accepted. Attempting to
load an invalid date will produce an error.
What is the maximum number of digits before the decimal? After?
Maximum of 15 digits before the decimal, 2 digits after the decimal.
What are the password requirements?
You should probably know this by now.
What is currency’s maximum?
Maximum of 10 digits.
What is automatically created when you make a file field?
File is a field that allows you to upload a file for a non-document object. When you add a File field, Relativity
automatically creates File Size, File Icon, and Text fields for the object.
What is propagation?
Propagation inside Relativity is used to automatically force a coding value to a specified group of related
items. For example, a user can tag a document as Responsive and have the value propagate to that document’s
family members.
Is there a warning when propagation is applied?
There is no
warning to signal that propagation is being applied.
What are list properties?
List Properties control how an item is displayed in a view. Views are lists of items in Relativity and are covered
in the Views section.
What should list filter be used for?
The List filter type should only be used for single-choice lists and Yes/No fields. Applying list
filters to other fields may severely impact system performance.
What is the artifact ID?
Artifact ID is Relativity’s unique identifier for all database objects.
What is a relational field?
When creating or editing a fixed-length text field, you have the option of making it relational. A relational field
is used to identify a group of related documents, such as families, duplicates, or near duplicates. For example,
MD5 Hash is commonly used to identify duplicates.
What fields can you set as relational? What is the limitation?
You can set the relational field properties only on fixed-length text fields that do not
exceed 450 characters.
What is the keyboard shortcut for copy from previous?
What is the control number?
Control Number is the workspace identifier. You can rename this field.
How do you change a parent choice?
If you need to change a parent choice, create a new choice family, mass-edit the applicable
documents, and then remove the old choice.
What is a transform set?
Transform Sets transform fielded data inputs based on rules called a handler.
When are keyboard shortcuts active?
Keyboard shortcuts are enabled. Focus is in the Core Reviewer Interface. The viewer is docked. The viewer is undocked and IE only has one tab open.
What is domain parsing?
Domain Parsing is a Relativity-defined handler that extracts email domains from email addresses in a document
set. For example, “jsmith@example.com” will yield “example.com”. The domains returned are written
to a destination field.
What is a handler?
Handlers analyze a specified
source text field, extract text matches, and then write the results to a destination field. Domain parsing and Conversation Index Parsing.
The destination field of a transform set must be a BLANK.
The transform will only be saved if the selected field is a Multiobject
The source field for a transform set must be a BLANK.
The source field must be a standard text field. No identifier, associative, relational, or system
fields can be used.
What is a persistant highlighting set?
You have the option of creating a reusable, transferable set of persistent highlight parameters that will be available
for selection in the Viewer and can assist in document review.
Can you copy markup sets?
Can two users redact the same document at the same time?
Should persistent highlight terms have quotations? Connectors?
Do not use quotation marks. In persistent highlighting, Relativity treats non-alphanumeric characters
as special character wildcards. If you surround search terms with quotation marks, Relativity will match
the quotation marks with any special character, such as $, &, ^, %, @, and others. Do not use operators such as AND and OR. Operators including “AND” or “OR,” are not used in keyword
searching. If used, Relativity will look for the exact phrase including “AND” or “OR.”
What are the two sources of a highlight set?
What happens when you use a question mark in a persistent highlight set?
If you enter terms with no color coding what is the color?
If you enter terms with no color-coding, the background will be magenta and the text black. The default background color is white
and the default text color is black.
Can wild cards be used in a persistent highlight set?
Wildcards are useful in some cases. For example, the search term appl* will highlight apple, application,
applies, and so on. An excessive use of wildcards will affect performance. Leading wildcards such as
*itting, are not recommended.
What is the persistant highlight set color code format?
[background color];[text color];[term to be highlighted]
What is the default owner of a new layout?
Public provides all users with the ability to see the layout. By default, this value is selected.
At what number does persistent highlight start to slow?
Performance degradation can occur once the list reaches 100 terms, and significant
slowness occurs at 500 terms. If you have a large list of terms, using Highlight Fields through STRs is a better
What is a layout?
Layouts are web-based coding forms that give users access to view and edit document fields.
Where does column one add a field on a layout? Column two? Both columns?
What are views connected to on the EDRM?
How many characters can a field condition contain?
field condition can contain up to 4000 characters.
What is a view?
Views are customizable lists of items within Relativity. Essentially, any time you see a list of items displayed in
Relativity, it’s a view.
What is the default order for a new view?
The default order is “9999.”
What type of object do you need for an indented list?
For system-created views associated with Relational Fields, the object is Document by default and cannot be
Each term in an STR is like what kind of search?
Each Add Terms line is treated as an individual dtSearch query. For more information about
dtSearch, refer to the Relativity Searching Manual.
Do permissions matter with STR results?
Count is not security aware and is thus not influenced by permissions. This means the count
includes documents the user is unable to view in a basic search. For example, a user performs a
dtSearch that returns a total of five documents, two of which are inaccessible. Even though only
three hits are available in the view, the search terms count still includes all five documents originally
tagged with the search term.
What types of fields can you report on?
Multiple choice, single choice list, User and Yes/No
What is a summary report?
Summary Reports provide aggregate tallies of field values.
What else is page level numbering called?
Bates Number
What can you export with the RDC?
What are the numbering options for productions?
Page Level, Document Level and Original Image Numbering
What is the default Bates # digit amount for page numbering?
By default, this option is set to 4 characters.
What document level number separators are available?
underscore, hyphen and period
What does original image numbering look like?
[control number]-[page number]
When can you see the Production Bates # in header and footers? Production #?
When creating a production set.
What is the max and default for page numbering digits?
1 and 6
What is the production sort order default?
y default, the sort order is Artifact ID, which is
the load order of the documents.
Are family groups kept together during a sort?
When you perform a sort, family groups are not kept together.
What does the RDC automatically create?