RBT Task List Flashcards
How many times behavior occurs
How long a bx occurred
Time from the stimulus to the response
Momentary time sampling
Recording occurrence/ non-occurrence at a specific point in time
Partial interval recording
Recording target bx if it occurred at any point of the interval
Whole interval recording
Recording target bx if it occurred during the entire duration of the interval
Multiple Stimulus without Replacement MSWO
Cx is presented an array of items and is instructed to pick one and engage with it. Cx is then instructed to give back the item and is presented the items again WITHOUT the item already selected. Process continues until all items are selected
Multiple Stimulus with Replacement MSW
Cx is presented an array of items and is instructed to pick one and engage with it. Cx is then instructed to give back the item and is presented the items again WITH the item already selected. Process continues for a predetermined number of selections
Paired Choice
Potential reinforcers are presented in pairs
Informal Preference Check
2-3 items presented before a task to ensure motivation
Role of RBT in Assessments
To collect baseline data or conduct preference assessments
What is a Skills Acquisition Plan
A plan for collecting baseline and monitoring effectiveness of that plan
What is a Protocol
The specific components of targeting skills
Components of a Skill Acq. Plan 6
Specific goal Measurement procedure Baseline Protocol Assessment of effectiveness Modification Plan
Assessment of Effectiveness
Data review with observation/ the effectiveness of the intervention plan
Modification Plan
modifying plan if initial plan isn’s working
Back up plan
Components of Protocol 7
Purpose & Rationale Relevant SD's Description of target response Step-by-step implementation process Error correction plan Reinforcement plan Data collection plan
Session Prep
Review notes
Review recent data
Review Protocol
Prep session materials
Unconditioned Reinforcer
A stimulus that requires no learning history to have reinforcing value
Water, food and sleep
Conditioned Reinforcer
A stimulus that requires learning history to have reinforcing value
Praise, toys and tokens
Intermittent Reinforcer
Only some instances of a bx result in a reinforcer
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement FR
A reinforcer follows a fixed number of responses
A token being provided after every math problem
Variable Ratio Reinforcement VR
A reinforcer follows a variable number of responses
A token after 2 questions then 4, then so
Fixed Interval Reinforcement FI
A reinforcer is contingent on the the first response after a fixed amount of time since the last opportunity for reinforcement
Variable Interval Reinforcement (VI)
A reinforcer is contingent on the first response after a variable amount of time since the last opportunity for reinforcement
Stimulus Control
When a particular response occurs more frequently in the presence of one stimulus than in the presence of another
Transfer of Control
Performance established at one time in one place now occurs in a different time and place
Bx happening throughout daily life
The continued performance of a previously trained skills
Components of a Behavior Reduction Plan 8
Operational Definiton
Baseline Data
Operational Definition of replacement bx
Response for when bx occurs and ends
Response for when replacement bx occurs
What data to record and when
Plan for evaluating effectiveness
Plan for fading components of the plan
Functions of Behavior
Access to tangible
Self-stimulation (Automatic)
Establishing Operations (EOs)/ Motivating Operations (MOs)
EOs and MOs are the same, they are procedures and conditions that establish value for bx previously associated with such conditions
Example: Being hungry is the EO for food-getting bx
Discriminative Stimuli (SDs)
Example: “Touch the lego”
Environmental Enrichment
Altering the environment to increase access to reinforcers available
Noncontingent Reinforcement
Reinforcers are scheduled and not contingent on clients bx
Withholding or being without access to a reinforcer, increasing the value of accessing that reinforcer
Consuming a substantial amount of a reinforcer, thus temporarily decreasing the value of that reinforcer
Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors (DRA)
Providing functional reinforcer contingent on a specific alternative/ replacement behavior
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO)
Providing functional reinforcer contingent on any behavior other than target negative behavior
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors (DRI)
Providing functional reinforcer contingent on specific behavior(s) that are incompatible with the target negative behavior
Extinction Burst
An increase in the rate of the target behaviors
Spontaneous Recovery
The reappearance of a behavior that was extinguished
CPI Interventions
Verbal Operants
Types of consequences and do they increase or decrease bx
Reinforcer- Increase
Punisher- Decrease
Extinction- Decrease