RBT Oral Competancy Flashcards
Continuous Measurement
Continuous data collection methods measure every occurrence of a behavior
Discontinuous Measurement
A form of time sampling measurement that does not catch every instance of behavior
Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
uses direct instruction and reinforcers to create clear contingencies that shape new skills
Naturalistic Training or Incidental Training
When you implement teaching procedures in a natural environment
breaks a task down into small steps and then teaches each step within the sequence by itself
each approximate desired behavior that is demonstrated is reinforced, while behaviors that are not approximations of the desired behavior are not reinforced
Ex of Shaping:
when a baby or a toddler learns to walk. They are reinforced for crawling, then standing, then taking one step, then taking a few steps, and finally for walking
Discrimination Training
ABA technique therapists use to teach learners to differentiate between stimuli
Ex of Discrimination Training:
by the presentation of the desired item to teach, for example; a shoe. The child is then taught to select the shoe when the direction is placed to touch the shoe. As success shows, the child is then asked to select the shoe when next to a spoon and a toy
Stimulus Control Transfer
techniques in which prompts are discontinued using prompt fading or prompt delay once the target behavior is being displayed in the presence of the SD
Antecedent Interventions
strategies that involve modifying the environment to reduce undesirable behaviors
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO)
(Eliminating a behavior) a procedure for decreasing problem behavior in which reinforcement is contingent on the absence of the problem behavior during or at specific times
DRO Example:
Child will receive a sticker for each 15 minute interval that he does not talk to his neighbor
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior (DRI)
(Substituting a behavior) reduces a behavior by increasing incompatible behaviors and focusing on reinforcing the opposite of the undesired behavior
DRI Example:
Child will receive a sticker every time he uses his inside voice instead of an outside voice
Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA)
(Increasing a behavior) Increases a behavior by reinforcing appropriate behaviors and focuses on developing alternative functional behaviors
DRA Example:
Child will raise their hand before speaking consecutively for 5 days
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates of Responding (DRL)
(Reduces a behavior) Reduces a behavior to acceptable levels by focusing on reducing the number of occurrences
DRL Example:
Child will get a sticker for reducing the number of questions they ask during reading time from 10 questions to 5
Extinction Procedures
an intervention that makes a behavior occur less often or stop occurring altogether
Extinction Procedure Ex:
when a child begins engaging in tantrum behavior for attention, rather than giving them attention, staff ignores the behavior to reduce the behavior from further happening
Client Dignity Ex:
showing respect at all times, maintaining privacy and confidentiality, and communicating effectively and professionally
Professional Boundaries Ex:
following HIPPA guidelines, being punctual and respectful etc.