RBT Flashcards
What are the 3 principles of behavior?
- Reinforcement
- Punishment
- Extinction
What are the 4 functions of behavior?
1. Sensory
2. Escape
3. Attention
4. Tangible
Anecdotal Data
A method of descriptively recording the
behavior emitted by the learner, the response of
others, and information about the environment.
What occurs before a behavior that then
influences behavior.
An environment or a stimulus change existing or
occurring prior to a behavior of interest.
Applied Behavior Analysis
The science in which tactics derived from the principles of behavior are applied systematically to improve socially significant behavior and experimentation is used to identify the variables responsible for behavior change.
The scientific study of principles of learning and behavior.
How could you assist in
training stakeholders?
RBT can assist with training stakeholders by
giving them instruction, modeling, rehearsal,
and feedback with regard to behavioral skills
Attention Function
A function of behavior in which the individual is reinforced by receiving attention from others.
Automatic Reinforcement
(AKA self-stimming) The behavior itself is
reinforcing and is not dependent on social
interaction or receiving a tangible item.
Backward Chaining
Training begins the link with the last behavior in the
Trainer performs all but the last step until the learner
masters the last step.
Then trainer performs all but the lasts two steps until
learner masters the last two steps and so on.
Baseline Data
Data taken before an intervention takes place.
Describes the existing level of performance.
A specific sequence of discrete responses, each associated
with a particular stimulus condition.
When components are linked together, they form a chain
that produces a terminal outcome.
Components of a Written
Behavior Plan
- Identify, describe, create a goal for a behavior in observable terms.
- Assess antecedent/consequence that may maintain behavior.
- Identify hypothesis of function of behavior.
- Identify possible replacement behaviors.
- Select and implement antecedent/consequence based interventions.
- Create crisis intervention plan.
- Implementation, modification, generalization and maintenance
Conditioned Response
A behavior that does not come naturally, but must be
learned by the individual by pairing a neutral stimulus with
an unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned Stimulus
A previously neutral stimulus that, after repeated association
with an unconditioned stimulus, elicits the response produced
by the unconditioned stimulus itself.
Events that follow behavior and may influence it including
increasing or decreasing it in the future.
May be reinforcers or punishers.
Refers to and if_____, then_____ relationship between a
behavior and a consequence.
Continuous Reinforcement
Providing reinforcement each time the
behavior/response occurs.
Differential Reinforcement
Reinforcing one response class and withholding reinforcement
from another response class.
Behavior receiving reinforcement should increase while the
behavior for which reinforcement is being withheld should
Differential Reinforcement of
Alternative Behaviors
Focus on increasing a desirable alternative behavior that
directly or indirectly interferes with the performance of the
undesired target behavior.
(i.e. reinforce knitting or giving a self manicure instead of
biting nails; reinforce appropriate language instead of
punishing swearing at others)
Differential Reinforcement of
Incompatible Behaviors
Similar to DRA but you choose and alternative behavior to
reinforce that, if performed, would be incompatible with the
undesired target behavior.
(i.e. playing nicely vs. fighting; on task behavior vs. off task
behavior; in seat vs. out of seat; deep breathing vs. yelling)
Differential Reinforcement of
Low Rates
Entails reinforcing for reductions in the frequency of the
undesired behavior.
Often used when individual is engaging in a behavior too
Differential Reinforcement of
Other Behaviors
Providing a reinforcer after a particular time frame
without the target behavior.
For example engaging in any other behavior except
the target behavior.
(i.e. every 5 minutes without hitting, individual
receives a sticker)
Direct Observation
Preference Assessment
Identify what is motivating the individual.
The more time spent with an item, the stronger the
presumed preference
Discrete Trial Training
Structured instructional methodology used to teach new
Designed to maximize a learner’s potential by
presenting information in a three-part teaching unit.
Based on Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence format.
A - B - C (Stimulus - Response - Consequence)
Main objective is to teach children how to learn from
their natural environment and make learning reinforcing.
Discrimination Training
Procedure to teach between two targets.
Trial training using phases.
(i.e. phases 1 - 6 Mass Trials of target, Block Trials, and
Random Rotation)
Discriminative Stimulus (SD)
Environmental cue or instruction that signals that
reinforcement is available for a target behavior.
Duration Data
Data that is a calculation of the amount of time a
behavior occurs.
The amount of time a response is performed.
Track from onset to offset.
Typically used for behaviors that last too long or too
short. (i.e. on task behavior, social interactions,
engaging in stereotypy
A type of verbal operant that occurs when a speaker
repeats the verbal behavior of another speaker.
Occurs in response to other verbal behavior.
Listener is “echoing” what they hear.
Errorless Learning
Teaching procedures that are designed in such a way
that the learning does not have to - and does not -
make mistakes as she or he learns new information or
DTT is Errorless Learning.
Escape/Avoidance Function
A function of behavior to escape or avoid
having to do something.
Pertaining to right and wrong in conduct. Being in
accordance with the rules or standards for right
conduct or practice
Removal of reinforcement from a previously
reinforced behavior.
Extinction Burst
Prior to the behavior decreasing you will see a
temporary increase in behavior.
Immediate increase in frequency in responding.
Fixed Interval
Reinforcement Schedule
The first correct response is rewarded only
after a specified amount of time has elapsed.
Fixed Ratio
Reinforcement Schedule
Reinforcement should be delivered after a constant or
“fixed” number of responses.
Forward Chaining
Training begins the link with the first behavior in
the sequence.
Training only occurs on the steps currently
mastered and current step (no training on steps
after that).
Frequency Data
A form of continuous measurement.
Data in which you tally each time the behavior occurs.
Typically used for behaviors with discrete beginning
and ending points.
Typically used for behaviors with discrete beginning
and ending points. (i.e. throwing items, going to the
gym, taking medicine, hitting another person)
Most frequently used type of data collection
The purpose or meaning behind a behavior.
Functional Behavior Assessment
Putting one or more Functional Analysis together.
Can consist of:
- Direct observation
- Interview
- Functional analysis (experimental)
- File Review
In an FBA behavior plans must include replacement skills.
When the effort of reinforcement is extended
beyond the conditions in which the training has
taken place or to behaviors other than those
included in training.
Generalized Conditioned
Stimuli that have been paired with a variety of
unconditioned and conditioned reinforcers. (i.e. praise,
attention, money, tokens)
Graphing is a method of representing data in a visual
way so that we can se patterns and direction over time.
- Line Graph (most common) shows patterns, trends
- Bar Graph shows portions of a whole
- Pie Chart shows portions of a whole
How to Prepare for Data
- Read data from last session
- Prepare material and programs for current session based
on data from last session. - Determine what programs you plan to work on during
the session. - Gather materials for those programs.
- Set up the first set of programs so they are ready for the
client when you begin your session.
Reinforcement Schedule
Reinforcement is delivered after only SOME of the
desired responses occur.
Short for demand, command or reprimand.
A type of verbal operant in which a speaker asks for (or
states, demands, implies, etc.) what he needs or wants.
Only type of verbal operant that directly benefits the
speaker b/c the mand allows the speaker to receive
Momentary Time Sampling
Look up at the client immediately at pre-designated
points and record whether the behavior occurred at that
precise moment.
Example: presence or absence of client’s stereotypic
behavior (stimming).
Multiple Stimuli Without
Preference Assessment
Chosen item is removed from the array, the order or
replacement of the remaining items is rearranged, and the
next trial begins with a reduced number of items in the
Multiple Stimuli With
Preference Assessment
Item chosen by the learner remains in the array and all
other items that were not selected are replaced with new ones.
Negative Punishment
The termination or removal of a stimulus immediately
following behavior that results in a decrease of that
behavior in the future.
(i.e. taking away a toy when a child talks back; time out
from positive reinforcement for yelling)
Negative Reinforcement
Removal of an aversive event that follows a behavior
(“relief”) and increases the likelihood that the behavior
will continue in the future.
(i.e. cleaning your room and your mom stops nagging;
hitting snooze on an alarm and the beeping stops;
putting on your seatbelt and the dinging stops)
Operant Behavior
Behavior that is controlled or influenced by consequences.
Behavior whose future frequency is determined by a history
of consequences
Operant Conditioning
A type of learning where behavior is controlled by
Behavior followed by pleasant consequences tends to be
Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences tends
not to be repeated.
Operational Definition
What does the behavior look like, what happens exactly,
what does it sound like?
Permanent Product
Recording Procedures
A type of measurement used when the behavior you are
assessing results in a lasting product or outcome.
Example: number of written assignments completed
Positive Punishment
Presentation of an unpleasant or aversive stimulus
immediately following behavior that results in a decrease of
that behavior in the future
Positive Reinforcement
Pleasant or favorable event that follows a behavior - it is
ADDED to the situation and increases the likelihood or
probability that the behavior will occur in the future.
Preference Assessment
Aims to identify an individual’s favorite things so that they
can be used as rewards or potential “reinforcers” for
desired behavior.
How to Prepare for Skill
Acquisition Plan
- Determine what occurred last session
to decide where to start. - Select skill acquisition procedures to
complete during session. - Prepare materials you will need for the skill
acquisition (including data collection protocols).
Professional Boundaries
Avoid dual relationships, conflicts of interest, social media
contacts. Always take notes
Specific antecedent that directly facilitates performance
of behavior.
Assistance provided to engage in desired behavior or
Prompt Fading
The gradual elimination of a stimulus prompt as the
behavior continues to occur in the presence of the SD.
Occurs when stimulus change immediately follows a
response and INCREASES the future frequency of that type
of behavior in similar conditions.
Pleasant events that follow a behavior that make
behavior more likely to occur in the future.
Reinforcers strengthen behavior.
Prompt Hierarchy
The so called “pyramid” of the various levels of
We need to establish a hierarchy of prompts from the
least to most or most to least intrusive for each
instructional task.
A process by which one systematically and differentially
reinforces successive approximations to a terminal
Stimulus Fading
Exaggerate some physical dimension of the relevant
stimulus to help the individual respond correctly.
Prompt is within the stimulus itself.
Can be used for color or size determination.
Stimulus Generalization
Generalization or transfer of a response to situations other
than those in which the training takes place.
Across people: The learner’s ability to respond to people
other than those involved in the original teaching
Across environments: The learner’s ability to respond in different locations other than the “table and chair”
Short for contact.
A type of verbal operant in which speaker names things
and actions that the speaker had direct contact with through any of the sense modes.
Tangible Function
A function of behavior in which the individual wants to obtain
a tangible item.
The individual wants a preferred item or activity
Task Analysis
Involves breaking a complex skill into smaller, teachable
units, the product of which is a series of sequentially
ordered steps or tasks.
Token Economies
Reinforcement systems in which tokens are earned for a
variety of behaviors and are used to purchase or exchange
for a variety of backup reinforcers such as food, activities,
trips, toys.
Transfer of Stimulus Control
Process by which prompts are removed once the target
behavior is occurring in the presence of the SD.
Unconditioned Response
A behavior that occurs naturally due to a given stimulus.
i.e. Dogs salivating in the presence of food; yelping upon
being bitten by an insect.
Unconditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response.
i.e. Food is an unconditioned stimulus for a hungry
animal and salivation is the unconditioned response.
Variable Interval
Reinforcement Schedule
Where a response is rewarded after an unpredictable
(variable) amount of time has elapsed.
Variable Ratio
Reinforcement Schedule
Reinforcement is provided after an unpredictable
(variable) number of responses.
This schedule is the most resistant to extinction.
Verbal Behavior
Behavior that is reinforced through the mediation of another
person’s behavior.
Involves a social interaction between speakers and listeners.
Listener reinforces the speaker
Whole Interval Recording
Did the behavior occur for the whole interval that you are
looking for it?
Underestimates the behavior.
Example: the total time devoted to remaining on task.