RBT Flashcards
Listener Responding (LR)
Responding non-vocally to directions given by another person
Responding non-vocally to directions given by another person
Listener Responding (LR)
A verbal operant involving a response evoked by a nonverbal SD and followed by a generalized conditioned reinforcement. Labeling.
A verbal operant involving a response evoked by a nonverbal SD and followed by a generalized conditioned reinforcement. Labeling.
A verbal operant involving a response evoked by a nonverbal SD and followed by a generalized conditioned reinforcement (Repeating what someone else says)
A verbal operant involving a response evoked by a nonverbal SD and followed by a generalized conditioned reinforcement (Repeating what someone else says)
Motor Imitation
Copying a physical movement
Copying a physical movement
Motor Imitation
A verbal operant involving a response in any form that is evoked by an MO and followed by a specific reinforcement.
A verbal operant involving a response in any form that is evoked by an MO and followed by a specific reinforcement.
Intraverbal (IV)
A verbal operant that is evoked by a verbal SD; basis for social interactions and conversations (response is different from SD, otherwise it would be echoic)
A verbal operant that is evoked by a verbal SD; basis for social interactions and conversations (response is different from SD, otherwise it would be echoic)
Intraverbal (IV)
Independent, no prompts given
Independent, no prompts given
A single occurrence of a specific behavior
A single occurrence of a specific behavior
An event or anything in the environment that contacts any of the 5 senses that evokes a specific response
An event or anything in the environment that contacts any of the 5 senses that evokes a specific response
A stimulus change that increases the future frequency of that type of behavior
A stimulus change that increases the future frequency of that type of behavior
SD (Discriminative Stimulus)
An instruction/question (a stimulus in the presence of which a particular response will be reinforced)
An instruction/question (a stimulus in the presence of which a particular response will be reinforced)
SD (Discriminative Stimulus)
Response Cost
Removing reinforcement for an undesirable behavior
Removing reinforcement for an undesirable behavior
Response Cost
Performing a task/skill after teaching is done with a natural schedule of reinforcement, with a thinned schedule of reinforcement (ideally where the natural consequence is the reinforcer)
Performing a task/skill after teaching is done with a natural schedule of reinforcement, with a thinned schedule of reinforcement (ideally where the natural consequence is the reinforcer)
When a skill is learned under one condition and can be demonstrated under different conditions. Or when multiple skills can be used in the same condition; When a skill is applicable to everyday life
When a skill is learned under one condition and can be demonstrated under different conditions. Or when multiple skills can be used in the same condition; When a skill is applicable to everyday life
Gesture Prompt
Any type of action the learner can observe the instructor doing (ex. pointing, reaching, or nodding) to give information about the correct response without any vocalization. Helping the learner responding using an action.
Any type of action the learner can observe the instructor doing (ex. pointing, reaching, or nodding) to give information about the correct response without any vocalization. Helping the learner responding using an action.
Gesture Prompt
Textual Prompt
A written prompt that can be used as scripts or instructions; requires a response from the learner
A written prompt that can be used as scripts or instructions; requires a response from the learner
Textual Prompt
Verbal Prompt
Giving the learner verbal information that supports the instruction
Giving the learner verbal information that supports the instruction
Verbal Prompt
Physical Prompt
Physically guiding the learner’s hand to complete a task/skill thoroughly (partial physical and full physical)
Physically guiding the learner’s hand to complete a task/skill thoroughly (partial physical and full physical)
Physical Prompt
Model Prompt
Modeling/demonstrating the behavior you want the learner to do.
Modeling/demonstrating the behavior you want the learner to do.
Model Prompt
New; anything that the learner has not encountered/experienced/behaved before.
New; anything that the learner has not encountered/experienced/behaved before.
In a row; following continuously; unbroken
In a row; following continuously; unbroken
Differential Reinforcement
Reinforcing only those responses within a response class that meet a specific criterion and placing all other responses in the class on extinction
Reinforcing only those responses within a response class that meet a specific criterion and placing all other responses in the class on extinction
Differential Reinforcement
Token Economy
A behavior change system consisting of a list of target behaviors with tokens (ex. points, token money, small objects) earned for emitting the target behaviors; a menu of backup reinforcers that learners exchange earned tokens for; a visual representation for correct responding (used when you see terms like VR/FR)
A behavior change system consisting of a list of target behaviors with tokens (ex. points, token money, small objects) earned for emitting the target behaviors; a menu of backup reinforcers that learners exchange earned tokens for; a visual representation for correct responding (used when you see terms like VR/FR)
Token Economy
The discontinuing of a reinforcement of a previously reinforced behavior; responses no longer produce reinforcement.
The discontinuing of a reinforcement of a previously reinforced behavior; responses no longer produce reinforcement.
Using differential reinforcement to produce a series of gradually changing response classes. Each response is a successive approximation towards a terminal behavior.
Using differential reinforcement to produce a series of gradually changing response classes. Each response is a successive approximation towards a terminal behavior.
Associating yourself with reinforcement; building rapport with client
Associating yourself with reinforcement; building rapport with client
Interobserver Agreement. The degree to which two or more independent observers report the same observed values after measuring the same events/behaviors
Interobserver Agreement. The degree to which two or more independent observers report the same observed values after measuring the same events/behaviors
The target behavior that you want to increase; change in the rate of responding over a unit of time.
The target behavior that you want to increase; change in the rate of responding over a unit of time.
The target behavior that you want to decrease; change in the rate of responding over a unit of time.
The target behavior that you want to decrease; change in the rate of responding over a unit of time.
Phase Change Lines
Changes to a major independent variable during specific points in time.
Changes to a major independent variable during specific points in time.
Phase Change Lines
Counting/Floor Time
Duration of data collection for the day.
Duration of data collection for the day.
Counting/Floor Time
Graphing data from programs and problem behavior outlined in the clients programs.
Graphing data from programs and problem behavior outlined in the clients programs.
Precision Teaching
Measuring the impact of teaching decisions, and making changes based on that measurement.
Measuring the impact of teaching decisions, and making changes based on that measurement.
Precision Teaching
Timing Chart
Used for percussion teaching (e.g. RAN). Consists of 10 trials max/day; data on chart is the count in a given time (e.g. 30 seconds, 1 minute)
Used for percussion teaching (e.g. RAN). Consists of 10 trials max/day; data on chart is the count in a given time (e.g. 30 seconds, 1 minute)
Timing Chart
Preference Assessment
A tool used to assess what items/activities are reinforcing to a client to increase the future probability of targeted behaviors.
A tool used to assess what items/activities are reinforcing to a client to increase the future probability of targeted behaviors.
Preference Assessment
Errorless Teaching
Instructing/prompting the learner to prevent mistakes (eliminating errors)
Instructing/prompting the learner to prevent mistakes (eliminating errors)
Errorless Teaching
Error Correction
A consequence-based procedure used to correct an error in responding by creating more opportunities for reinforcement with minimal errors (teach trial, transfer trial, distractor, test trial)
A consequence-based procedure used to correct an error in responding by creating more opportunities for reinforcement with minimal errors (teach trial, transfer trial, distractor, test trial)
Error Correction
FCT (Functional Communication Training)
A common, effective behavior reduction approach for teaching individuals to appropriately communicate their wants and needs.
A common, effective behavior reduction approach for teaching individuals to appropriately communicate their wants and needs.
FCT (Functional Communication Training)
Prompt Fading
The process of eliminating prompts often through gradually reducing the level or magnitude of prompts to work towards independence.
The process of eliminating prompts often through gradually reducing the level or magnitude of prompts to work towards independence.
Prompt Fading
Measuring a particular skill before teaching or when a new skill is to be introduced. Testing if a behavior occurs or does not occur in a situation.
Measuring a particular skill before teaching or when a new skill is to be introduced. Testing if a behavior occurs or does not occur in a situation.
A condition of an experiment where the intervention is not present. Data collected during this phase are the basis for determining the effects of the intervention.
A condition of an experiment where the intervention is not present. Data collected during this phase are the basis for determining the effects of the intervention.
Helping the learner arrive at the correct response, without giving them the answer. Building upon what the learner already knows to assist them in correctly responding (An error correction procedure that consists of leading questions, negation questions, then choices)
Helping the learner arrive at the correct response, without giving them the answer. Building upon what the learner already knows to assist them in correctly responding (An error correction procedure that consists of leading questions, negation questions, then choices)
Knowing when things are different/what something is not; knowing the boundaries of an object’s critical attributes (The ability to discriminate between one stimulus and a similar stimulus.)
Knowing when things are different/what something is not; knowing the boundaries of an object’s critical attributes (The ability to discriminate between one stimulus and a similar stimulus.)
Natural Environment Teaching
An instructional procedure where reinforcement occurs within the activity (e.g., playing pretend, baking a cake, where the reinforcer is the continuing of the activity)
An instructional procedure where reinforcement occurs within the activity (e.g., playing pretend, baking a cake, where the reinforcer is the continuing of the activity)
Natural Environment Teaching
Incidental Teaching
An unplanned teaching opportunity in the natural environment that uses the child’s interest and natural motivation.
An unplanned teaching opportunity in the natural environment that uses the child’s interest and natural motivation.
Incidental Teaching
BST (Behavior Skills Training)
A training package that consists of instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback in order to teach a new skill
A training package that consists of instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback in order to teach a new skill
BST (Behavior Skills Training)
DTT (Discrete Trial Training)
Using unrelated reinforcers to train specific responses to specific stimuli. And a teaching procedure used to break down skills into smaller skills consisting of 3 components: antecedent (instruction/SD), behavior (response), and consequence (reinforcement).
Using unrelated reinforcers to train specific responses to specific stimuli. And a teaching procedure used to break down skills into smaller skills consisting of 3 components: antecedent (instruction/SD), behavior (response), and consequence (reinforcement).
DTT (Discrete Trial Training)
Current targets that have not met mastery criteria
Current targets that have not met mastery criteria
Differential reinforcement of other behavior. A procedure for decreasing problem behavior in which reinforcement is contingent on the absence of the problem behavior during or at specific times. Reinforcing any response other than the target problem behavior. A time component is included in this procedure (usually called differential reinforcement of zero rates of responding).
Differential reinforcement of other behavior. A procedure for decreasing problem behavior in which reinforcement is contingent on the absence of the problem behavior during or at specific times. Reinforcing any response other than the target problem behavior. A time component is included in this procedure (usually called differential reinforcement of zero rates of responding).
BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan)
A roadmap that aims to decrease inappropriate problem behavior and teach replacement or alternative behaviors.
A roadmap that aims to decrease inappropriate problem behavior and teach replacement or alternative behaviors.
BBIP (Behavior Intervention Plan)
Antecedent Interventions
Strategies that involve modifying the environment to reduce undesirable behaviors
Strategies that involve modifying the environment to reduce undesirable behaviors
Antecedent Interventions
The reason the behavior is occurring
The reason the behavior is occurring
VR (Variable Ratio)
A schedule of reinforcement requiring a varying number of responses for reinforcement. The number of responses required varies around a set number
A schedule of reinforcement requiring a varying number of responses for reinforcement. The number of responses required varies around a set number
VR (Variable Ratio)
Least to most
Level of prompting, least intrusive to most intrusive
Level of prompting, least intrusive to most intrusive
Least to most
FR1 (Fixed Ratio)
Fixed ratio; one response to one reinforcer. A schedule of reinforcement delivered for the mean number of responses based on a set number (e.g. VR3 = on an average of 3 responses, not ever 3 responses)
Fixed ratio; one response to one reinforcer. A schedule of reinforcement delivered for the mean number of responses based on a set number (e.g. VR3 = on an average of 3 responses, not ever 3 responses)
FR1 (Fixed Ratio)
Mastery Criteria
Amount of correct trials specified in the program to move to the next step. The number of consecutive independent correct responses over a number of days needed for a target to be considered mastered, usually across multiple people and/or setting.
Amount of correct trials specified in the program to move to the next step. The number of consecutive independent correct responses over a number of days needed for a target to be considered mastered, usually across multiple people and/or setting.
Mastery Criteria
Self-stimulatory behavior
Actions that give self reinforcement using noises or movement. AKA stimming/stereotype. Repetitive body movements or repetitive movements of objects, which are usually automatically reinforcing to the individual.
Actions that give self reinforcement using noises or movement. AKA stimming/stereotype. Repetitive body movements or repetitive movements of objects, which are usually automatically reinforcing to the individual.
Self-stimulatory behavior
SIB (Self injurious behavior)
A class of behaviors in which the individual inflicts physical harm to oneself.
A class of behaviors in which the individual inflicts physical harm to oneself.
SIB (Self injurious behavior)
On Set
Part of a behavior definition that indicates when to start tracking
Part of a behavior definition that indicates when to start tracking
On Set
Off Set
Part of a behavior definition that indicates when to stop tracking
Part of a behavior definition that indicates when to stop tracking
Off Set
Incorrect response
Incorrect response
Not depending on another, free from outside control
Not depending on another, free from outside control
Behavior Specific Praise
A positive statement that describes a desirable behavior in specific, observable, and measurable terms.
A positive statement that describes a desirable behavior in specific, observable, and measurable terms.
Behavior Specific Praise
The result of measurement in a quantifiable form
The result of measurement in a quantifiable form
Drop Dot
Plugging in data on charts
Plugging in data on charts
Drop Dot
Procedural Integrity
The extent to which procedures in all phases and conditions are implemented correctly
The extent to which procedures in all phases and conditions are implemented correctly
Procedural Integrity
Fidelity Check
A checklist that outlines the targeted behaviors and procedures to ensure correct implementation; a visual walkthrough of the plan’s implementation steps
A checklist that outlines the targeted behaviors and procedures to ensure correct implementation; a visual walkthrough of the plan’s implementation steps
Fidelity Check
Instructional Control/Motivation
Developing a positive working relationship with a learner where you have established leadership control. Establishing a paired, trusted, cooperative, therapeutic relationship.
Developing a positive working relationship with a learner where you have established leadership control. Establishing a paired, trusted, cooperative, therapeutic relationship.
Instructional Control/Motivation
Error Analysis
A method used to identify the cause of the learner’s errors when they make consistent mistakes
A method used to identify the cause of the learner’s errors when they make consistent mistakes
Error Analysis
Mastered in baseline (MIB)
When a skill is correctly demonstrated during the baseline condition
When a skill is correctly demonstrated during the baseline condition
Mastered in baseline (MIB)
Social Pragmatics
The way in which children use language within social situations
The way in which children use language within social situations
Social Pragmatics
Perspective Taking
Responding in relation to private thoughts and emotions that would typically occur in others in a given situation
Responding in relation to private thoughts and emotions that would typically occur in others in a given situation
Perspective Taking
Leaving a safe and supervised environment to a potentially unsafe and unsupervised environment
Leaving a safe and supervised environment to a potentially unsafe and unsupervised environment
Task Delay
Engaging in other behaviors to avoid completing a given task
Engaging in other behaviors to avoid completing a given task
Task Delay
PBx (Problem Behavior)
Behaviors that occur and interfere with daily tasks, learning, and other social interactions. These behaviors can range from being disruptive to being dangerous and harmful
Behaviors that occur and interfere with daily tasks, learning, and other social interactions. These behaviors can range from being disruptive to being dangerous and harmful
PBx (Problem Behavior)
The physical from or shape of a behavior
The physical from or shape of a behavior
Consequence Interventions
Strategies used to minimize reinforcement for problem behavior and increase reinforcement for desirable behavior. Includes teaching alternative and replacement behavior, and crisis prevention strategies.
Strategies used to minimize reinforcement for problem behavior and increase reinforcement for desirable behavior. Includes teaching alternative and replacement behavior, and crisis prevention strategies.
Consequence Interventions
Count and Mand
An intervention used to reduce to reduce inappropriate attention-seeking behaviors and inappropriate mands for access to tangibles. A duration is set and the client must not engage in problem behavior during that set time. The count starts when problem behavior stops occurring and restarts if problem behavior occurs at any point during the count. Once the client has reached the target duration of no problem behavior, the RBT may ask the client what they want (mand).
An intervention used to reduce to reduce inappropriate attention-seeking behaviors and inappropriate mands for access to tangibles. A duration is set and the client must not engage in problem behavior during that set time. The count starts when problem behavior stops occurring and restarts if problem behavior occurs at any point during the count. Once the client has reached the target duration of no problem behavior, the RBT may ask the client what they want (mand).
Count and Mand
Most to Least
Prompting strategy that includes using the most intrusive prompt first, then fading to less intrusive prompt, ensuring the correct response is still being observed. (ex. Full physical then fade to gesture prompt)
Prompting strategy that includes using the most intrusive prompt first, then fading to less intrusive prompt, ensuring the correct response is still being observed. (ex. Full physical then fade to gesture prompt)
Most to Least
Clear the field
Removing all of the cards/items from the table or array
Removing all of the cards/items from the table or array
Clear the field
Distractor (in the field)
Additional stimuli presented alongside the target to teach discrimination.
Additional stimuli presented alongside the target to teach discrimination.
Distractor (in the field)
Distractor (Trial)
Additional trials that do not include the acquisition target, used to teach discrimination. Usually mastered or known targets that are relevant to the skill being targeted.
Additional trials that do not include the acquisition target, used to teach discrimination. Usually mastered or known targets that are relevant to the skill being targeted.
Distractor (Trial)