RBC disorders 2 Flashcards
Sickle Cell Disease
HbA is completely replaced by HbS, due to a point mutation at position 6 in the β globin gene→ glutamic acid replaced by valine→HbS
Things that decrease sickling
– Presence of HbA in HbAS
– Presence of Hb
– Coexistence of α-thalassemia decreases the Hb concentration
• Crises are usually precipitated by
– Infections
– Dehydration
– Exposure to cold – Hypoxia
– Acidosis
(Presence of HbC increases sickling)
Sickle cell disease : clinical features
-chronic hemolysis intravascular and extravascular hemolysis
-moderate to severe anemia
-Bone marrow becomes hyperplastic
-entrapment of sickled cells
-Hb degradation causes hyperbilirubinemia and eventually causes gallstones
What are changes that happen with hyperplastic bone marrow
-Changes In the bony skull
-prominent cheek bones in children
-Skull x-ray crew cut appearance (which is hair on end appearance due to elongated trabeculae)
What does entrapment of sickle cells in the spleen cause
-splenomegaly in children
-repeated infarctions and fibrosis lead to autosplenectomy by early adulthood patients become more prone to infections

At what age do patients with sickle cell become symptomatic
Patients are usually asymptomatic until six months of age when the shift from HbF to HbS is complete
Vaso-occlusive /painful crisis
B-ischemic events due to microvascular occlusions with pain and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality commonly seen in children
Affects different organs producing different manifestations affects your bones lungs brain retina kidneys penis leg ulcers 
Sequestration crises
– Occur in children with intact spleens
-Massive entrapment of sickle are red blood cells needs to rapid pooling of blood in the spleen causing splenomegaly and autosplenectomy
Aplastic crises
– Red cell progenitors are infected by parovirus B 19
-causes a transient cessation of erythropoiesis and a sudden worsening of the anemia
– Self limited
Hemolytic crisis
– Exaggeration of the Hemo lysis
Sickle cell disease diagnosis and lab findings
-family history, evidence of hemolysis
– Sickle cells
– polychromatic cells (reticulocytes released prematurely by BM to compensate for loss of red blood cells])
-Howell -Jolly bodies
What is the confirmatory test for sickle cell
– sickle cell anemia: HbS ,HbF and no HbA
-sickle cell trait : HbS ,HbF and HbA
Sickle cell treatment
– Rehydration ,analgesics, exchange transfusions
-Folic acid supplementation
– penicillin prophylaxis
– hydroxyurea [increases the amount of HBF in red blood cells and inhibits polymerization us HBS]
-bone marrow transplantation
Thalassemia Syndromes
-decreased synthesis of α- or β-globin chains, leading to:
– Low levels of normal Hb (hypochromic microcytic RBCs)
– Red cell damage, due to the relative excess of the unimpaired normal chains→aggregates→insoluble inclusions→extravascular hemolysis