RBC 1 Flashcards
General intent crimes
Intent is presumed, does not have to be proven. Description of a particular act without reference to intent
Crime punishable by fine and/or imprisonment in state prison, removal from office, death
Offense punishable by fine
Crime punishable by fine and/or imprisonment in county jail
Specific intent crimes
An element of the crime must be proven/cannot be presumed
Statutory law
Written laws enacted by legislative body. All crimes in CA are statutory. No statue = no crime. Punishment must be provided. Cannot make law to punish after the fact (ex post facto law)
Codes and ordinances made by state, county, municipality
Case law
Appellate court decisions provide precedent to interpret/clarify laws
Criminal law
Violations of criminal statutes. Public wrongs against all people of the state. State prosecutes to punish
Civil law
Non criminal tort against another person. Breach of contract. To make wronged party whole through monetary compensation. Peace officers maintain peace for civil disputes
Elements of a crime
The basic facts that must be proven to sustain conviction. If an element is missing the crime is not complete
Criminal intent
All crimes require intent to distinguish from an accident/mistake
Criminal negligence
In certain crimes meets need for criminal intent. Failure to exercise ordinary care. Aggravated or reckless indifference to consequences
PRCS, Mandatory supervision, probation, parole
(Post release community supervision) officers should establish whether a person is on any of these by asking if they are on parole, probation, or supervision
Parole, PRCS
Can search person, vehicle, residence, property under their control
All principles can be arrested/prosecuted. Directly committed offense, aided and abetted, advised and encouraged, counseled/advised/encouraged under 14 y/o or mentally incapacitated, by fraud/contrivance/force/drunkenness/threats/menace/command/coercion
Aid and abet
Guilty knowledge of intent and active assistance
Has knowledge the principle committed felony, harbors/conceals/aids, assists to avoid arrest/conviction/punishment
A principle who testified for the prosecution against another principal
Any person having knowledge of existence/non existence of facts relating to any crime, whose declarations under oath is received as evidence, who has reported any crime, who has been served a subpoena, who could be believed by any reasonable person to be one of the previously mentioned
Any person any crime has been perpetrated or attempted against
Intent to vex, annoy, harm, injure another
Intimidating a witness
Pc 136.1(a) any person who knowingly dissuades any witness or victim from attending/giving witness at trial
Threats of retaliation
Pc 140 person who willfully uses force/threatens to use force or violence upon witness or take/damage witness/victim property for assisting law enforcement
Resist obstruct delay public officer, peace officer, emt pc 148(a)(1)
Any person who resists delays obstructs from performing their duties
Peace officer
Police officer and up, deputy and up, marshals, DA investigators, chp
Public officer
Building inspector, health inspector, meter maid
Executive officer
Peace officer, DA, city attorney, police commissioner
Pc 71 and 69
69 is for executive officers 71 is for public officers and school officials
Threat or violence to deter them in performing duties
Disarming officer
148(c) firearm
148(b) baton, OC
^require 148(a)(1) for intent
148(d) attempt to remove/take firearm
836.6(a) after seeing judge
836.6(b) after arrest before judge
Misdemeanors unless causes sbi
4530 from prison felony
4532 from jail felony
4550 rescue/attempt from place of confinement / felony
Presenting false ID
148.9 misdemeanor
Falsely reporting a crime
148.5 misdemeanor
Any condition that could result in response of authorized emergency vehicles
Falsely reporting crime
148.3(a) misdemeanor
148.3(b) likely to cause gbi felony
Falsely reporting destructive device
148.1(a) felony
Unlawful assembly 407
Assembling to do an unlawful act or lawful act in violent boisterous tumultuous manner
Refuse to disperse 416(a)
Objective reasonableness standard
Graham v Connor - graham factors
-suspect posed immediate threat to officer/others (most important)
-severity of crime
-degree of active resistance
-whether suspect was attempting to evade arrest by flight
-split second judgment under tense/uncertain/rapidly evolving circumstances
Reasonable officer standard
Would another officer facing similar circumstances act in the same way
Duty of people to submit to authority of officer when being detained or arrested
Objectively reasonable force may be used to effect arrest, prevent escape, overcome resistance
Self control, effective communication, scene management, force options
Voice, neutrality, trustworthiness, and respect
Use of force
-Use force objectively reasonable under totality of circumstances
-use amount of force objectively reasonable to overcome resistance/gain control
-conform to agency polity, federal/state law