RB Hale Proportions Flashcards
One unit
Cranium (sphere) circumference
Total height
11.5 units
Upper arm
2 units ball of shoulder to elbow
Lower arm
2 units ulna to major knuckles
Upper leg
3 units hip ball to bottom of femur
Lower leg
3 units Tibia to heel
Pelvis 01
2 units hip ball to hip ball
Pelvis 02
2 units widest point on crest
6 units down to bottom of pelvis then half a unit back up to start ball of hip
Unit 01
Bottom of nose and cranium
Unit 02
Pit of neck
Unit 03
Bottom of sternum
Unit 04
10th rib
Unit 05
Pelvis midway
Unit 06
Bottom of pelvis
Two units tall, slightly less than two units wide
Slightly longer extended than one unit
1.5 units long, .5 unit high
One unit high
One unit high, one unit wide, at rest one unit apart