ration evaluation Flashcards
what is the important input cost in animal production systems
what percent of the cost of production is feed
what are the 3 components of animal production and feed
- feed for animal maintenance (fixed)
- feed for production (varies)
- feed for replacement animal (fixed)
what is “feed for animal maintenance”
- body size and environmental conditions
- ability to perform “everyday” activities
what is “feed for production”
- growth
- milk production
- reproduction
what is “feed for replacement animal”
- animals must be raised to replace current production animals
- heifers, steers, gilts, chicks
- goal is max efficiency at entry level (24m vs 48m to raise replacement)
what do long feed out periods carry a lot of
“maintenance cost”
why is higher production efficient
- every farm has a goal
- some farms better than others
- low yielding herds at risk of leaving industry
- evolution to capture efficiency
- evolution of nutrition
what is fixed relative to
what are the benefits of energy budget
- economic
- environment
- resource use
what is energy budget directly influenced by
management factors
what do larger herds tend to have
better/dedicated managers and consultants
what is the amount of certaintly of iron and calcium
varies widely - “OK” window is larger
what is the amount of certaintly of energy/protein
tighter “OK” window
what are the two ways nutrient requirement measurements are presented
- amount of nutrient
- densisty basis
what is the nutrient density requirement equation
nutrient amount / total DM intake of the animal
what is the dry matter content of the corn silage?
100lbs corn silage (AF); 35lbs corn silage (DM)
35/100 = 35% DM
what is the moisture content of the corn silage?
100lbs corn silage (AF); 35lbs corn silage (DM)
100-35 = 65% water (moisture)
a horse consumes 20lbs (AF) of timothy hay that is 90% DM. What is the dry matter intake of hay for the horse?
20lbs of hay X 0.90 (%DM) = 18lbs of dry matter
haylage DM decreases to 30%. how much haylage should the producer now feed?
DMlbs - 6.75
6.75 lbs (DM) haylayge / 0.30 (DM%) = 22.5 lbs (AF) of haylage
what is the equation of dry matter to as fed
(DM lbs ) / (%DM) = as fed lbs
what is the equation of as fed to dry matter
(AF lbs) X (%DM) = dry matter lbs
nutrient densities
- measures on dry matter and as fed basis
- most laboratory analysis contain both
DM will be more dense
CP of 20%; DM of 40%. what is the CP% of AF?
nutrient density DM X DM% = nutrient density AF
20% DM CP X 40% DM% = 8% AF CP
CP of 20% DM; DM% of 40%; cow consumes 30 lbs/day (AF). How much CP does she get from haylage?
method 1:
* 30lbs hay X 40% = 12lbs DM of hay
* 12 lbs of DM hay X 20% = 2.4 lbs of protein
method 2:
* 20% DM CP X 40% DM = 8% AF CP in hay
* 8% X 30 lbs = 2.4lbs of protein
you want to feed 2lbs of protein to a cow using soybean meal which has a 48% AF CP level. How much soybean meal should u feed?
2lbs of protein / 48% (CP%, AF) = 4.16 lbs SBM (AF)
know how to do person square example - solving a mix - create a mix with 16% CP (AF) with shelled corn (9% AF CP) and soybean meal (48% AF CP)
- 18% SBM
- 82% Corn
how do you solve for two nutrients
- need at least two feed ingredients
how to solve for 3 nutrients
- 3 feeds
- 3 equations
- find the point where all 3 lines intersect
- sol. might not exist
what does linear programming allow us to do
formulate rations with “nutrient winows” rather than absolute amounts
what is the objective of linear programming
identify ingredients/ amounts that minimize cost
what are some key concepts in linear programming
- meet/exceed energy requirements
- meet/exceed protein requirements
- “fit” the dry matter intake capacity of the described animal
- be within a range of nutrient levels
what are the steps in linear programming
- describe objective
- identify decision variables
- find optimal solution
- (+/-) evaluate sensitivity analysis
what variables do you have control over
- amount of corn silage fed/day
- amount of soybean meal fed/day
what does LP tell us
the optimal amount to feed of each ingredient
what are RH values or constraints
things you cannot change (DM, mcals, protein, ADF)
what are matrix coefficients
variables (type of feeds and amounts)