Rating Scales and Other Considerations for Surveys Flashcards
What is the purpose of rating scales in a survey?
To ask people to provide “how much” judgements
Rating scales are particularly useful for measuring…?
What are the different formats of rating scales? Give 6 examples
1) Dichotomous, multichotomous
2) Likert scale
3) Graphic rating scale
4) Non-verbal scale
5) Ranking scale
6) Semantic differential scale
What are dichotomous rating scales?
A two-point scale that presents options that are absolutely opposite to each other
A two-point scale that presents options that are absolutely opposite to each other
This is known as…?
Dichotomous rating scales
This type of response option does not give the respondent an opportunity to be neutral on his answer to a question
What type of rating scale is this?
Dichotomous rating scales
What are multichotomous rating scales?
Presenting a variety of options Ps could respond with and giving them the option to choose as either only one response or as many responses that apply to them
Presenting a variety of options Ps could respond with and giving them the option to choose as many that apply to them
This is known as…?
Multichotomous rating scales
What are Likert scales?
A rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or behaviour, ranging from strongly disagree/agree, somewhat disagree/agree and neither disagree/agree
A rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or behaviour, ranging from strongly disagree/agree, somewhat disagree/agree and neither disagree/agree
This is known as…?
Likert scale
What are graphic rating scales?
Respondents can choose a particular option on a line or scale to show how they feel about something, ranging from a scale of 1-3, 1-5 or 1-10
Respondents can choose a particular option on a line or scale to show how they feel about something, ranging from a scale of 1-3, 1-5 or 1-10
This is known as…?
Graphic rating scale
What are ranking scales?
Scales which force respondents to rank a list of items with only one selection in each rank
Scales which force respondents to rank a list of items with only one selection in each rank
This is known as…?
Ranking scales
What are semantic differential scales?
A scale that uses two bipolar adjectives, one negative adjective on the left of the scale, and one positive adjective on the right of the scale.
Participants indicate where they feel a product or experience lies on a 7-point scale
A scale that uses two bipolar adjectives, one negative adjective on the left of the scale, and one positive adjective on the right of the scale.
Participants indicate where they feel a product or experience lies on a 7-point scale
This is known as…?
Semantic differential scales
What type of rating scale is this?
Should there be a referendum for Welsh
Yes No
What type of rating scale is this?
- Two response options
- The simplest type of quantification
What type of rating scale is this?
How many hours did you spend revising last week?
- Less than 5 hours
- 5 to 10 hours
- 10 to 20 hours
- More than 20 hours
What type of rating scale is this?
Which study activities did you engage in?
- watching podcasts
- making notes
- reading textbooks
- reading papers
What type of rating scale is this?
It gives multiple options for only one response or gives multiple options for multiple responses
What type of rating scale is this?
How attractive is your partner?
- Not at all attractive
- Somewhat attractive
- Reasonably attractive
- Very attractive
Likert scales
What type of rating scale is this?
- Consists of multi-point responses
- Aim to ensure equal spacing of response options
Likert scales
What should we keep in mind when using Likert scales? List 4 things
- Response acquiescence
- Potential introduction of double negatives
- Verbal responses for all, or only for anchors?
- Inclusion of neutral response?
What type of rating scale is this?
A scale that uses (happy - neutral - sad) emoticons and non-verbal response options
Non-verbal rating scale
What is a non-verbal rating scale?
A scale that uses (happy - neutral - sad) emoticons and non-verbal response options