Rates and Orders of Reactions: Pharmacokinetic Models Flashcards
Mr. Adeyemi
What is a model?
It is a mathematical description of a biological system.
Why do we use models?
They a provide concise means of expressing quantitatively, the time course of drug(s) throughout the body and compute meaningful pharmacokinetics parameters
What are the types of models?
i. Compartment model
ii. Non-compartment model
iii. Physiological model
What is a compartment?
It is a group of tissues with similar perfusion and drug affinity.
What is the formula for plasma drug concentration?
Cp = D/Vd
What is apparent volume of distribution?
It is the hypothetical volume of body fluid in which a drug is dissolved.
What are the assumptions of the One-Compartment Model?
i. Instant and homogenous distribution
ii. Equilibrium between blood and other compartments
iii. Level of drug in plasma is proportional but not necessarily equal to that found in any of the tissues into which the drug is distributed
iv. Conc of drug at site of action is in equilibrium with plasma drug conc so a correlation exists between pharmacological response and plasma conc.
What are the assumptions of the Two-Compartment Model?
i. Distribution requires measurable time for pseudo-equilibrium
ii. Drug enters and leaves the body through the central compartment only
iii. It is not a straight-line graph but a crve that doesn’t decline linearly.
iv. k, k12 and k21 are firts-order rate constants
v. At t= 0, concentration in peripheral compartment is 0.
What is the central compartment?
The blood and highly perfused tissues and organs such as the brain, liver, heart, muscle, bone marrow etc.
What is the tissue/peripheral compartment?
The poorly perfused tissues which take longer time to equilibrate e.g bones, nails, hair, teeth, cartilage, tendons and ligaments
How do you calculate the apparent volume of distribution in plasma (central conpartment) (Vp) in a Two-Compartment model?
Vp = D/(A+B)
D = dose of drug
A = Intercept of first phase
B = intercept of second phase
How do you calculate the apparent volume of distribution in tissue compartment (Vt) in a Two-compartment model?
Vt = Vp(k12/k21)
How do you calculate the apparent volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) in a Two-Compartment model?
Vdss = Vp(1 + (k12/k21))
How do you calculate the apparent volume of distribution by AUC (Vdβ) in a Two-Compartment model?
Vdβ = CL/β
Vdβ = (Vp x ke)/β
β = rate constant in terminal phase
ke = elimination constant
Vp = Apparent volume of distribution in plasma
How do you calculate the extrapolated volume of distribution in a Two-Compartment Model?
Vd.exp = Vp (ɑ - β/ K21 – β)