Rashes Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT asymptomatic? A. Seborrheic dermatitis B. Psoriasis C. HSV/VZV D. Viral exanthem
C. HSV/VZV are painful
Which of the following is NOT painful? A. HSV/VZV B. SJS/TEN C. Staph scalded skin syndrome D. Seborrheic dermatitis
Fever + rash implies ___
Infection, drug, rheumatologic
Joint pain/stiffness implies ___
Weight loss/malaise implies ___
Atopy triad =
Atropic dermatitis
Allergic rhinitis
Which of the following is NOT a classic morphology of primary lesions? A. Flat B. Macular C. Flat-top D. Ulcerated E. Elevated F. Papular
D. Ulcerated is secondary lesion morphology
Crusted, eroded, weepy are also secondary
Name that lesion:
Widespread symmetric bilateral
Favors nipples & flexural sites
Atopic dermatitis
Name that lesion:
Widespread symmetric bilateral
Favors extensor surfaces and extremities
Sharply demarcated, scaly, flat-top, erythematous plaque
Name that lesion:
Localized single cluster of lesions
Grouped vesicles on erythematous base
HSV infection
Name that lesion:
Localized to lumbosacral dermatome
Grouped vesicles on erythematous base in a dermatomal distribution
Varicella zoster (shingles)
Name that lesion:
Localized to sun exposed skin
Erythematous edematous papules and plaques w/ no surface change
Juvenile spring eruption (sun allergy)
Name that lesion:
Linear zosteriform
Erythematous to hemorrhagic grouped vesicles in a linear zosteriform pattern
Varicella zoster
Name that lesion:
Erythematous scaly arcuate patches localized to the right medial proximal thigh
Tinea cruris
Name that lesion:
Erythematous scaly arcuate patch localized to foot
Tinea pedis
Name that lesion:
Diffuse erythematous polycyclic scaly plaques
Tinea corporis
Name that lesion:
Diffuse asymmetric eruption of scaly erythematous polycyclic plaques w/ dyspigmentation
Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
Name the morphology:
Change in skin color w/o elevation or depression
Less than 1 cm in diameter
Name the morphology:
Change in skin color w/o elevation or depression
1 cm or greater in diameter
Name the morphology:
Circumscribed solid elevation w/ no visible fluid
Less than 1 cm diameter
Acuminate =
Tapering to a point
Papillated =
nipple-like protuberance
Digitate =
Finger like protuberance
Umbilicated =
Having central depression
Name the morphology:
Circumscribed solid elevation w/ no visible fluid
1-2 cm diameter
Name the morphology:
Elevated, deep seated, soft, firm, moveable, fixed, sessile, or pedunculated mass
Greater than 2 cm in diameter
Name the morphology:
Circumscribed solid elevation or depression with flat top
1 cm or greater in diameter
Name the morphology:
Circumscribed fluid filled elevation
Less than 1 cm in diameter
Name the morphology:
Circumscribed vesicle filled with purulent material
Less than 1 cm in diameter
Name the morphology:
Circumscribed fluid filled elevation
1 cm or greater in diameter
Name the morphology:
Elevated area of dermal edema, dilated blood vessels, inflammatory cells
Papule or plaque
Wheal “hive”
Name the lesion:
Loss of portion or all of epidermis
Name the lesion:
Loss of epidermis and part of dermis
Heals with scar
Name that lesion:
Linear split or crack in epidermis & dermis
Name the lesion: Linear abrasion (scratch marks)
Name the lesion:
Reduction in thickness of epidermis, dermis, subcutis, or multiple levels
Name the lesion:
Firm plaque of dense fibrotic tissue covered by thin epidermis
Name the lesion:
Dried serum, pus, blood, fibrin, or mixture of all 4
Name the lesion:
Thickened, loose, detached fragments of stratum corneum
Name the lesion:
Thickened epidermis with accentuation of skin marking lines
Lichenification: secondary to chronic rubbing of skin
Which of the following is NOT pruritic? A. Scabies B. Urticaria C. Psoriasis D. Eczematous dermatoses
C. Psoriasis is asymptomatic
Name the configuration:
Loosely grouped together (not touching)
Name the configuration:
Grouped (touching) lesions
Name the configuration:
Cluster of small lesions around a single, usually larger, lesion
Name the configuration:
Resembling a string of rounded beads
Name the configuration:
Coin and plaque like