Rapunzel Flashcards
Something is pointless when it lacks purpose, meaning or significance
ex. It’s pointless telling Barney to stop hanging around with the wrong people, he never listens.
Break off
Literal,l: rompere
Ex. The nib of the pencil has broken off, so it’s literally impossible to write with it
Figurative: troncare, rompere
Ex. Maria and Giulio have decided to broke off their engagement
-Deal the cards means shuffling the decks of cards and then giving out a specific number of cards to each player in a game
-To make a deal means to come to an agreement about something, usually involving a trade or exchange of goods or services
-This is a big deal means an important situation
-Here’s the deal is an idiomatic phrase which means “ let me explain the situation or let me tell you what’s going on”
ex. Here’s the deal: if you study hard and complete all your assignments, you will pass the course.
Gallivanting or to gallivant
Means to go around to different places looking for amusement or entertainment
Ex. she’s been gallivanting around Europe for the past few months visiting different countries
(borsa a tracolla)
It’s a bag with a long strap, usually made from leather or cloth and is commonly used to carry books
Go off
-it means:
(Alarm: sound) suonare, scattare
ex. I don’t always wake up when my alarm goes off
(Food:spoil) scadere
ex. Dairy products go off quickly if they are not kept in the fridge
Go away
ex.He left the family farm and went off the big city to look for work
Informal: lose liking for sth/sb
ex.I used to really like him, but since I heard about his strange habits I’ve gone right off him
Why on earth…?
Expression used to show confusion, disbelief or shock to a question, a request or a statement.
ex.Why on earth would I want your hair?
End of story
Is used at the end of something you say or write to show that no further discussion or opinion is needed on the topic.
Ex. I was being chased, then I saw a tower and I climbed it. End of story.
Get out of someone’s hair
To stop bothering them,to leave them be.
ex. If you realize someone is trying to work or study and you’re distracting them you could say: “ Let me get out of your hair, so you can focus”